
Vyemm Raider
They'll do exactly what Twitch is doing - hem and haw about how they have standards and give some token light bans as slaps on the wrist for hardcore penetration XXX content, while tacitly still encouraging the behavior by not really doing anything much. They just want to show investors they're doing something to think of the children while not tanking their valuation or userbase.

One they get that money though, it's myspace and tumblr golden parachute time!
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Vyemm Raider
What are the thots getting banned for? I see bikinis in plastic tubs all over twitch every day


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can someone explain to me why dude is bad now? I don't want to go down some internet rabbit hole that makes me want to hurt someone.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Basically, some people think terms like “dude” or “guys” are not inclusive to women because they have traditional male gender associations (never mind they frequently get used as gender neutral and many women use them as gender neutral). Ironically, Southern terms like “y’all” get championed as alternatives (ignoring that it sounds fucking weird outside the south lol)

I suspect his time on the diversity and inclusion Twitch counsel caused him to revisit his vocabulary usage

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Basically, some people think terms like “dude” or “guys” are not inclusive to women because they have traditional male gender associations (never mind they frequently get used as gender neutral and many women use them as gender neutral). Ironically, Southern terms like “y’all” get championed as alternatives (ignoring that it sounds fucking weird outside the south lol)

I suspect his time on the diversity and inclusion Twitch counsel caused him to revisit his vocabulary usage

Ironically, one of the words my Canadian wife adopted in record time was "y'all" even though I do not use. Also, her small company has 8 people in the office and 5 of them are women, two of those are C level partners; all of the women use the term guys to talk about groups of just females.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Can someone explain to me why dude is bad now? I don't want to go down some internet rabbit hole that makes me want to hurt someone.

My issue with the whole thing is that he started his sentence off with the word and in that context it is meant as an exclamatory or pause before announcing something important. In effect he was shouting into the ether that the next thing he said should be taken as important (as opposed to joking or sarcastic) by any who hear it. You wouldn't say "dude, I just had some totally average food," but you would say "dude, I just devoured the best fucking breakfast burrito of my entire life...secret ingredient was sausage gravy!"

Also, why not also add "dudette" which has been in use almost as long as dude?
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Log Wizard
I call everyone dude. One of the streamers I watch is gay and she plays with like a million other gay women and they all call each other dude and bruh. At some point some one's going to be offended by any name you call them except whatever made up title they think sets them apart.

They're all "dude" until I have a reason to call them otherwise.
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