Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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<Prior Amod>
To me the most hilarious thing about the tranny movement is that they have essentially pushed all of the lesbians out of the oppression Olympics. When you factor in that gay men were pushed out earlier it basically means that the alphabet movement no longer has a core of gay and lesbian in it. It's like a really shity sitcom with none of the original cast still in it but it's somehow still being broadcast on TBS
trans are now forcing out the "b" in LG(B)T, if the "b" is involved with an opposite cis gendered partner, then they shouldn't be included in LGBT


<Prior Amod>
My daughter asked me the other day about what trans meant, so we tried to explain it in pretty generic terms. She loudly exclaimed "I'm transgender too!" Which was funny. But also deadly serious, and since reading this thread I knew she was one of the real ones and immediately got her on a regimen of puberty blockers and hormones. Shes 8, so she is definitely old enough to know and I respect her courage.
8 is too young, even vanessa was saying vanessas biological sister would have trans'd at 9.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I remember when Sam da Man was the Lone Voice of Reason in a Sea of Gobbling Turkeys.

Time is a flat circle.
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<Prior Amod>
Would you have her suffer the trauma of cisberty? You monster...
if we go by the opinion and feelz of a tranny, 8 might be too young, unless she's going thru puberty. It seems like trannies are open for discussion UNTIL puberty is brought up, then inject, inject, inject!

throw a few footballs her way as a test, imo.


Buzzfeed Editor
if we go by the opinion and feelz of a tranny, 8 might be too young, unless she's going thru puberty. It seems like trannies are open for discussion UNTIL puberty is brought up, then inject, inject, inject!

throw a few footballs her way as a test, imo.
She caught it, this is SCIENCE.
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Karazhan Raider
And the record is clear, folks. I don't have a problem with trannies irl. I have a problem with trannies on the internet. Why? Because non attention whore trannies would just identify as their target gender, and never let people on the internet know they used to be the other gender. Only the attention whore ones will make it known.

You literally cannot pass if you're announcing to everyone that, despite having tits and wearing make up, you got a dick in those pants. Its none of our fucking business and we don't need to know. Its information we can do without. So if you're throwing your nudes up, talking about your transition constantly, etc. you ain't trying to blend in.

You're trying to use your tranny-ness to get unhealthy attention or to troll nerds into giving you money and free dick pics. That makes you a shitty person and you should be trolled into a mental break down over that sort of shit.

Kentucky is the True North.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I mean, Kentucky is the True North of the South

Like the Toque of the Confederacy, if you will
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I really am the most prescient motherfucker this community will ever have. Nostrahodjmas calls it like it is, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, and feels no shame. I'm on the right side of history. Kentucky is the True North.

And the record is clear, folks. I don't have a problem with trannies irl. I have a problem with trannies on the internet. Why? Because non attention whore trannies would just identify as their target gender, and never let people on the internet know they used to be the other gender. Only the attention whore ones will make it known.

You literally cannot pass if you're announcing to everyone that, despite having tits and wearing make up, you got a dick in those pants. Its none of our fucking business and we don't need to know. Its information we can do without. So if you're throwing your nudes up, talking about your transition constantly, etc. you ain't trying to blend in.

You're trying to use your tranny-ness to get unhealthy attention or to troll nerds into giving you money and free dick pics. That makes you a shitty person and you should be trolled into a mental break down over that sort of shit.

Keep it in your fucking pants, degenerates.

That silent 98% majority you cite is about as relevant as the silent god that does nothing and takes no action. Its almost as if he/they do not exist at all!

Wow someone could quote this verbatim back at you by replacing tranny with autist and it would be super appropriate lol

But no, it's just ironic attention whoring.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This guy really desperately wants to be relevant, but unfortunately person with the unspellable and unmemorable name, we're all having fun posting triple bracket jew jokes in the Amod thread right now and you're a distraction (as always)

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
This thread has taken a life of it's owned and made a turn around for the best. I'm glad I was there to plant that seed.
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Vyemm Raider
It's been almost 24 hours without a comment here. I just wanted to add, can we make this a poll about how many of us here would like to fondle or scoop slam Vanessa's tits? Just asking, for a friend.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Vanessa has admitted defeat. Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule where is our tranny Slayer medal?!

Good guys always win! Ain't chopping no children dicks today!
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