Virtual Reality


Blackwing Lair Raider
MeStevo - it turns out you can set up rectangular playfield. This is good as it let me maximize my playspace. No issues there, looks like square would be fine too though. And if you have a giant square available that is probably optimal.

Brahma I've only got about an hour into the Vive so far but I can tell you how I feel about it right now.

Setup was more involved due to the two lighthouse trackers but at least in my space it wasn't too bad. Right now I have one tripod mounted as a temporary solution until I decide where to permanently mount the thing.

The fit and finish on the Oculus is better, although so far the Vive doesn't seem uncomfortable. The vive has a mega huge cable coming out the back vs. the Oculus. The included earbuds sound good but it isn't as slick a solution as the Rift headphones. The length of the Vive cable is a lot nicer than the Rift though.

The Vive also comes with a breakout box to give you more flexibility when connecting up to the pc. Altogether the aesthetics on the Rift are better but the tech options on the Vive are better.

The controllers are really nice, I can't wait to get the Rift Touch controllers, I'm sure they will be great as well. Roomscale seems awesome so far. I have a game I kickstarted called "The Gallery" and it seems like Myst but made for VR. Didn't make it too far in but it looks great.

Currently downloading The Valve Lab, I'll report back when I get some time in on that one.


FPS noob
just got an email from Oculus that my rift is preparing to ship, I was at the 6 minute mark for pre orders


Molten Core Raider
For anyone that gets the Vive, set up the headset straps so the cable bundle over your head isn't in tension. Basically give the cables a ton of slack before you slip it on and you will have a much more comfortable fit (easier to get the back to cup your head). The only issue I'm having with my headset is a slight tracking jitter when I get near the opposite corners of my lighthouses probably caused by occlusion or maybe interference caused by reflections, not entirely sure. Super happy with it otherwise, I need to get a bigger room.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm getting that same tracking jitter. I'm a bit surprised by that I figured with the dual laser tracking that stuff would be flawless.

On the Vive reddit page someone said to use a carabiner through your back belt loop and feed the cables through that to keep them from wrapping around you as much. I tried it last night, seemed to help some. The best is if you get someone to hang out and keep you from getting all twisted up.

I played half an hour of the The Gallery last night and spent about an hour in the Valve Portal Lab demos. Very cool stuff. I went to bed and dreamed VR dreams all night long.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm sure you already did, but I think the lighthouses have a film over the front that needs to be removed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes, removed those and there is also a film over the front facing camera that has to be removed. The front facing camera has to be enabled, the default is off. I am going to try disabling it to see if that has any effect on the jitter. The jitter is only a small annoyance, hasn't kept me from enjoying room scale at all.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
There's literally 100s of in-depth comparisons out there. Also, he didkind ofgive one up above.


Blackwing Lair Raider
LOL sorry man.

Roomscale is the shit, but it makes me wish for way more space. I have 9x15 right now and I think 12x12 would be a lot better. The rectangle works but a square is going to be better. That 9' is a real limiting factor, the immersion in VIVE is awesome...until that blue grid line pops up and shows you that you are going to smack into a wall.

Also, beware of low ceilings. I have a pretty low ceiling in my basement and I'm 6'4" so some of these games require you to throw stuff over your head, aim a gun up, etc. Well in my basement I have been smashing my hand and the VIVE controller into the ceiling repeatedly. That kills your immersion and also hurts like a mother.

The VIVE is brighter and you can tell. It also doesn't have as pronounced "god-rays" as the Rift, but it is also blurrier off-center. So if there is text in game you will want to look directly at it so it isn't blurry, where in the Rift you can look off center and read pretty well. So definitely some trade offs and neither one comes out definitively ahead.

The in game SteamVR works well and I prefer it over the Oculus Home but that could be because I really hate closed platforms and I'm no fan of what Facebook made Oculus do in that regard. Biased reviewer here.

The VIVE allows audio to be split off and go to a buttkicker right out of the box, Rift doesn't at all. That is a big plus for me.

Comfort wise the foam around the front of the VIVE is more comfortable and plush than the Rift, but the straps and obviously the cords are not as good as the Rift solution. I'm also getting to really hate their headphone cord, it keeps pulling on everything else. I'm no audiophile, the Rift headphones sound great to me and they are super convenient. Big win for them there.

I'm still getting some tracking jitter on the Vive lighthouses. It isn't all the time, it is a stutter in the corners, but it is annoying.

Let me know what other kinds of things you guys are looking for. For me there are positives and negatives for each so it isn't cut and dried which is better, assuming you take room scale out of the equation. If you include room scale then VIVE blows Rift away, at least for now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So far the Valve Lab demo is just as badass as you imagine it is going to be. The little portal themed part especially. The day when we all get Portal III for VR is going to be awesome.

The Gallery has totally been Myst for VR. It is immersive, it is also one of the games that has me punching my ceiling every time it has you reach up to a higher ledge in the game.

There is a game called TechnoLust and a game called Pollen that look promising but I don't have either of them yet.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Would big-ass headphones work with the Vive? I mean, fit-wise. How comfortable would it be and how much is in the way on top of your head?


FPS noob
Got my CV1 today, lot of little problems so not a great experience overall so far. The USB3 port my sensor is plugged into doesn't seem compatible, while its detected it won't function and keeps popping up an error every time the sensor is involved. No biggie, can still use the CV1 without the sensor functional for the most part.

Not feeling much love for the headset though. At no point do I feel immersed, I always feel like I have a giant cage strapped to my head and I can see the edges all the time which is distracting. At best everything feels like a slightly better 3D TV experience. Visually its not great, while I am no graphics whore (I rarely can tell the diff between 30 fps and 60 fps) videos and stuff look just very mediocre compared to non VR. Headset is comfy, although my forehead gets a bit sweaty.

Daughter is here from college from spring break so no porn yet but I'll try it out later when she is out, not sure though how I am going to launch it. The oculus store just blows as far as usability is concerned. I know pornhub has a VR mini site up at I have no idea how to access it from the Oculus, hope I don't need to buy virtual desktop just to browse the site.

all in all its exactly what I expected, kinda neat toy but nothing I will use regularly and honestly I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this or the Vive unless you don't care about the $$


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've got Monday and Tuesday off work I think I am going to buy Elite and play some of that using the HOTAS and cockpit.

I may sell off the VIVE, if any of you are close to Omaha and want it for your own use I'll sell it to you with no markup. Just don't turn around and sell it for $1500 on Ebay.

Running Dog_sl

I've got Monday and Tuesday off work I think I am going to buy Elite and play some of that using the HOTAS and cockpit.

I may sell off the VIVE, if any of you are close to Omaha and want it for your own use I'll sell it to you with no markup. Just don't turn around and sell it for $1500 on Ebay.
It seems the Elite VR experience can be improved with some herbal assistance