Under the Dome-CBS


Millie's Staff Member
im curious if the guy who plays hank on breaking bad will play this role true to the one dimensional cartoony racist right wing cracker character that was in the book. you know the one that stephen king inserts into all his later novels. i wonder if they will also include the goon squads he sets up in the book as well? otherwise color me uninterested. i know how it ends and it shattered my bullshit meter. my eyes rolled so far they practically fell out of my damn head.


Unelected Mod
I quit early on in the book because of the silly stereotypes he does in all his recent books (cept for 11/22/63, which was good). The idea of Under the Dome is great, hopefully they do a better job of characterization than SK did.
im curious if the guy who plays hank on breaking bad will play this role true to the one dimensional cartoony racist right wing cracker character that was in the book. you know the one that stephen king inserts into all his later novels. i wonder if they will also include the goon squads he sets up in the book as well? otherwise color me uninterested. i know how it ends and it shattered my bullshit meter. my eyes rolled so far they practically fell out of my damn head.
All I know is the readhead that is the married reporter with a dead husband god dam is she hawt.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah the guy went full psychopath in like no time at all. should have been fucking subtle as hell. and he never should have gone so over the fucking top crazy like he did. took me out of the novel and i seriously pondered just ditching the book. i get it. sk hates conservatives now. though he wasnt nearly so liberal in his earlier novels. the ones before he sobered up. back then he was all about the story and building realistic characters. he needs to sit down and read his old books or better yet he needs to read GRRM's books to see that even the "bad guys" do things for reasons and are more complicated than just hating because of hate.

in It, the minor baddy henry bowers was always chasing the loser club kids because they had all fucked him over in one way or the other and he was losing his mind because he came from a broken home and his father was fucking crazy too so he had bad genes and a bad environment propelling him. his later novels have fucking none of this character building. thats why i have such little confidence in this Dome show. there is really nothing tangible to make me give a fuck about its characters
I quit early on in the book because of the silly stereotypes he does in all his recent books (cept for 11/22/63, which was good). The idea of Under the Dome is great, hopefully they do a better job of characterization than SK did.
I normally read all of Kings books but never got around to these.


I watched it and didn't care too much about any of the characters, but I am interested in how the dome was created or why.

Doesn't the premise behind this show seem awfully familiar to the Simpson's movie? "Simpson's Did It"


Trite, recycled garbage TV.

Story is junk, characters are junk.

I think this sewage exists only to give D+ actors work.

I mean, I want to care why/where/what about the dome, but all the characters are just really bad cliches that we've seen too much of. The casting and the acting and the directing and the writing and...everything else about this is painfully bad.

This isn't even filler tv, and I have really low standards for acceptable filler TV. Rookie Blue? Shit TV, but good filler tv.

This show? Dogshit on sandals.


A Mod Real Quick
I won't say why.. but the reason the Dome is there is absolute horse shit if it follows the book


Buzzfeed Editor
After the leather jacket guy went from professing his love, to hunting other humans while menacingly flipping his switch blade in the most cliche manner possible, I turned it off. I guess they could explain him going from a little odd to a fucking psychopath in ten seconds due "The Dome" affecting him, but it was just so jarring and fucking stupid that my eyes still haven't rolled back to a normal position. Plus I have a feeling it won't be any kind of sci-fi explanation, it really will be just a super-one dimensional psycho character (And it won't ever be explaining why she chose to have sex with said psycho ect.)


I've seen a lot worse and will keep watching. I've read the book but won't be throwing spoilers around like some have already alluded to above.

His book, like almost all of them in that period of his writing was pretty decent for the first 2/3 - 3/4 or so and then went completely into the shitter by the end so I'm hoping they do a Darabont (Green Mile & The Mist) and put their own interpretation of his work in at the end.

As for the actors, it looks like a motley bunch true but it's not all bad news, there's no Gary Sinise or Molly Ringwald

I was puzzled briefly why the mayor of Bluebell, Alabama was in drag but it turns out it's not the same actor.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The only character i gave 2 cents about : BAM instant heart explosion. Cya crazy guy from lost. Might watch if i randomly happen to be watching tv while its on.


Millie's Staff Member
I've seen a lot worse and will keep watching. I've read the book but won't be throwing spoilers around like some have already alluded to above.
its not a spoiler to say the ending sucks. in fact i feel it is my duty to tell people before investing 13 hours of their life on this program that they will feel like they just got totally trolled by Stephen King at the end. then again they may change the ending from what was in the book.
its not a spoiler to say the ending sucks. in fact i feel it is my duty to tell people before investing 13 hours of their life on this program that they will feel like they just got totally trolled by Stephen King at the end. then again they may change the ending from what was in the book.
Someone spoiler the ending, as well as what the hell created the dome.
I have not read the books and would like to know.


Millie's Staff Member
Someone spoiler the ending, as well as what the hell created the dome.
I have no read the books and would like to know.
before i get to that, i will post that CBS says they did change the ending to milk the show for longer than one season. dunno if thats good or bad.

Though the writers have remained somewhat faithful to the novel, there will also be significant differences. For one, the character Angie (Britt Robertson) survives the dome's descent, unlike in the book. But will Under the Dome stick to King's original ending? "We pitched Stephen a far-out, big-swing idea for - if we're lucky enough for this to go several years - a different ending, and he was really excited by it and so generous to say, 'I wish I thought of it. That's killer,'" Vaughn says.

Mega Buzz: How will Under the Dome be different with Angie around?

While the first season will run just 13 episodes, the producers have already planned future seasons. "We will learn a great deal about the dome by the end of the season, but maybe not all of the answers," Vaughn says. "Lost succeeded because people cared about those characters so deeply. The mythology is sort of an added bonus."

"I had this sense that this was kind of like a new Twin Peaks, because you know how everyone was stuck in that little place, but you really got into the characters and mysteries were unfolding," Baer says. "That was what resonated. This is very different from that show, but it takes that kind of element and the roots of CBS with Twilight Zone and puts it together in a new fresh way."
ok here is the ending to the book. spoiler obviously
the reason behind the dome was space alien children or inter dimensional alien children like in indy 4 playing a game with us.
awesome, right?
before i get to that, i will post that CBS says they did change the ending to milk the show for longer than one season. dunno if thats good or bad.


ok here is the ending to the book. spoiler obviously
the reason behind the dome was space alien children or inter dimensional alien children like in indy 4 playing a game with us.
awesome, right?
Just read the spoiler Sighs.

So they wanna make this like a Haven tv show with bigger budget?

Cheers mate.


For some reason I was under the impression this was a one off 13 episode "single season event" show, now I've been disabused of that my hopes of this being decent is much much lower. 13 episodes would have been fine to tell the story, to drag it out more they will be leaving the source material completely by halfway through the season at most.

Then again, I don't remember a hitman being in it at the start so either that's new or it shows how little I retained from his story other than "Fuck that ending" >.<