True Detective


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Probably not released yet, read an article today that the main singer and Lera lynn werent even done with the music for episode 8


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Great episode, brought a lot of coherency to the overall narrative.

I am enjoying the season. The one thing I fucking hate is that god damn bar they hold court in. It just screams of artsy pretentious bullshit with the lone singer singing to an empty room in EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. Seems so unnatural and out of place.
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Tranny Chaser
Great episode, brought a lot of coherency to the overall narrative.

I am enjoying the season. The one thing I fucking hate is that god damn bar they hold court in. It just screams of artsy pretentious bullshit with the lone singer singing to an empty room in EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. Seems so unnatural and out of place.
That's probably the idea. Out of place. Twin Peaks'ish. Sorta.


Trakanon Raider
Wasn't too into the previous two episodes, but this one was much better. Pretty sure I hate McAdams' character. Cock scene was dumb and felt ham fisted (hah!).

At this point, my investment in the actual crime is pretty minimal. I'm basically just watching for Velcoro at this point. He crushed this episode.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Velcoro please kill Vince Vaughn's character so we don't have to listen to another fucking episode of baby talk.


Got something right about marriage
That blue balls line was fantastic. I'm convinced they are trolling Vince Vaughn into thinking he's a good actor with this terribly written cheese. I think someone on that writing team secretly hates VV.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea the blue ball of the heart played right into that meme on 4chan lol. It literally could have come from that thread.

Frank the overly eloquent gangster...looool. anyway Velcoro is still amazing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I feel bad for gods warrior, every person has fucked him over and cant catch a break. I started geting mad when he was in the room with that snide actress. Saves Ani and Ray, kills the mexicans gets shit on, goes to war and gets shit on, mom fucks him over, actress is ruining his life, blacking out and getting it in the ass. Actress stuff really pisses me off though cause that type of shit happens way to often
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Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I'll watch the rest of the season but at this point I have pretty much thrown in the towel with the show. I about laughed my ass off when I saw "only 3 episodes left" because I feel like we are still building the characters up instead of wrapping up their stories. I have ZERO interest in any of the story arcs at this point:

I don't give a shit who killed Casper
I don't give a shit if Vince Vaughn's character gets his money or land back
I don't give a shit if Vince Vaughn and his wife have a kid
I don't give a shit if Rachel McAdams ever finds a fat cock to love
I don't give a shit if Taylor Kitsch ever finds a fat cock to love
I don't give a shit about Velcoro's kid
I barely give a shit about seeing Velcoro lose his shit at some point and going on a vengance fueled rampage that leaves Vinci as a town with population none

This was such a far cry from the first season that I find it hard to believe that anyone associated with S1 is associated with S2. The dialog is awe full and cringe worthy at times and the pacing of this season makes me want to take a nap most of the time. Disappointing to say the least. Unless these last 3 episodes are the most amazing thing ever on TV I would have to wonder if there would even be enough interest for a season 3.

No Epic Tits this season really sank this show.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Franks vocabulary is hilarious and all the characters in the show know he says random shit and fuck with him. The Scene where Ray's getting annoyed with the way Frank talks is hilarious


tour de salt
Fairly sure Ani was being sarcastic when talking about the girth just to get a rise out of the guys in the room. The camera showed them sit up straight and one of them said something like "Let her finish!". So unfortunately I don't think she's actually in to big girthy dicks. In fact if it weren't for constant reminders of her bedroom partners she'd come off as a lesbian. I don't understand her half dyed hair either. Aren't detectives are supposed to be attentive to detail? Woodrugh and Velcoro and Marty and Rust all seem more put together than her.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Fairly sure Ani was being sarcastic when talking about the girth just to get a rise out of the guys in the room. The camera showed them sit up straight and one of them said something like "Let her finish!".
She obviously did it to fuck with the guys in the room. But wow did that scene lack any kind of nuance of subtly. Its was like the worst cliche of douchebag guys talking about how it should be ok to give a girl a smack on the ass. It was so over the top it felt forced and ridiculous.


tour de salt
She obviously did it to fuck with the guys in the room. But wow did that scene lack any kind of nuance of subtly. Its was like the worst cliche of douchebag guys talking about how it should be ok to give a girl a smack on the ass. It was so over the top it felt forced and ridiculous.
Agreed. She aroused us all though.


Trump's Staff
One thing I will say about this season is that it is an absolute masterpiece of interpersonal tension. I'm really enjoying the characterization of Frank, and how they are playing games with the viewer's expectations of what a 'gangster' is supposed to be. The scene where he's with his wife in bed and then answers the door for Velcoro was beautifully done, and some of Vaughn's best acting. The character shift was just great.

I'm not quite as entertained as I was first season, but I'm certainly intellectually stimulated in a way that Rust and Marty didn't do for me.
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Potato del Grande
I do really like how often I'm seeing people defend Frank's character by saying it's supposed to come off as terrible acting. I thought such comments would just be reserved for dumb soccer Mom's on Facebook, but it's starting to sneak into arguments here. Like Vince isn't a bad actor, but such a good actor he's portraying the character as badly acted because the character is supposed to come across as a laughable, bumbling fool nobody, including the viewer, takes seriously.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that since other characters have also gotten some really bad lines they looked physically pained and confused they were being forced to deliver that it's faulty logic to say Vaughn's character is supposed to be that way. Maybe that's what Nic tried to do, and a combination of bad writing and bad acting failed to convey the 'putting on airs' notion, but in the end it's just poorly written dialog for a poorly conceived character, and without a strong-voiced director to lipstick the pig.

Have read several articles talking about on-the-spot polishing of dialog, particularly Woody adding humorous lines to call out Rust on his bullshit. Would Season 1 have been different if we didn't get Marty saying shit like "let's make the car a place of silent reflection" and echoing our skepticism, while still allowing Rust's philosophy to exist in a way that created theme and mood and allowed introspection. What if we instead got the model we see this season where everyone looks confused after a ham-fisted would-be-philosophical line is delivered and the other actors look confused or almost like they're about to bust up laughing.

Would still probably be bad this season, since there is only 4 months going into it instead of 4 years (and Nic didn't have anyone to 'sample' philosophy from this year so it seems all his own), but again I think Season 1 was helped a lot by professionals in the industry with the know-how and balls to speak up, and maybe this year Nic felt he was badass enough he didn't need such help or is just not getting it. Because there's no way in hell a bunch of these worst lines make it through unchanged by edits, rewrites, directors, or actors unless the original writer and show creator is there refusing to allow any changes. One of the reasons I find this show such a trainwreck is after a lot of credit going around for Season 1, Nic made sure he got the bulk in Season 2, and it's not looking like that was a smart decision.


Trump's Staff
The entirety of Frank's character is a 'bad act'. If you didn't get that after the first couple episodes, well, I don't know what to tell you.

That doesn't mean Vaughn isn't still a fucking terrible actor, though. I get what they were going for, but the role was miscast.