Total War series


The ranged units have race cars under their lil feet. They really shouldnt scuttle that fast when skirmishing :>


Golden Knight of the Realm
Honestly, the shit you guys are talking about all sounds patchable. I'm not too worried.
Indeed; the modders can get around to fixing the battle speeds even if CA doesn't get around to it in time; the issue is that it's even this bad to begin with. Don't get me wrong, nearly every TW is released and is full of some clusterfuck of game-breaking bugs (Empire, anyone?) but this is just something else. Some elements of the game need to be completely re-worked, namely the UI, among other things. I just don't see how they gathered a group of people together, evaluated this game in its current state and said "Yeah, that'll do." Just go look at the totalwar reddit forum for a small glimpse of the crazy bugs I've seen today, either through perusing forums or first-hand from friends jumping in mumble shouting "WHAT THE FUCK".

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
this bro was hardcore



Trump's Staff
Have bit hit with one frame rate slow down, which is pretty much inexcusable with a GTX 770. So... I am guessing new drivers will fix this and a few patches.
The game is extremely heavily CPU bound, which is probably where your frame rate hits are coming from, not the GPU.

Basically processors aren't much faster than they were 1 1/2 years ago when Shogun 2 came out (and for a lot of people not faster at all), but the game is quite a bit larger. You can bring up to 40 groups into a battle now, and the largest unit sizes are as big or bigger (I think) than Shogun 2. Had a giant cluster-fuck battle yesterday that was pretty awesome, but I couldn't really run it well much above normal speed with the largest sized units.

It is a trade-off, one of the biggest complaints about Shogun 2 was how small and non-diverse it was. So they fixed that, the price is mostly longer turn times. I find that acceptable because I prefer the larger and more diverse map.


Trump's Staff
Ok, so apparently there is a second difficulty slider for Battle AI itself, and even in a Legendary campaign diffculty it isn't set to max (See Screenshot). I am not sure how much of a difference it makes, I will experiment with it when I get home using some skirmish battles. Hiding this is a bit of a puzzle, I don't see why they didn't just add the slider to the new campaign screen.


Also there is a tick-box for projectile trails, if you don't have them make sure you have it ticked on (or tick it off if you don't want them.


ugh i understand what everyone was saying..load times during ai turns are getting progressively up to 2 mins and i have a pretty damn good pc


Trakanon Raider
First patch dropa friday, aimed at crash fixes and optimization. They are looking to patch every week.


ugh i understand what everyone was saying..load times during ai turns are getting progressively up to 2 mins and i have a pretty damn good pc
Don't worry we got one shill working overtime to tell you nothing is wrong with the game. Meanwhile it's getting TOR level reception everywhere else. Of course there's always that one guy


Don't worry we got one shill working overtime to tell you nothing is wrong with the game. Meanwhile it's getting TOR level reception everywhere else. Of course there's always that one guy
Well to be fair you are saying its a garbage game and I completely disagree... But its not all roses like the other guy is making it out to be. I'd say its on the "good side" but with a lot of bad things to flesh out :\

Siege battles are so fucking incredibly easy to talking like 1 vs 4 ratio on hardest setting easy... I just defeated a 20 stack with just the reserves in a shitty city.. i lost 175 men, he lost 2.6k...

He sends his units to choke points like a retard and i just keep flanking him destroying his units one after the other, god this is awful ai :x


But it is garbage:

Visuals: somehow worse Shogun 2
Performance: Arma 2/3/Crysis tier
AI: hasn't been this broken since Empire
UI: Fucking mind bogglingly bad compared to Shogun 2
Battles: shorter than Shogun 2 with even less strategy
MP: gutted presumably for their "MOBA" and what's left is broken/laggy as fuck

There's nothing this game does good or better than any other TW game. As of right now there is not one improvement to be found in the entire game. This is like if your annualized CoD or sports game was fundamentally worse in all aspects, yet people are trying to pretend it's somehow not, which I can only imagine is post-purchase rationalization.


But it is garbage:

Visuals: somehow worse Shogun 2
Performance: Arma 2/3/Crysis tier
AI: hasn't been this broken since Empire
UI: Fucking mind bogglingly bad compared to Shogun 2
Battles: shorter than Shogun 2 with even less strategy
MP: gutted presumably for their "MOBA" and what's left is broken/laggy as fuck

There's nothing this game does good or better than any other TW game. As of right now there is not one improvement to be found in the entire game. This is like if your annualized CoD or sports game was fundamentally worse in all aspects, yet people are trying to pretend it's somehow not, which I can only imagine is post-purchase rationalization.
A lot of things are better. Unit variety is way more interesting than shogun, being able to upgrade troops by walking into provinces, retrianing them in the same manner, managing armies instead of individual units, being able to have naval and land armies in same battle, The province system to allow for edicts instead of individual cities, a more complete internal diplomacy system with gravitas and influence, load times for battles are greatly reduced compared to shogun 2, siege battles altho easy as fuck due to really bad ai are more varried maps, dont have stupid walls, and require you to plan ahead with ladders, rams, etc.. Not all sieges have walls, armies can create encampments to defend a choke point,etc.

Could go on and on, you are just an extremist negative nancy :>

I dont think you recall just how awful shogun 2 was at release, way worse than this game is at the moment.


You're using limitations of the era as game improvements, god damn you people are reaching. It has a greater unit variety than a small country's civil war you say? Incredible. Who cares if it's completely fucking awful to play, it has more units!


Molten Core Raider
You just have to look at the research tree. In Shogun you open the research tree and there it is, in its entirety. Not in Rome II though, here it's hidden behind something like 8 tiny tabs. This is almost like the kind of menu you would find in an annoying console port, so people with controllers can mash RB/LB to switch through the tabs.
And yet there are people, even in this forum for gods sake, who're calling this an improvement.

The minimap does not seem to offer even the simplest of filters, maybe I'm just missing it? How about some zoom, the name of the provinces, showing basic diplomatic relations in green/yellow/red or something like that.

Why is diplomacy still so retarded? It feels worse than it did in Shogun 2, even there many decisions of the AI were just completely implausible. So CA said they would improve on that aspect, but there's absolutely nothing to be found that is better about it in Rome.

If you're besieging a city and have to defend against a sally, you need to sit on your ass and hold a victory point, otherwise you straight up loose the battle. How is this a good mechanic?

Where's the improved battle maps and terrain? Is that CA putting down 2 of these fake cities you would sometimes find in Shogun maps? The ones which do nothing for the actual battle but screw up the pathfinding of every unit in its vicinity?

The AI and combat as a whole is bonkers, a unit of peasant slingers wiped out my generals bodyguard in melee, it is just awful all around.


So basicaly you say there's nothing better, I offer you at least 10 things that are, you nitpick at one blaming the era (eventho it is still a true statement)... Do you have anything to add to this thread or are you just looking to whine about everything without an actual conversation about positive and negative things about the game in an intelligent manner.


You're citing personal taste as things that are improved, whereas I'm pointing out all the technical and fundamental flaws that Rome 2 shipped with, which you have zero answers for. Just keep going back to muh unit variety and enjoy your broken game you fucking retard


You're citing personal taste as things that are improved, whereas I'm pointing out all the technical and fundamental flaws that Rome 2 shipped with, which you have zero answers for. Just keep going back to muh unit variety and enjoy your broken game you fucking retard
Thanks for making my point.


Molten Core Raider
So basicaly you say there's nothing better, I offer you at least 10 things that are, you nitpick at one blaming the era (eventho it is still a true statement)... Do you have anything to add to this thread or are you just looking to whine about everything without an actual conversation about positive and negative things about the game in an intelligent manner.
You have nothing. You and Denaut bring up features which were already present in Shogun. Character traits are nothing new; the influence system is no different in its mechanics from a generals loyalty. Training troops directly from the general instead of going into a city? Already in Shogun. The diplomacy and tech-tree are copy&paste from previous games, even the little shitty bonuses are still in the game.
Who doesn't love +2% wealth from agricultural and 5% wealth from commerce buildings?

Perfomance is bad, the UI is ugly and makes some things even less accessible than before. Do we need to bring up combat AI, do we really have to talk about that?

So yes, I AM shitting on this game, because it's a massive disappointment. "Oh hey, Shogun 2 was bad at release too!". What kind of an attitude is that, why are people happy about buying unfinished or bad products. Shogun was years ago, Rome SHOULD be better on all accounts. But it is not.

Instead we pay 5 dollars more than before and get a weak game. The core mechanics of the TW games have not changed over the years. Essentially they have to slap some numbers on a bunch of units and need to do some balancing. Obviously somebody has to come up with a bunch of textures, the setting and "lore" is predetermined.

This simply feels like a sloppy and lazy cashgrab, because they know there's nothing else like TW out there and the fanbase is (as demonstrated here) extremely loyal.