Total War series


Dunno why people complaina bout the passive CAI, pretty much all of them have declared war with me by now.

Should complain about how fucking dumb it is instead. Send a stack to their biggest city, wait 1-2 turnd and all their stacks will stop defending it to instead go on a lil patrol when they clearly see me coming... Defend your damn cities and settlements plz :\


Unelected Mod
Just got my new graphics card in and started playing Rome. My old card was getting up to 100C, current one is at 42C while fighting a battle so huge difference in temp.

Never having played a TW game before, kinda overwhelmed by how awesome it is atm and I am still in the prologue. Maybe I will become all jaded and hate it soon.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Try not to get jaded with it. They're much more fun if you take them not that seriously.


Unelected Mod
Any way to fuck up by picking a bad faction for the campaign? Want to go carthage and burn Rome to the ground. Plus elephants.


My spartan empire has been at war with Rome for the past 20 years but we had our first skirmish once I started to invade Italy. Holy fuck their army wiped the floor with mine. Whereas I dominated every other army in 1:3 fashion, here it was like 1700 of my men vs 2300 romans and i got my ass handed to me ;p

I think a little balance will go a long ways to make battles challenging, that was one of the few epic fights I had.


Hotfix just went out that apparently fixes the campaign map performance that was shady.

Next one apparently fixes the end of turn time.

Can't fault them for working hard on fixing all the shit.


Potato del Grande
This worth buying from GMG if I enjoyed civ 3/4, AoE games, HoMM series etc.? Can't recall playing any of the total war/shogun games.


<Bronze Donator>
Those games are similar only in very broad strokes. Europa Universalis + combat simulator will be a better comparison. HoMM shouldn't even be included, honestly.


Potato del Grande
Any other games it is comparable to in the genre? Haven't played Europa Universalis series either. Maybe Lords of the Realm games (I can't be the only one old enough to have played those)? I threw HoMM in just because I was trying to list the majority of TBS/tactical combat/etc style games. Also played some of the 4x space games (MoO 3, galciv, couple others) but I didn't really get too in depth in them, Civ 3 and 4 have the vast vast majority of my empire-building TBS style games with AoE series taking the vast majority of RTS.

I am trying to watch some of the let's play videos on youtube but it's like 4+ hours of videos to watch one game take place (26 minute video I watched covered the first 3 turns and first battle heh). Kind of hard to get a viewpoint on the game like that.

On the other hand I might have to do some spec comparing because my system might not even be able to handle the game unless people are exaggerating a bit on the lag/etc. (Phenom 2 x4 955, 8gb ram, 5850 or 5870 I forget which one I have).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Total War series is somewhat unique. It's a bit like Risk but with much more depth. During turn-based play you manage cities/economy which you need to build up and maintain your armies. As you capture more provinces you need more armies, and economy becomes more complicated. Throw in some diplomacy and a hint of political gameplay and that's it in a nutshell. The game really sucks you in if you take in the period and play it from a conquering emperor point of view.

With regards to performance - the game has some settings (particularly shadows) which just cripple systems. This is probably due to poor optimization. With your specs, you should be able to run the game adequately, given that you tweak the settings around.


Unelected Mod
Was doing shitty as Carthage, had shitloads of people at war with me and my territory was too spread out to defend. I know some of you all are talking about how you are beating fights outnumbered 5 to 1, but I am surely not there yet.

Restarted as Celtics and it is alot easier. Just completed the takeover of Britain and am about to launch D-day to wipe out the germans. I plan on committing genocide of any germanic tribes in an attempt to make sure Marx is never born. Holy shit though, the time between turns is getting silly. It isn't so bad when I am in a war, but when I just finished wiping out a group and I'm repositioning my armies it is 30 seconds of playing and minutes of waiting repeated over and over.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Finished my Spartan campaign on Hard a few days ago, may have been the first to do so according to Steam. See a lot of folks complaining that the basic perioikoi hoplites / pikemen are underpowered, and I think they're all smoking rocks. Should've gone Legendary, but given the stats / bonuses the AI receives from Hard to Legendary (via the TW center forum post on the subject), it doesn't seem like too much of a difference aside from diplomacy and some minor economic benefits. Tips for you Spartan folks out there regarding Royal Spartans: they're currently bugged in that the generals' bodyguards count towards their cap, meaning you won't be able to recruit any...unless you disband each and every one of your generals' units and then try to recruit them. You'll also only be able to recruit two units of Heroes of Sparta.

Also, lol @ heroes of sparta. Had a general and his bodyguard, two units of Heroes , and another two units of Spartan Hoplites charge a mass of just over 2,000 Iceni barbarians in an encampment after I took out the towers with some ballistaes. Took around 20 losses and shattered all of them within around two minutes. Good times.


<Gold Donor>
This game is just way too easy. After having to carefully take down England with the iceni I steamrolled all of western Europe and fought my way down to a completely undefended Rome and Carthage. Starting over as a greek state army to maybe give maneuvering and formation more importance on the field (I really doubt it, massively frustrating that they took a time when armies that marched, fought in and held formation were the top of the line and the most dominating and turned that into everybody just losing their shit and fighting in a big blob after a half a second of combat).

Opted into the beta patch and that has cleared up all of my performance problems although the game will still not use any other textures but the lowest quality on the battle map.

Creative Assembly just seems like a woefully incompetent company. The aforementioned texture and model quality is just an example of how it seems like they just don't give a fuck. When your graphical assets, the most forward facing example of the time and effort that you put into the game, are as half assed as the ones that they've put into the successor to their flagship title you know that they either don't give a shit or aren't talented enough to attempt to give a shit, i'm now leaning towards not talented enough with the amount of really simple things that they have messed up. Have you tried to change the banner for one of your armies? It used to not be able to register individual clicks probably because it was probably looking for clicks to pan the selection before the click event occurred. Now it takes an extra click for the selection to register that it has hit the end of the list. This feature is so insignificant that it could have just been cut out and nobody would have noticed but they left an insanely simple broken feature in the game and that's just a big fuck you to your consumers. Cavalry have lost the ability to ride down fleeing units and is now back to the old medieval behavior or either zigzagging around or just following them very slowly. When the big boy development tasks are just as fucked as the intern ones you know that you might have a problem with your development staff knowing fuck-all about actual coding. It's a lot of small things trailing behind a few really glaring big ones.

The AI is probably going to be fixed within a week by a third party, the graphics have already been fixed by a third party. When some unattached guys can grab your code and fix issues in a week that your team couldn't finish over the course of years you have the wrong people working for you.


This game is just way too easy. After having to carefully take down England with the iceni I steamrolled all of western Europe and fought my way down to a completely undefended Rome and Carthage. Starting over as a greek state army to maybe give maneuvering and formation more importance on the field (I really doubt it, massively frustrating that they took a time when armies that marched, fought in and held formation were the top of the line and the most dominating and turned that into everybody just losing their shit and fighting in a big blob after a half a second of combat).

Opted into the beta patch and that has cleared up all of my performance problems although the game will still not use any other textures but the lowest quality on the battle map.

Creative Assembly just seems like a woefully incompetent company. The aforementioned texture and model quality is just an example of how it seems like they just don't give a fuck. When your graphical assets, the most forward facing example of the time and effort that you put into the game, are as half assed as the ones that they've put into the successor to their flagship title you know that they either don't give a shit or aren't talented enough to attempt to give a shit, i'm now leaning towards not talented enough with the amount of really simple things that they have messed up. Have you tried to change the banner for one of your armies? It used to not be able to register individual clicks probably because it was probably looking for clicks to pan the selection before the click event occurred. Now it takes an extra click for the selection to register that it has hit the end of the list. This feature is so insignificant that it could have just been cut out and nobody would have noticed but they left an insanely simple broken feature in the game and that's just a big fuck you to your consumers. Cavalry have lost the ability to ride down fleeing units and is now back to the old medieval behavior or either zigzagging around or just following them very slowly. When the big boy development tasks are just as fucked as the intern ones you know that you might have a problem with your development staff knowing fuck-all about actual coding. It's a lot of small things trailing behind a few really glaring big ones.

The AI is probably going to be fixed within a week by a third party, the graphics have already been fixed by a third party. When some unattached guys can grab your code and fix issues in a week that your team couldn't finish over the course of years you have the wrong people working for you.
Try the new beta patch...My spartan empire just got wiped out in like 10 turns rofl...

In a battle: The ai sends his shitty skirmishers at me to draw out my javelinmen and empy their ammo, then he separates his army in 3 to confuse me. The little bastard... So i Hold the line and make a stand at the victory point.... He sends in a first army from the left flank SO i move in my line to meet him, then he sends in the 2nd army from the right flank to take care of the rst of my hoplites...his 3rd army comes in last with his cavalry + Royal veteran super units and basicaly blitzkrieg right in the middle from behind to annihilate every living thing.

Jesus AI, You coulda been more gentle about it :>

I also saw the AI use some artillery units...that was a first since before patch I've never seen the ai use them.

TLDR fuck your story: Ai is a lot better with beta patch #2, campaign AND battle :x


Registered Hutt
Yea, that shit is irrelevant to me. They could be stick figures for all I care. I also skip those stupid speeches they've frequently had at the beginning of battles. Like, shutup dumbass, I've got germans to kill.


Unelected Mod
So is it just me or are 90% of the battles over cities? Open-world fights pretty much never seem to occur. Once a force is in a city, there isn't really any way to try and force them out. Same if I see an enemy force trying to invade, i can just sit in a city and wait for them to attack. They can't do anything to drive me out other than possibly try and go to another city.

Was this that way in the other total wars? Shouldn't you be able to pillage or raze the land or something to make them come out and defend their land?


They moved basically all of the stuff that used to be out in the countryside into the cities for this iteration. It's actually one of the design decisions I think there's a legitimate gripe with, as it has the exact effect you mention. There's no reason to care about any of your terrain that isn't a city at this point.