Trollface memorial thread


Golden Knight of the Realm

FOH to RR and back again weeeeee


Tranny Chaser
So you think that Tuco coded vbulletin and set up the server here? Not sure why you're kissing his ass anyway, pretty sure he doesn't buy into your faggotry.
Yeah, I'm not the IT expert you are, obviously, Mr. Security expert. I'm fairly certain I didn't say he coded vbulletin though, but hyperbole is fun apparently, whatever. Say whatever you want to discredit my words, but it doesn't take away the fact that Tuco made the move of this community possible, twice. If that's suddenly the same as kissing his ass or somehow trying to bullshit him, then whatever man. I don't agree with everything he says or do, nor do I idolize him needlessly.

Speaking of Justice, how about you own up to the fact that perma banning Trollface on the grounds of retrospectively applying a rule was wrong? Why do you pass everything to Tuco? It would suit you to admit you were a tad hasty from time to time. Shrug.


Tranny Chaser
+1 vote for taking out the boring self absorbed nest shitting trash.
No one is forcing you to read what they write. You have adequate board functionality as well as a, hopefully, developed capability to overcome adversity and simply ignore a post it if it displeases you. Making a fuss over it seems silly, and, to use your words, self absorbed.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I'm not the IT expert you are, obviously, Mr. Security expert. I'm fairly certain I didn't say he coded vbulletin though, but hyperbole is fun apparently, whatever. Say whatever you want to discredit my words, but it doesn't take away the fact that Tuco made the move of this community possible, twice. If that's suddenly the same as kissing his ass or somehow trying to bullshit him, then whatever man. I don't agree with everything he says or do, nor do I idolize him needlessly.

Speaking of Justice, how about you own up to the fact that perma banning Trollface on the grounds of retrospectively applying a rule was wrong? Why do you pass everything to Tuco? It would suit you to admit you were a tad hasty from time to time. Shrug.
You said "coded the forums" or whatever. I'm not trying to diminish all the cat wrangling Tuco had to do at the time, just to say that you are incorrect. We are here because of the community and we are here on someone else's dime.

I was not wrong. Trollface deserved to be permabanned and so do you and probably 5-10 other people.

I once reversed a 30 day RRP that Big Ern gave you and that was wrong. Not for reversing it, except for the fact that it pissed Big Ern off and we haven't seen him since and that is a tragedy. But because I wasn't clear, I reversed that shit because you deserve a ban, not this halfass "RRP" fake punishment shit. So there you have it, I admitted a mistake I made bro.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I wish everyone who talks about not wanting to come here any more would actually just stop coming. No wonder I stopped coming here with all this whiny bullshit.


Tranny Chaser
You said "coded the forums" or whatever. I'm not trying to diminish all the cat wrangling Tuco had to do at the time, just to say that you are incorrect. We are here because of the community and we are here on someone else's dime.

I was not wrong. Trollface deserved to be permabanned and so do you and probably 5-10 other people.

I once reversed a 30 day RRP that Big Ern gave you and that was wrong. Not for reversing it, except for the fact that it pissed Big Ern off and we haven't seen him since and that is a tragedy. But because I wasn't clear, I reversed that shit because you deserve a ban, not this halfass "RRP" fake punishment shit. So there you have it, I admitted a mistake I made bro.
Yeah, I need to charge my lazer, fatigued. Let's not argue over being here - I do like that we are here, as a community. That's partly why I don't want bans left and right each time the tribals demand blood. We should be better than that - that's one of many reasones why we moved. It's ironic that so many here want for the olden days, punishments like TBH etc. while claiming Tyen was the Devil. I don't know he ever did a single ban - trolly as he was.

As for bans, Trollfaces, mine, others - asserting it was or will be Just? doesn't make it so. Why don't you present some solid arguments instead? 'I was not wrong' is weak and you know it. I've provided ample arguments as to why this is wrong in several threads - this, ask amod and Freedom and FSR. All I hear from you is 'I'd trade all of you for Hatorade'. Could we get some coherent, comprehensive and factual arguments for a change? Perhaps I've missed it over the 'Izo is a bad poster'-rhetoric? Shrug.

It's not always apparent who does what - we get a mail, the sentence is there. Then it's gone if reversed. No mention of who and why. Also it can be mid sentence while typing, being oblivious to a warning or an exacerbation - I've gotten extra RRP time and a ban on that account more than once.
Should I thank you for doing what I consider your job - being skeptical and critical of the passing of sentences - is that it? You moderators who are judge, jury and executioners incarnate, subject to whims and capriciousness - which my reversal history clearly shows? You've explained before that you all use Tuco as an ombudsman as to not thread on fellow mod decisions, as you, apparently, did here. I wish you'd show a little public remorse or at least admit when you fuck up from time to time (and not this passive aggressive bs you're doing here) - that would certainly go towards credibility. As it is now, I don't trust but a few of you to handle a possible offense when I'm concerned. I've had to go to Tuco so many times for a Just or at the very least sensible sentence. It's gotten better, sure, baby steps and the occasional relapse. As for Erronius, he's had it in for me for a long time for whatever reason. I've had my banter with him many times before he played turncoat or supposedly didn't want me as a Jug (WTF, I wasn't never a candidate anyway - I don't like being toyed with). I doubt you allegedly overturning a sentence of his can be the sole reason of him leaving. If that's the case he shouldn't be a mod in the first place. You mods aren't above hyperbole it seems. Maybe you should make Hatorade a mod too? Who watches the watchers? Cheers.


Filtro de aceite puede ser dif?cil de cambiar, algunos se ponen demasiado apretado impossiable eliminaci?n decisiones


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I need to charge my lazer, fatigued. Let's not argue over being here - I do like that we are here, as a community. That's partly why I don't want bans left and right each time the tribals demand blood. We should be better than that - that's one of many reasones why we moved. It's ironic that so many here want for the olden days, punishments like TBH etc. while claiming Tyen was the Devil. I don't know he ever did a single ban - trolly as he was.

As for bans, Trollfaces, mine, others - asserting it was or will be JustT doesn't make it so. Why don't you present some solid arguments instead? 'I was not wrong' is weak and you know it. I've provided ample arguments as to why this is wrong in several threads - this, ask amod and Freedom and FSR. All I hear from you is 'I'd trade all of you for Hatorade'. Could we get some coherent, comprehensive and factual arguments for a change? Perhaps I've missed it over the 'Izo is a bad poster'-rhetoric? Shrug.

It's not always apparent who does what - we get a mail, the sentence is there. Then it's gone if reversed. No mention of who and why. Also it can be mid sentence while typing, being oblivious to a warning or an exacerbation - I've gotten extra RRP time and a ban on that account more than once.
Should I thank you for doing what I consider your job - being skeptical and critical of the passing of sentences - is that it? You moderators who are judge, jury and executioners incarnate, subject to whims and capriciousness - which my reversal history clearly shows? You've explained before that you all use Tuco as an ombudsman as to not thread on fellow mod decisions, as you, apparently, did here. I wish you'd show a little public remorse or at least admit when you fuck up from time to time (and not this passive aggressive bs you're doing here) - that would certainly go towards credibility. As it is now, I don't trust but a few of you to handle a possible offense when I'm concerned. I've had to go to Tuco so many times for a Just or at the very least sensible sentence. It's gotten better, sure, baby steps and the occasional relapse. As for Erronius, he's had it in for me for a long time for whatever reason. I've had my banter with him many times before he played turncoat or supposedly didn't want me as a Jug (WTF, I wasn't never a candidate anyway - I don't like being toyed with). I doubt you allegedly overturning a sentence of his can be the sole reason of him leaving. If that's the case he shouldn't be a mod in the first place. You mods aren't above hyperbole it seems. Maybe you should make Hatorade a mod too? Who watches the watchers? Cheers.
Bro, you always post a bunch of TL;DR shit that no one but you is going to read.

I don't care about "just", this isn't a court of law or a nation of laws. You are shitting on someone else's property, populated with a community that doesn't owe you shit. I think I was pretty clear about my position. Hatorade and Voyce and some of the other guys who rarely post here anymore, I value them more than you and Trollface and whoever else is in your tribe of dumbasses, and the fact that we are losing longstanding community members so you can argue endlessly about the virtue of posting pictures of dead children, or so Trollface can post underage girls over and over again, that shit is tragic. And it makes me long for the arbitrary justice of TBH who, even if he made a bad decision or two, would have taken care of this situation real quick. If it were up to me, you would all be gone, permanently. The only thing stopping that from happening is Tuco, for now. But being dumbasses you guys keep pushing the envelope to the point where eventually even he will come around.


temer nuestros tallos !

temer nuestros tallos !

(Just fucking with the NSA here.)
temer nuestros tallos !
temer nuestros tallos !
temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !temer nuestros tallos !

just trying to get Draegen detained by men in overly starched suits.