Virtual Reality


FPS noob
meh, ebay prices for CV1 hover around $800-850 now, eBay/paypal will take 14% of that or around $110, shipping will cost you $30-40 which you may or may not pass on. I guess its better than keeping something that isn't used, but then again the risk of some scammer doing a refund and sending you back some bricks in 75 days is not insignificant. I'd suggest craigs list first but man that site always seems super sketchy for expensive stuff, although interestingly when I checked there was only a single listing for a CV1 on my locals craigslist @ $900, although I assume you probably only get 70% of what you list for on CL.

and yeah to me VR is pretty much DOA until it gets to 4k per screen and wireless. I'd rather play Overwatch and UC4 than keep messing around with my CV1


Mr. Poopybutthole
Got my CV1, tried out a bunch of stuff. Set up Skyrim via VorpX and played it a bit.

Everything seems great but the resolution is just too low for me. It's a big improvement over DK2 in terms of pixel fill and the SDE, but there's no crispness to display and that low fidelity ruins it for me. Some of the other issues, Ex: the fresnel lens smear, FoV, little bit of judder etc aren't a big deal to me.

I'm going to ebay off my CV1 ASAP. I'd probably keep it to try out more stuff if it wasn't so valuable on Ebay and depreciating quickly.

VR is going to be a massive market, but I'll be waiting for the next iteration when we get ~4k displays.

Samsung Showcases 4K UHD Display For VR
I'm fine with my Rift. I played Lucky's Tale a little more last night, and was blown away. Also, WTH type of PC would you need to do VR in 4K? Could Internet speeds even keep up in a multiplayer game with dozens of people in the same area?

My only problem with the Rift is maybe I don't have my VR legs yet? I can only tolerate 30 minutes at a time.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm fine with my Rift. I played Lucky's Tale a little more last night, and was blown away. Also, WTH type of PC would you need to do VR in 4K? Could Internet speeds even keep up in a multiplayer game with dozens of people in the same area?

My only problem with the Rift is maybe I don't have my VR legs yet? I can only tolerate 30 minutes at a time.
Internet speeds don't matter, the video is rendered locally on your video card. The bitrate allowable on your display cable (HDMI, DisplayPort etc) does however and will need to grow with VR's demands.

As to your question, the PC of the future will. I hope that VR continues being promising enough for game developers and video card manufacturers optimize toward it enough to bring 4k resolutions in games. There are all kinds of ways for graphics to be improved in games beyond just pure resolution (though higher resolutions usually makes them all harder).

The holy grail of enabling that is foveated rendering which will likely be a necessity to get to 8k+ resolutions. Essentially your VR has cameras that track your eye movements and render the scene in multiple layers with only the place you're actually looking at getting the full treatment. I don't think they'll be in CV2, but I think they will be in CV3.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Thank you for clearing that up, I'll switch back to dial up now.
What he means is that is has nothing to do with rendering graphics. Netcode lag and bad framerate are completely independent of the each other.


Your post conflated two completely unrelated items into one.

1. Power needed for 4k VR
2. Internet needed to stream multiple client info.

We've had no. 2 solved for years. MMOs, 64 player shooters, etc. So, yeah, we're going to call out that blatant idiocy on your part.
No. 1 just takes more horsepower than we currently,have for at least another generation.


I'm Amod too!
Got the Vive and my first impression is really good. The room VR is bigger deal than I thought it was going to be. Now I just wish I had a larger area to use it in. Being stuck in a 2x2m box really feels restrictive.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Got the Vive and my first impression is really good. The room VR is bigger deal than I thought it was going to be. Now I just wish I had a larger area to use it in. Being stuck in a 2x2m box really feels restrictive.
Yeah, I have it in front of my couch in my living room for now, which is almost 4 x 4 meters, and I still wish I had more room.


A Mod Real Quick
So what you are telling me is that latency does not affect online games? I've had crappy hotel connections that made it tough to play.
Do you know how the internet works? It's not sending your rendered frames to every single player, it's just sending packets with data on your position, stats, etc. There's also a lot of prediction used on movement and some other magic.

With gigabit connections on our horizon we won't have latency in online games that is meaningful unless you live in bumfuck nowhere.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So what you are telling me is that latency does not affect online games? I've had crappy hotel connections that made it tough to play.
Latency affects online games, obviously. It just doesn't affect the rendering of the graphics. If the client freezes movement due to lag, it can feel like the game is running slow, but again...that has nothing to do with the graphics being rendered.


FPS noob
while this isn't really imo what the CV1/Vive feel like (CV1 is 2160x1200 not 1440p), its sorta close and its interesting to see the jump from 1440p to 4k. I can only imagine what it would be like at 16k
oculus rift simulator


Mr. Poopybutthole
I got Project Cars to work by getting a DVI to HDMI cord. It fixed it with no problem and quickly.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm not ready to jump on the full on expensive kit wagon yet. Both busy and want to see what comes out after the first gen so to speak. But in the meantime to just fart around with, from a news article I've seen theres now a plethora of like $30-50 Phone headset VR thingies. Not sure what I'd even use it for that is on a phone, but was wondering if there was any point to trying one of them to just fart around with while I wait for uber computer 4k VR.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
There are some fun VR apps with the phone headsets, as well as some cool 3D/VR videos on Youtube. It's worth checking out, but not really "VR".