V Rising


<Prior Amod>
Anybody know if the new "brutal" mode actually awards better/greater loot? Or is it just more difficulty for difficulties' sake? I love extra difficulty, but a buddy of mine I know won't want to play on brutal unless there is an incentive via loot/cosmetics/etc.

This is from the Devs regarding Brutalsetting.

Many V Blood bosses now have new behaviors and abilities.

V Blood bosses have more health.

V Blood bosses deal significantly more damage.

V Blood bosses are higher level.

Enemies deal significantly more damage.

More loot drops from all sources. You need it.

Item durability drains more slowly. Trust me, you’ll thank us.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
This game looks pretty sweet. I found this beginners guide which explained a lot highly useful info. I'm for sure going to try it once it hits PS5 (guess I'm a glutton for punishment).



Avatar of War Slayer
"get all your gear from crafting, not finding".
mostly true, but some NPCS DO drop items. especially in the early areas. lumberjacks can drop lumber axes for example.

"get books via drops, or use paper to unlock recipes"
there is a third very important way. Take Copper coins to the shady merchants and buy recipes. def want the 3 construction floors asap, so prime here.

gear level does matter. there is a direct multiplier based on gear level. he's not clear on that. so if you ever wonder, is +4 attack power, or +1 gear level better. +1 gear level is.
you deal 1% more and take 1% less damage per GL over target level.
you deal 4% LESS and take 4% more damage per GL UNDER target level.

so, in general noticing a lot of small things like that in that video. its not bad... but hes saying a lot of imprecise things, and using the wrong language.
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he mentioned servants dying, but then skips over that.
servants can die on missions, even 100% success ones. This is not permanent. you can just spend blood ess to resurrect them.

when he gets to rooms. a room of all doors, is still an enclosed room.

also build multiple crafting benches. 2-3 lumber mills, forges, grinders. anything with timers.

when he mentions seeds. the treants, vinesappers, etc, all have high seed drop chance.

also, when he mentions quick storage. the new material ones, will transfer the items of that tagged type. What he doesn't mention is how it works in crafting benches, etc. where, it will MATCH type. for example. the forge. place 1 copper in the forge. then every time you quick store, it will move copper ore in. if you have another forge, and place sulfer and iron in it. quick store will move iron and sulfer, and not copper. Regular none material storages work like this as well. if you place one gem in a chest, auto store will move gems of all kinds in, and nothing else.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Good info. Video is still quite valuable for anyone who wants to know about this game. It really sold me. Like the whole idea of prisoners you farm for blood? I love that idea. It's an entirely new way to farm a new type of gear.


<Silver Donator>
Been playing this the past few days, it's really good, scratch that Terraria itch, it's very heavy on combat with lots of bosses which I like, there's some grinding but not too much(and it's mostly combat grinding too, don't really gather that much, mostly ores every new tiers). Lots of stuff to do and unlike Terraria I felt it plays very well without the wiki, I did use the wiki to figure out some things but overall the whole progression system is included in the game so you can't really get stuck trying to figure out what's next which I like.

Running on local, didn't have to touch the options much, mostly I changed it so I can teleport with items to make it less tedious when running back to base and made it so items stack up higher so I don't need to add a bunch of chests with redundant shit.

Early game felt a bit lacking, like the whole act1 thing is basically an extended tutorial you just kinda plow through it super quickly but starting act 2 and 3 you start having to stop to farm things every now and then which is nice, and the combat gets more challenging too.
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Avatar of War Slayer
new patch.

yeah, I like to make terraria comparisons, due to the way progression is tied. I think many other survival games really fail at that. the boss hunting here is great.
and the fact bosses are 50% boss arenas, and 50% patrolling out in the wild. This game has that thing where your out in a level 20 zone, and some level 40 boss comes patrolling around the road.. you fight that boss and other patrols, patrol into the fight. and sometimes they aren't the same faction, so the adds, actually attack the boss as well.

The day/night system is terrific. especially when you play something like Enshrouded and how poorly the shroud is handled there. daylight is something that is always on your mind. either, "how long till day", or, just jumping from shadow to shadow. or the real challenge, when trying to fight during the day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just got 2 kills from another boss agroing the one Im on. This stupid icy shield guy was giving me a bunch of trouble and they he accidentally hit some dude walking down the road with a robe on and it was a lvl50 boss which merced him. this other b got kriig down to like 20% but he still killed me. Still let me loot meredith tho. I suck at this game



<Silver Donator>
Yeah 3rd partying that fight and killing them both is a common tactic and can help unblock if you if you're stuck.

I got to about the middle of Act 2 and started having trouble with some of the bosses solo. Like I would get really close and just couldn't quite get a win. Probably getting too old for that twitchy shit.

Really good game though. I'll probably go back and try to run it with a group this time.

What is PvP like?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
How does this work, do you have a persistent server that you and some buddies can hop in and out of and play whether they’re there or not? I’ve given up trying to align my schedule with someone else for game time, a persistent shared world would be kind of cool though.


Trakanon Raider
How does this work, do you have a persistent server that you and some buddies can hop in and out of and play whether they’re there or not? I’ve given up trying to align my schedule with someone else for game time, a persistent shared world would be kind of cool though.

You've got the official servers, which are always up. However, the official servers are built around having regular wipes, with varying lifespans for different rulesets (PvE servers are six months, PvP servers are one to three).

You (or anyone really) can rent a dedicated server. Those'll also be always up, and the person setting up the server can set and fine-tune a bunch of the game rules, including whether the server will wipe, and just how public the server is (if you need a password, or if anyone's welcome).

Or you can just run the game using your computer as the server. Same deal as the dedicated server, except that the server will only be up when that person is actually running the game. Single player is just doing this and not inviting anyone else in.
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<Silver Donator>
Yeah I just use solo since I have no real interest in the multiplayer thing, works fine, server "shuts down" whenever I close the game(servant missions keep ticking though so you get your loot when you wake up as you would normally), there's really nothing complicated about it either and in fact it lets you tweak a lot of difficulty/grind options since it uses the server ruleset, so if you don't want to grind as much you can make stuff loot more often, get more out of ressource nodes, reduce the cost of crafting/buying from vendor and so on, it's really nice. I think after I'm done with this run I'll start another in Brutal difficulty to see the boss changes and I'll likely make everything way faster to farm so I don't have to spend as much time.

I'm at gear 84 now so nearing the end kinda, I need to farm more rifts to get a weapon, clear out the few last bosses I have then do the megabosses at the end for the last gear upgrades.


Avatar of War Slayer
I was kindof laying off giving tips. let people figure things out. takes away alot of the fun if you just spoil everything.

That said, theres a couple things I think would just be easier to know.

horse max stats are 11/7/14.

iirc, 94%-100% thrall blood is almost exactly the same. for prisoners/food, you want that elusive 100%. But for turning into thralls, there is no bonus for 100%.
like 95% blood is 34%-42% rng on expertise. 100% blood is 37-44% rng. and its rng on which % you get exactly.
Then, expertise itself is a small amount of total.
gear is the majority.
level 60 gear x10=600 skill. +blood expertise. so, lets say 44%. 644. versus 600+42.. 642.
and the higher your servants gear level, the less that blood quality matters.
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<Silver Donator>
In typical fashion I started my brutal alt before I finished the game, surprised that it's not that bad (yet). Part of it is being used to the game but a bigger part is using ranged weapons(crossbow first then bow). Ranged weapons are hilariously easier to play on these early bosses. I'm like halfway into act2 so far and pretty much none of them punished me for being ranged, in fact for most being ranged means just having to dodge less stuff or having more time to adjust to dodge. So far most bosses actually aren't much different, I think some have more projectiles and what not, and the old lady in Dunley had a new phase but it's been pretty much the same I think.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah frostmaw just trucked me and had me thinking I might have to try to go ranged. Do you play with a controller? Prob easier using a keyboard, it didnt really click with me when I first tried it when I unlocked bow/crossbow