Virtual Reality


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Hasn't Valve committed to a November launch of their VR headset? Or was it just their other products they showed at PAX?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
They had better shit or get off the pot with that thing. A bunch of bigger companies are building competition for it and it's starting to look like their versions might be better and come out first.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
From everything I have read, the Valve/HTC system is the best one that's been demo'd so far. If they can launch it with a full VR version of Half Life 3, it's game over. This is my fantasy.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hasn't Valve committed to a November launch of their VR headset? Or was it just their other products they showed at PAX?
Yes, that's what they committed to. I think with VR content will be king and you'll need some very compelling games to move the product. I don't know what Valve is planning on that front. I don't know if they're going to offer a developer kit months ahead of the release or just release it into the wild ala steam box.

Coming out with a VR HL3 is probably a fantasy. But also they may focus on VR games that use lighthouse tech. And as much fun as I had playing Quake2 and HL2 in VR, FPS games are some of the worst VR experiences because of motion sickness.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Everybody said that the HTC system that was at mobile world congress didn't make anyone sick the way that the Oculus Rift does, I think because of better latency and higher resolution. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter if Oculus Rift fails, the inventor got his payday already and it's not like Facebook needs the money, but it's still pretty weak that they had a 2 year head start on everybody and they are going to get beat to market by a rip-off of their idea that is better than the original.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Well the fact is there are much more experienced companies than Oculus when it comes to hardware, displays, etc. Oculus is a pioneer in getting the interest built up, and like you said, they have cashed in on that head start for sure. It's not surprising that bigger, more established players have come in and surpassed them. Valve being involved is a much better option, I think, than Facebook.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Everybody said that the HTC system that was at mobile world congress didn't make anyone sick the way that the Oculus Rift does, I think because of better latency and higher resolution. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter if Oculus Rift fails, the inventor got his payday already and it's not like Facebook needs the money, but it's still pretty weak that they had a 2 year head start on everybody and they are going to get beat to market by a rip-off of their idea that is better than the original.
I didn't see videos of the demos they used with the vive, but certain demos/games will be less likely to cause motion sickness than others.

And even though Rift has been public with their VR efforts since Lucky was posting on mtbs3d, groups like Sony, Valve, Microsoft, Nintendo etc etc have been working on VR for decades. This latest revision is enabled because they can borrow the high quality displays from Samsung. The companies coming out with VR now claim they've been using that approach for years and Rift was just the first one to be public about it, but it could be bullshit. I think what's likely is that a group like Sony had 5 guys wasting money indefinitely on VR, OVR comes out with the DK1 and then Sony execs eviscerate that VR group and replace it with real talent, direction and funding.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Re: Oculus Rift being beaten to market - Valve claims they've been working on Vive for several years (predating Oculus). Could be BS, but that's what they said at the Vive reveal.


Re: Oculus Rift being beaten to market - Valve claims they've been working on Vive for several years (predating Oculus). Could be BS, but that's what they said at the Vive reveal.
It's probably true in some form or another. Valve hired Michael Abrash and he was working on their VR stuff, before he went to Oculus. I think Valve's unit will be more in inline with what we were expecting initially from Oculus - a gaming focused VR headset.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm hoping the VR market is just like the Android phone market without the Apple faggotry. All VR devices compatible with PC software and you simply buy the one that has the features you want or "build quality". What I do not want is to see competing formats.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I'm hoping the VR market is just like the Android phone market without the Apple faggotry. All VR devices compatible with PC software and you simply buy the one that has the features you want or "build quality". What I do not want is to see competing formats.
I agree, this is what will most heavily influence my first VR purchase as early as this fall if these consumer units really launch. The idea that Valve is building a platform with the VIVE the first piece of it has me hopeful that people will just fall into line with what they're doing to some degree. Not sure the direction Oculus Rift is going but Sony will probably do Sony things and it'll only be compatible with their console or something, MS's helmet is more of an ARG device so it's on an island too.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
If I had to pick a company to go with, it would certainly be Valve over any of the others at this point. I'm also quite interested in just what the company Magic Leap is up to, while it seems different than actual VR it still seems to have a bunch of potential. If this video is any indication of what will really be possible I'm definitely needing to try it out.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One big difference between Valve and OVR is it seems like OVR is targetting the seated experience moreso than Valve. Maybe this will change once they show what their new input scheme is (wouldn't surprise me if it uses Lighthouse tech). Personally I only really care about seated experience VR with traditional controllers because I don't want to stand up or wave my hands around. That shit is great for 5 minute demos and awful for extended gaming.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One big difference between Valve and OVR is it seems like OVR is targetting the seated experience moreso than Valve. Maybe this will change once they show what their new input scheme is (wouldn't surprise me if it uses Lighthouse tech). Personally I only really care about seated experience VR with traditional controllers because I don't want to stand up or wave my hands around. That shit is great for 5 minute demos and awful for extended gaming.
I don't see anything in Valve's VR that would keep it from doing a seated experience. If anything the tracking Valve is using is superior for seated over the OVR and will just end up having the flexibility to do both. I agree though with you in the fact that having to stand and move around and shit is cool for a brief amount of time for a look what this can do thing, not for 2 plus hours of gaming.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Leo Laporte said on TWiT yesterday that he tried VR porn and it was amazing. It does seem like that is one form of entertainment that is particularly well suited for a fully immersive experience.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Wonder if it was VR porn of him sucking off Nilay Patel. I'm sure Leo felt fully immersed indeed. Used to be you could trust a bro that got caught cheating on his wife with a side piece. These days, oh Leo what happened?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I know all the words in your post, but I can't get any meaning from the way you have arranged them.


Leo Laporte said on TWiT yesterday that he tried VR porn and it was amazing. It does seem like that is one form of entertainment that is particularly well suited for a fully immersive experience.
LOL love Leo
