Total War: Warhammer


<Silver Donator>
Finally finished my IE campaign as Kairos. Was really fun, although kinda long but that's pretty standard for those campaigns. Writeup of the campaign:

Had a hard start and couldn't expand fast because I was surrounded by assholes and they kept moving in everytime I went to slap one, in retrospect some changes in how I played it would have made it easier but it had been years since I last played and I forgot some tricks. Once I got out of that stranglehold, I expanded really quickly but around turn 130 or so I ran into issues with being spread too thin and spending too much money every turn on upgrading all the shit I conquered, in 2 turns I lost 3 out of my 4 armies and decided to take some time and prepare for the last push.

Started adding unit buildings in provinces closer to the frontline(at the time that was in the southern parts of the tomb kings desert, Settra is the one who killed 2 out of the 3 armies with his unending stacks of garbage+one army with all the RoR units) and built 4 "doomstacks" which weren't fully doomstacks but armies that basically could win any 1vs1 easily and I made sure to spec every lord into lightning strike. Army comp was 4 Lords of Change(with all tech, I finished tech at like turn 100 or something with all the tech bonuses), 2 Soul Grinders to kill monsters and heroes and stuff, 6 exalted pink horrors for pew pew and 6 normal pink horrors for frontline since they're easily replaced. Along with Lord+Cultist for campaign movespeed and summons. In some armies I ran an additional caster for lore of metal, largely for plague of rust but all the spells were kinda useful so armies where my lord was lore of tzeentch I had a lore of metal hero in there too instead of a pink horror. My Kairos army had 3 flamers instead of the pink horrors, I speced into them on a whim so I didn't feel like disbanding them but I didn't notice how good they were until late game, probably would have had a couple in every army.

After that I cleared out the tomb kings(although some of these fucks went and took random territories and then kept spamming skeleton stacks at me so had to waste time killing these too) and started working on the greatest waagh guys past the desert. I made an allliance with Queek so he would keep Karak Eight Peaks since one of the endgame guys was Skarsnik and fed him a bunch of the mountain shit to keep him afloat, but he was very largely useless other than that even if at the end he had like 24settlements from all the shit I gave him. At some point I figured 4 armies wasn't gonna cut it against the endgame doomstacks, so I added 2more and upgraded the army that I had fucking around in Lustria to come help too. I left Lustria to Rakarth after giving him a bunch of the lands, I kept all the nice money harbors and gave him all the garbage mountain and jungle shit, and he basicaly cleared out the remaining lizard and huntsman expedition while I was gone.

After that it was just a matter of mowing down the greenskins slowly and carefully, and I had to play a bunch of fights manually cause the autoresolve would be like "oh you're assaulting a walled settlement with a waagh army in there, sorry that's gonna be a close defeat/pyrhic victory" and then I'd play it and lose literally no units. Once I got going with all the armies it didn't take too long to clear out everything, never lost a fight and their armies were mostly running away from mine, until some of them forgot the memo or they tried a last stand at some walled city which I'd clear manually.

Overall Tzeentch units felt super broken lategame. Lords of Change especially are super busted units, having so many bound spells means you can just take out so much shit for free. General fights had me killing half the enemy army before they even reached mine, and in settlement fights I just stood outside and kill everything with ranged/spells. Horrors are extremely cost efficient being both good ranged and decent melee for very low costs and their casters are really strong. I didn't put too much into their melee units other than Grinders(too squishy) and I didn't bother with any cav since I didn't have strong melee units to hold stuff down properly. I played without the DLC though so no chosen, maybe that'd have helped, but my playstyle felt right for Tzeentch, bait shit with throw away summons then unleash several overlapped spells on the idiots and rain blue and pink fire on everything.
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Yeah the tzeentch doom stacks are just well rounded armies that are ranked up and they fuck real hard late game


<Silver Donator>
Small nerf but they don't mention fixing the healing tech which is what's broken due to a bug, apparently increases healing by 5000% instead of 50%, Vlad/Isabella and Festus also have similar issues with their healing, there's a mod to fix it. Some things they haven't fixed which sucks like the Sisters quests being bugged in IE and unclear if everything's fixed for some of the others(Imrik and Repanse have mentions but not sure if it covers everything).

Nice qol change is every LL has siege now, so you can instant siege everything even in the first few turns(doing Kislev run atm and had to waste some turns early on sieging Praag and stuff which I would have been able to do instantly otherwise).


<Silver Donator>
Apparently with 2.1 they fucked up something big and defensive siege/settlement battles are super bugged and can crash/lock you. They said they're working on a hotfix. Interestingly I did play one since the patch and it worked fine, although I lost cause as I usualy the AI attacked one turn before walls were finished.

Playing Kislev in the Realm of Chaos campaign atm, wanted to unlock Boris and Be'lakor so figured I'd do both. Kislev is fun, basic kossars are great I've been winning every fight with just 18kossars+1lord+1patriarch so far, besides Katarin's army in which I replace everything with Ice Guards instead and bought some bears too for good measure. The realm of chaos shit seems weird, I skipped the first one cause it was way too early and everything was burning but 2nd I stabilized a lot so I went in and got some super powerful weapon and auto resolved a few fights and I won a soul? Seemed really easy for what it gave.

Few turns later I also hit 600supporters and it automatically confederated the other guy who had a ton of settlements(for some reason he was shitting on everyone around him), I had hoped I could choose to do it manually when I wanted, spent like an hour just disbanding shit, redoing the buildings, redoing the inventories and making sure everything was right. But now I can basically just finish raising the couple of armies I'm remaking and just more or less turtle as I won almost everything around(most of the empire died to Kostalyn or Festus so I own most of that too). And then I guess I just chain the souls and I'm done? Honestly looks pretty easy, although I figure it has to do with the anti rift buildings which apparently they added post release. Having rifts in every single province everytime sounds like huge garbage, hilarious they launched with that.


Oh yeah I got my fix on IE until they make their fix on IE themselves and get it out of beta.

Its an absolutely monumental undertaking so giving them tons of slack.

These "end game scenarios" could use more than just "lol stacks" - like other world changing things happening.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Few turns later I also hit 600supporters and it automatically confederated the other guy who had a ton of settlements(for some reason he was shitting on everyone around him), I had hoped I could choose to do it manually when I wanted, spent like an hour just disbanding shit, redoing the buildings, redoing the inventories and making sure everything was right.
This is honestly one of my biggest annoyances! I haven't been able to finish a Kislev RoC compaign because of the auto confederation. It's like using a max level boost in an MMO; there's just tons of shit to sort through...looking at the lords, heroes, buildings. It's just such a pain in the ass and I lose all motivation.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Playing Kislev in the Realm of Chaos campaign atm, wanted to unlock Boris and Be'lakor so figured I'd do both. Kislev is fun, basic kossars are great I've been winning every fight with just 18kossars+1lord+1patriarch so far, besides Katarin's army in which I replace everything with Ice Guards instead and bought some bears too for good measure. The realm of chaos shit seems weird, I skipped the first one cause it was way too early and everything was burning but 2nd I stabilized a lot so I went in and got some super powerful weapon and auto resolved a few fights and I won a soul? Seemed really easy for what it gave.
This is honestly one of my biggest annoyances! I haven't been able to finish a Kislev RoC compaign because of the auto confederation. It's like using a max level boost in an MMO; there's just tons of shit to sort through...looking at the lords, heroes, buildings. It's just such a pain in the ass and I lose all motivation.
I am also playing/powering through Katarin in RoC to unlock Boris. Just putting it on Easy/Easy to get the 3 settlements, doing the quest battle then checking out.

If you Co-Op, both Belakor and Boris are playable with out having to unlock them.
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<Silver Donator>
I am also playing/powering through Katarin in RoC to unlock Boris. Just putting it on Easy/Easy to get the 3 settlements, doing the quest battle then checking out.

If you Co-Op, both Belakor and Boris are playable with out having to unlock them.
I don't co-op, playing on VH/VH for achievements while I'm at it since IE doesn't count. For just getting Boris though it makes sense since that's super early, you can confederate Erengard pretty early and take Praag like turn 2 so you get the quest battle super early if you rush it and it's easy enough to beat with even a basic army since it's a very fragmented quest battle instead of the usual clusterfuck(like Katarin's quest battle where you start in an ambush state with tzeentch demons on every side).

This is honestly one of my biggest annoyances! I haven't been able to finish a Kislev RoC compaign because of the auto confederation. It's like using a max level boost in an MMO; there's just tons of shit to sort through...looking at the lords, heroes, buildings. It's just such a pain in the ass and I lose all motivation.
Tbh it wasn't that bad, I just wanted to do it right so I took more time than needed, but it's perfectly fine to basically just disband everything(after unequipping items) and recruit new stuff. Most of the lords the AI played had shitty skills and stuff so it was easier to just remake them, one of them was ok though so I kept him and I kept Kostatyn(he also had decent skills). Giving them all items and stuff is what took the longest because the equipment menu is pretty fucking bad imo. Also depends on how much land he has when you confederate, in mine he had like 5 provinces so he had a ton of stuff going on, but if chaos stuff fucked him up more he probably wouldn't have had that much.

Now that's done though it's basically a matter of raising my armies, putting them in each corners of my stuff to intercept chaos, clearing out the stupid ogres who stole my shit during last rift event and just passing turns after that until the events to finish. At this point the campaign is basically over, I just don't see how any of these fucks is going to be able to do anything.
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<Silver Donator>
Just did that battle over lunch today. Getting ambushed sucks doesnt matter the difficulty. Woof.
Yeah especially since most the units are a mix of cav which get into melee right away and ranged shit. Still wasn't that bad but if I was on my original kossar stack I think I wouldn't have won it, I had upgraded the whole army to Ice Guards though since those are cheap as fuck on Katarin and they have much better stats. Still it's fun for a change, the standard fights kinda always go the same.


privileged excrementlord
Finished Legendary IE ultimate campaign victory with Cult of Sotek. Really enjoyed the map, but annoyed there was no legendary lizardmen achievement for it. Oh well.

With WoC confederation added, I'll probably try Be'Lakor next.
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Finished Legendary IE ultimate campaign victory with Cult of Sotek. Really enjoyed the map, but annoyed there was no legendary lizardmen achievement for it. Oh well.

With WoC confederation added, I'll probably try Be'Lakor next.

Glad I'm not the only one who likes achievement collecting on this one. And I think it's the only game or series of games I actually do.
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<Silver Donator>
Glad I'm not the only one who likes achievement collecting on this one. And I think it's the only game or series of games I actually do.
Sadly in the current state you can't do much unless you play RoC with the TW3 races, hope they add achievements in the october patch and not later.

I keep backups of my campaigns on last turn before finishing in case I can load them after they add achievements to collect them all at once. So far after my original Tzeentch IE, I did RoC Kislev(this one counted obviously), then Taurox IE which was hilariously easy and fast(90turns for "long" victory, didn't bother killing the endgame stuff but probably wouldn't take long with how strong my doomstack is anyway).

Now doing Repanse de Lyonesse which was a rough as fuck start but now that I stabilized I'm just making a lot of money and teching up so it'll probably go fine, just scared about Kairos being already almost next to me, gonna need to kill this fuck asap so he doesn't swap my settlements around and other stupid shit. Getting to T4 in a few turns then it's crusading time, getting lizard friend tech so I don't have to fight all these cunts on the way(Tiktakto bonus would be nice though).
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Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I’ve really been enjoying the new WoC rework and new lords. The WoC LL’s campaigns are all so different from each other and I love the new recruitment/upgrade system. It’s fun to follow your marauders as they upgrade into chaos warriors, chosen, chaos knights and more. Really well done rework and DLC.


privileged excrementlord
I’ve really been enjoying the new WoC rework and new lords. The WoC LL’s campaigns are all so different from each other and I love the new recruitment/upgrade system. It’s fun to follow your marauders as they upgrade into chaos warriors, chosen, chaos knights and more. Really well done rework and DLC.
Yeah been messing around with Be'lakor in IE and it's a blast. Glad the last patch included a confederation option.
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<Silver Donator>
And this was....?
New lab, basically this
They partner with Intel to get money and advertise these new options as stuff that push the CPU so you need the new Intel CPUs to run the lab at full settings kinda. It's basically pointless stuff although can be fun for some things.

They did post some news in the meantime though in today's hotfix(which is purely for those new CPUs that aren't even out yet so it's pointless shit) next patch is currently slated for Oct 18th.

Update 2.2 is currently targeting October 18 as its release date! This major update includes a wide variety of changes and fixes to several outstanding issues impacting players—in addition to new features based on ongoing player feedback—as you all dive into Total War: WARHAMMER III and Immortal Empires:
End Turn Crash Fix: Coming soon.
Settlement Battles: Numerous adjustments are being made to the number of Settlement Battles encountered throughout a campaign. More details in the full notes next month!
AI Improvements: Several adjustments are being made to the AI based on player feedback: they’ll be generally more aggressive, will scale better with their difficulty setting, should employ smarter tactics in Battle, and will (overall) be better allies and vassals, as well.
Split Ranked Queue: Choose between Land and Domination Battles!
New Endgame Crisis: Yes-yes…
Regiments of Renown III: Our third Regiments of Renown pack is on the way!

Much more is on the way, so watch for the full release notes coming your way on October 18.
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