Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
1/4 will message me with a more "gentlemanly" tactic

I'd guess the mileage on this approach depends on the medium, I'd imagine this goes further on Tinder than anywhere else. But most suggestion is to avoid it there too because the volume of messages can be just as high as other social mediums.

With unsolicited messages on IG, I learned this is the fast track to being ignored, even if you have a fit as fuck profile. Unless you're at 100k followers you can expect to drop the gentlemanly stuff if you want any response. There is just too many messages and nobody is trying to find their next husband. Even if generosity is involved, the gentlemanly approach in my experience has zero legs on it, on average if you're going big game hunting for hot items.

Nobody, cis or otherwise, likes a nice guy.
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Irenicus did nothing wrong
Interesting. For individuals in the scene, its the opposite, especially from behind a computer (which is the reason for record sales numbers and it being the fastest growing genre ever).

Its usually only when its time to buck up and actually attempt to live the so-called "fantasy" with the phone in your hand, that this might come up. You are premature!

Really though, some people just have more hard-stops than others about it. Everyone has their own comfort zone. I've known a lot of people without any stops, no discussion, no history, no special interest-- just organic pickups at the normal major clubs in the city without a word said, maybe a few allusions later that week, but not a big deal. One is married with several kids now. And then known others like yourself that possibly can't even take something like that into consideration from the armchair without hitting a hard stop.

I think if you were out, had a few beers, and weren't involved with anyone in your life at the time-- its possible you'd feel differently. I think you are overthinking it, big time.

Overthinking it? Could be, I've never really consciously considered the issue before now.

My original conclusion was that if the opportunity had popped up back in the day, after a night of drinking and with maybe some other chemicals in the mix, I would probably have let one of them give me a blowjob, on the basis that I made some truly horrendous hookup decisions while fucked up.I definitely wouldn't fuck them - I barely like anal with regular women.

But the truth is the moment I stop to consider it for a fraction of a second I don't see chicks with dicks, I see dudes with tits, and at that point all the dis-inhibiting chemicals in the world aren't going to do shit because that just doesn't get the blood flowing downstairs. So I guess if there was a perfect storm of intoxication and pre-existing arousal and a lack of other options, maybe? But that would have been in spite of the tranny situation, not because of it.

On the flip side, I think that sometimes people who are into trannies project their attraction onto people who aren't a little. It's not a comfort zone thing, I just genuinely don't look at them and categorize them as "woman," which is the first step for then sub-categorizing it as "potential sexual partner." Maybe for people who are able to get into it, that sorting algorithm works the other way around. I dunno.

Since you guys are shifting this into the hook-up department, I'd like to add stuff: In regards to using both Tinder and OKC, this is my unscientific experience:

Ego aside, I ignore roughly 94% (shit out figure) of messages I receive.

Of those who are actually local and look real good:

3/4 will message me talking about my looks
1/4 will message me with a more "gentlemanly" tactic

3/4 will sever connection when they realize what is what
1/8 will ask questions about what my existence even means (basically, 1/8 are curious, but not THAT curious)
1/8 will say "I don't care, let's hook up"

I can't say if that last 1/8 are chasers (guys who actively try to date/hook up with trannies) or simply can't tame a raging hard on enough to care.

The guys who I start texting, sending pics to, go out with, all identify as straight, and none have ever been with a man.

Rarely, but often enough, I'll get the open-relationship couple who want to add some sriracha to their stir fry. I've never made a serious attempt to do that. My #1 reason is that usually the guy seems like a 5/10 beta in these open relationships... I haven't the foggiest clue why, but I have theories.

Finding a nice looking lesbian who is interested is as likely as Wizardhawk finding a girl (period) who is interested.

-big fat edit- I don't go out often enough to bars to gauge my luck there, sorry!

That's weird, I was under the impression most trans women slept with bi/gay chicks. Or are they just not into the hookups?

Also curious - at what point in the process do you drop the bombshell on whoever you're talking to?


Uncle Tanya
That's weird, I was under the impression most trans women slept with bi/gay chicks. Or are they just not into the hookups?

Also curious - at what point in the process do you drop the bombshell on whoever you're talking to?

I have slept with bi/gay chicks; I'm saying it's difficult for me to find attractive cis females (I don't go for the butch ones) who are interested in me.

Exhibit A is what I get pretty often too:


The bombshell? It's in my profile, like sentence two lol. IF I was more passable (i.e. asian [joke.. sort of]), was post-op, and felt 99% sure it wouldn't be detected, I wouldn't mention it at all I think. While my skin is quite thick, that 3/4 result isn't the best feeling in the world and honestly, I'd love it if I could wipe that fact off my profile. If you're asking why I put it there as a disclaimer at all... I mentioned this way early in the thread: I'm not in the mood to get murdered. That's how it happens... these rage-beasts who kill girls after getting surprised in the bedroom because they "just turned him gay".

Just throwing this out there for the hell of it: I think a lot of Azryane-types would change their tune if they "got to know me" first irl. I know how pitiful that sounds, but I still believe it!

Haven't worn these shorts in a bit, and was thinking of you guys. Happy hump day, d00ds!

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<Gold Donor>
So if you were post op and passed better, you wouldn't tell them? Are you comfortable with that kind of deception? I mean random tinder hookups, caveat emptor I suppose.

the 1/8 you say who are DTF knowing you are male and have a penis, do you let them in on it? regardless if they think they identify as straight, they are at the very least, bisexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course, but yeah, they are totally gay.

Regardless of what they say, I'm betting you could make them bottom np.


Uncle Tanya
I'm saying that I wouldn't mention it on my profile; that I'd go out, get to know each other, have a handful of dates and phone convos, then eventually tell them... and before we slept together. If I was that passable and post-op, it's less an issue of deception as you put it and more akin to a cis-girl having no uterus, being bi-polar, having 8 kids etc... I'm not equating trans to those things directly but more equating it to -some-issue-that-is-defining-but-you-don't-put-that-on-your-profile-or-discuss-it-on-the-first-date kinda thing. LoL, this probably didn't make sense but I tried to make it analogous, amigos.

"knowing your are male" Well, I'm sure you rationalize it like that, but you're just wrong in your judgment, sorry. I've quite honestly never once... ONCE, interacted with a stranger in public and been called sir, he, it, haha... no one in my life except the ideological type who knew me before think of me as male, guy, masculine. As I've said, that's not to say I think I pass flawlessly in the world. I don't think anyone would comprehend Xena as a male, but quite a few people would perceive her masculine qualities in brief study. I think my existence is similar.

I just can't wrap my head around a gay male who would be attracted to me, sorry... yes, even the ones who like effeminate twinks. Carmen Carerra expressed the same thing; she's not into gay guys and couldn't see what a gay guy would want with her either.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Having 8 kids is way higher on the dealbreaker list than having a cock still.
  • 7Worf
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I went out to eat with a Tranny once when I was one state over in NJ for business. Was a quesi date since I met her on tinder that night and had nothing to do.

Was pretty much the same deal as you was very passable with the exception of her being like 6'3 plus heels and she did look pretty attractive. Dressed nice smelled nice etc.

The main buzz kill was that she had some Uber dramatic personality like she was playing a role

She was Joan Rivers reborn and all she talked about was tennis braclets and glamour and etc etc etc.

Had a good night split the check and went back to my hotel to jerk off. We are friends on Facebook and we fight about politics.
  • 2Faggotry
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Irenicus did nothing wrong
The bombshell? It's in my profile, like sentence two lol. IF I was more passable (i.e. asian [joke.. sort of]), was post-op, and felt 99% sure it wouldn't be detected, I wouldn't mention it at all I think. While my skin is quite thick, that 3/4 result isn't the best feeling in the world and honestly, I'd love it if I could wipe that fact off my profile. If you're asking why I put it there as a disclaimer at all... I mentioned this way early in the thread: I'm not in the mood to get murdered. That's how it happens... these rage-beasts who kill girls after getting surprised in the bedroom because they "just turned him gay".

Ok that makes a lot more sense - I was confused by your comment about them finding out "what's what," I figured that was a reference to them finding out you had some junk in your trunk.

Just throwing this out there for the hell of it: I think a lot of Azryane-types would change their tune if they "got to know me" first irl. I know how pitiful that sounds, but I still believe it!

Well at least you're humble :p

But seriously, in the sense of being willing to bang a trans person if I just met one who was hot enough? I doubt it, but I have to admit I've never knowingly hung out with a passable tranny - I used to occasionally party with some really effeminate gay guys and cross dressers (and that particular offer was on the table quite a few times, and I never felt tempted to take it up no matter how wasted and horny I was), but the whole "trans" thing didn't get big until I stopped hanging at clubs and bars. It's actually still not that big here in Aus, at least compared to my impression of the US or Europe.
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<Gold Donor>
I'm saying that I wouldn't mention it on my profile; that I'd go out, get to know each other, have a handful of dates and phone convos, then eventually tell them... and before we slept together. If I was that passable and post-op, it's less an issue of deception as you put it and more akin to a cis-girl having no uterus, being bi-polar, having 8 kids etc... I'm not equating trans to those things directly but more equating it to -some-issue-that-is-defining-but-you-don't-put-that-on-your-profile-or-discuss-it-on-the-first-date kinda thing. LoL, this probably didn't make sense but I tried to make it analogous, amigos.

"knowing your are male" Well, I'm sure you rationalize it like that, but you're just wrong in your judgment, sorry. I've quite honestly never once... ONCE, interacted with a stranger in public and been called sir, he, it, haha... no one in my life except the ideological type who knew me before think of me as male, guy, masculine. As I've said, that's not to say I think I pass flawlessly in the world. I don't think anyone would comprehend Xena as a male, but quite a few people would perceive her masculine qualities in brief study. I think my existence is similar.

I just can't wrap my head around a gay male who would be attracted to me, sorry... yes, even the ones who like effeminate twinks. Carmen Carerra expressed the same thing; she's not into gay guys and couldn't see what a gay guy would want with her either.

You do realize you are in fact, male, right? It's not a judgement. It's a fact. I mean when you tell them, you are trans, you have a penis, at that point they know you are male. If they are still DTF then yeah, they are gay. Just because you are not identified as male in public doesn't make you not a male. I could throw on a burqa and walk around and be called Ma'am all day, it doesn't change the fact that I am male.

Look i'm not judging you, it has nothing to do with ideology. It's biology. With the number of times i've been to Thailand and the Philippines, the odds are very good that i've actually fucked a post op tranny. If i'm that drunk enough and they are that passable with a functional inverted cock that replicates a vag, then whatev, nbd. C'est la vie.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
One day i'll get a girl but you still won't be passable...

Fund surgery for Vanessa to get her manjaw and adams apple fixed and her dick chopped off (fuck saying that makes me shudder), and in return she agrees to date you - win win!
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