Virtual Reality


Wonder if it was VR porn of him sucking off Nilay Patel. I'm sure Leo felt fully immersed indeed. Used to be you could trust a bro that got caught cheating on his wife with a side piece. These days, oh Leo what happened?
I feel like I'm the only one on this board that will catch that reference.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Day One Keynote Presentation Channel 9

FFWD to about 2:30 for some new Hololens demos. I'm extremely curious to see how good displays actually looked when pinned like that. Supposedly the camera is wearing a device itself and we're still seeing it all rendered by the device, but we know it's on rails in some regard...


Day One Keynote Presentation Channel 9

FFWD to about 2:30 for some new Hololens demos. I'm extremely curious to see how good displays actually looked when pinned like that. Supposedly the camera is wearing a device itself and we're still seeing it all rendered by the device, but we know it's on rails in some regard...
Nino is working on the Hololense.

Looks like Epic is getting Unreal 4 set up to be able to support all the headsets.

Unreal game engine will support HTC's virtual reality headset
It's incredibly easy to build Unreal 4 project files for the Rift. Expect it to just rock.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I got an email from Oculus this morning announcing the consumer release:


First Look at the Rift, Shipping Q1 2016

Posted by Oculus

Since the earliest days of the Oculus Kickstarter, the Rift has been shaped by gamers, backers, developers, and enthusiasts around the world. Today, we're incredibly excited to announce that the Oculus Rift will be shipping to consumers in Q1 2016, with pre-orders later this year.

The Rift delivers on the dream of consumer VR with compelling content, a full ecosystem, and a fully-integrated hardware/software tech stack designed specifically for virtual reality. It's a system designed by a team of extremely passionate gamers, developers, and engineers to reimagine what gaming can be.

A first look at what the world can expect in Q1 2016.
The Oculus Rift builds on the presence, immersion, and comfort of the Crescent Bay prototype with an improved tracking system that supports both seated and standing experiences, as well as a highly refined industrial design, and updated ergonomics for a more natural fit.

A peek inside the Oculus Rift.
In the weeks ahead, we'll be revealing the details around hardware, software, input, and many of our unannounced made-for-VR games and experiences coming to the Rift. Next week, we'll share more of the technical specifications here on the Oculus blog.
Virtual reality is going to transform gaming, film, entertainment, communication, and much more. If you're interested in building a next-generation VR game or application, everything you need to start developing for the Rift is available at the Oculus Developer Center.
E3 is just around the corner -- this is only the beginning.
-- The Oculus Team


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
First Look at the Rift, Shipping Q1 2016 | Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for 3D Gaming



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They better have a better price point then the Valve one or much better specs. Missing the holiday 15 season could really hurt them.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I wonder if they'll have dev kits. I mean they have to have 'selective' dev kits where they give it to big developers and individuals who produced content for the DK1/DK2, but I wonder if they'll have dev kits in the same way they had them for DK1/2. I probably won't get one, since the only new feature is probably input and headphones which I don't care about for my application.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
They better have a better price point then the Valve one or much better specs. Missing the holiday 15 season could really hurt them.
I'm sure they tried for Q4, 2015 and missed, but it matters less than other electronics. These aren't really a commodity and the market penetration of CV1 or Vive's first release won't be that large.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm sure they tried for Q4, 2015 and missed, but it matters less than other electronics. These aren't really a commodity and the market penetration of CV1 or Vive's first release won't be that large.
I hope you are right. I want to see all of these sell well so we have really good market penetration and competition similar to the Android phone market.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Also I like that they announced the release date as soon as they had confidence in it rather than waiting for E3. However I wonder if they weren't pressured to do that because of a leak.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I way more interested in Valve and Sony offerings at this point, while I'm sure oculus will have gaming support I don't believe it to be there primary focus where as Valve and Sony seem aimed directly at gaming.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
That's a lot of things not going their way. Not just missing being first to market in a market they've basically created, but also the 2015 holiday and releasing shortly after another CES where we'll certainly see a multiple new headsets also using the Valve platform from other vendors. Morpheus and Hololens are wildcards but I don't take either very seriously. Sony's typically has a hard time competing well on price and HoloLens is a different type of product that's going to bepretty pricey(unsurprisingly).


Hololens really needs to be affordable because it will be dictated by the apps it has.

I might get one, it seems very interesting. Oculus was a disappointment, I thought the first version showed so much potential, but the next version just couldn't make the leap I wanted.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Hololens from what Ive read isnt going to be cheap at all, last I read it was estimated at around $900


So I watched the New screens savers, and they had a large part of the show devoted to the Hololens from 2 Microsoft journalists.

This is the information I got.

The first unit they tested was not a stand alone system, you needed to strap a large backpack with a computer to yourself. That unit had a very large field of view much like the videos.

The demo unit they recently tested at that conference was a true stand alone system. I.E. everything was in the glasses itself. According to the testers it was way different then the demo unit they tested earlier. Went from a huge field of view, to what they described as being as narrow as a flash card.

Both units did not have good 3D according to the testers.

Microsoft also claims they are very far from releasing this into the wild. They joked about Windows 10 being retired when the Hololens makes its debut.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Linux and Mac support for Rift halted as they enter crunch time and refocus on PC. Released specs for developers to target:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer