Want to help the migration to the land of milk and honey?


Vyemm Raider
I don't see why we'd leave FOH if the site is put back in functional order. Losing all that history doesn't seem like a good prospect.
Because fuck Requiem for the six weeks our computers were infected with malware, turned into a botnet, and the potential financial damages that caused. Most people still have malware on their computers most likely.

Also, his attitude when he FINALLY responded to the issue was unacceptable. Fuck Requiem. Fuck Fohguild.org.


Golden Squire
I didn't even really mind the T&T drama that much because everyone was generating so much stuff that would have me in tears laughing. I just couldn't figure out why the whole malware situation was being handled so poorly.

Req should have just logged on to tell people to sit tight, it'll be a bit but he'll get to us. It would have taken a couple minutes to do, and put people at ease. The main reason the anger level escalated so much was because nobody knew what was going on. The only communication we could get was from two idiots that were busy treating the place like their personal funhouse seeking negative attention. We didn't know if shit would ever get fixed, or if we were hanging around watching two Nero's fiddle while Rome burned.

It isn't about caring or not caring about the community, but striving for some reasonable sense of professionalism at what he does. All three of them came out of this looking like absolutely phenomenal jackasses, and gained nothing from it.


Potato del Grande
So its this but in a 2 bedroom apartment.
Bro, those aren't the droids you're looking for.





Trakanon Raider
I know you're being sarcastic. But I did meet him and spent the night with him and Tyen. Req's a fat guy with very little personality. He's just a programmer with some Aspergers, so he can sit in a recliner with his monitors all around him and program all day long, while he consumes thousands of calories of processed foods and carbs, his muscles atrophy, and his mean plasma glucose levels slowly rise. He may have money from his jobs, etc, but I saw no sign of it. Their apartment was probably 750 square feet total, without any vehicles, etc. His complete lack of physical activity along with his unhealthy lifestyle will likely result in a drastically shortened life.

I don't mean to shit on the guy. But his condescending attitude where he "enjoys laughing at the community" was just completely fucked up. He's a flabby titted zilch and in no position to speak condescendingly to an entire community of decent people.
How long ago was that, though? It sounds like it's been the last few years that he's gotten significantly wealthier. Plus, earlier on he had a lot of his money invested in the equipment/businesses that is now helping him make money.

Not trying to defend his attitude or anything, I kind of went postal on him in that one thread that's still unlocked.. fully expecting to get banned by him for it, but surprisingly he replied to part of my post, and I'm still not banned there, heh.

The thing that really gets me, is how he's got this casual elitism about how good the site itself is (due to things like unlimited attachments) but then in the next breath says how he doesn't care if it goes to shit. It's like he can't make up his mind if he really wants us on the board or not.
Req- 'Fuck you, I hate you all and letting this site go to shit is hilarious to me!'
us- 'ok, we're leaving' '
Req- 'ha! good luck finding a site as good as mine......... '

Aychamo BanBan

He used to have a GF back in the day, I think her name was Julie? That must have been prior to his enlarged state.
I may have exaggerated on his size. He's about the size, maybe a tiny bit smaller, of the picture of the guy Jeff who was pretending to be Evelys, but without the gay baby-fucker face. He's not like an enormous blob that can barely move.

Aychamo BanBan

How long ago was that, though? It sounds like it's been the last few years that he's gotten significantly wealthier. Plus, earlier on he had a lot of his money invested in the equipment/businesses that is now helping him make money.

Not trying to defend his attitude or anything, I kind of went postal on him in that one thread that's still unlocked.. fully expecting to get banned by him for it, but surprisingly he replied to part of my post, and I'm still not banned there, heh.

The thing that really gets me, is how he's got this casual elitism about how good the site itself is (due to things like unlimited attachments) but then in the next breath says how he doesn't care if it goes to shit. It's like he can't make up his mind if he really wants us on the board or not.
Req- 'Fuck you, I hate you all and letting this site go to shit is hilarious to me!'
us- 'ok, we're leaving' '
Req- 'ha! good luck finding a site as good as mine......... '
That's a good point. This was probably 3-4 years ago now. I'm not really sure what he does for a living now. He may be richer, but so what. I do believe there is some financial gain for him in the board. And I'd bet Tyen's supposed self-demotion happened after a phone call from Req. It may be minimal gain.

I have a couple of apps in the app store that I put there a very long time ago. They suck, but some people still buy them, so every couple of months I get a little $40 deposit from Apple. If someone ever emailed me complaining about them, I'd just delete it, because it wouldn't be worth it to me to open up Xcode, and have to update everything in the app which is probably outdated, etc, and then fight apple over the re-submission, just for the meager pay. Similarly, it may be that Req gets minimal pay somehow from fohguild to make it worth it not deleting, but not worth investing any amount of time in. I don't know.

Draegan obviously knows more about the financial side of running forums. With Tyen's supposed 30k unique bots, errr hits, per month, what would you expect in ad revenue? Also, are Req's financial numbers correct where he lists what it supposedly costs per month to run the forums? I wonder if it's that much, or if perhaps he's including the costs of running other things he does in there, ie, fohguild is just taking up a (big) slice of his overall monthly costs.

Also, in the "END OF LINE" thread, I think its funny that Tyen doesn't acknowledge the bots. Ever. I posted a picture of his bots on his forum, showing that almost half the users online were bots, and he completely ignored it. Also it looks like someone changed Erronius's forum name to a bot name - I don't get the joke.


Millie's Staff Member
quite honestly there are so many bots scouring that site now that even if the entire FOH community left it wouldnt even be a drop in the bucket. there were 10,000 of them on there last night and 20,500 there on the fifth. when the site was active i could maybe see major viewings but now that its essentially dead there are more than ever.

Aychamo BanBan

quite honestly there are so many bots scouring that site now that even if the entire FOH community left it wouldnt even be a drop in the bucket. there were 10,000 of them on there last night and 20,500 there on the fifth. when the site was active i could maybe see major viewings but now that its essentially dead there are more than ever.
I don't use many forums on the internet, but that has to be a record. How is he doing that? It's just insane. And the bots have accounts! I think you're absolutely right. In two weeks it will be hilarious on FOH because there will be 5 new posts a day, but still 20,000 "users" browsing the no-content having threads.

BTW, with FOH's malware warnings, was any malware actually attempting to be installed on anyones computers (I use a mac blah blah)? Or were they just the standard warning when a site has been associated with malware somehow? I was wondering if perhaps the malware was trying to root peoples computers or whatever to put bots on there that would in turn browse the forum?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't use any active AV stuff, just FF and noscript since i don't do alot of deep web browsing just here ( FoH before), GoG to see whats on sale and a couple sports sites. I do a full system scan once a week with malwarebytes and hadnt gotten a virus since picking up a google redirect one 18 months ago. I did a scan on wed. of this week after seeing some people say that had warnings and I had 3 malware packs and 2 trojans. I cant say they definately came from FoH but they werent there last Saturday and i had been browsing the "fix this shit" daily hoping for a tyen meltdown so take that for what you will.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
BTW, with FOH's malware warnings, was any malware actually attempting to be installed on anyones computers (I use a mac blah blah)? Or were they just the standard warning when a site has been associated with malware somehow? I was wondering if perhaps the malware was trying to root peoples computers or whatever to put bots on there that would in turn browse the forum?
I'm 100% certain I got malware from FoH. In order to check in on Tyen's meltdown last week I disabled the anti-virus on my work pc which, besides FoH, has never been used for anything beyond checking work email and visiting various government websites. However, like Destante, I decided to run a scan after seeing people mention getting infected from FoH and sure enough there were 2 trojans.

I thought the malware was fixed and google notified, but as of 30 seconds ago fohguild.org is still bringing up my anti-virus alerts.

Aychamo BanBan

I'm 100% certain I got malware from FoH. In order to check in on Tyen's meltdown last week I disabled the anti-virus on my work pc which, besides FoH, has never been used for anything beyond checking work email and visiting various government websites. However, like Destante, I decided to run a scan after seeing people mention getting infected from FoH and sure enough there were 2 trojans.

I thought the malware was fixed and google notified, but as of 30 seconds ago fohguild.org is still bringing up my anti-virus alerts.
Wow that is fucked up!!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm 100% certain I got malware from FoH. In order to check in on Tyen's meltdown last week I disabled the anti-virus on my work pc which, besides FoH, has never been used for anything beyond checking work email and visiting various government websites. However, like Destante, I decided to run a scan after seeing people mention getting infected from FoH and sure enough there were 2 trojans.

I thought the malware was fixed and google notified, but as of 30 seconds ago fohguild.org is still bringing up my anti-virus alerts.
I'm pretty sure I got some malware here on my home computer too. For the past few days it's been doing this bullshit where the lan driver will randomly shut off, and I have to do a system restore to be able to get onto the internets.

Night before last I said fuck it and nuked it from orbit. Everything works fine now, haven't been back to foh.

Good thing is that I keep all my important shit on an external drive, so all I have on this computer is games.


I've always been a pretty indifferent member of the community, but here I am, two rerolls later. Maybe I give more of a shit than I thought.

Cheers to those that put work into this.


Draegan and Tuco, I really appreciate the work you guys are doing to keep this community alive. If the site needs donations or whatever, I would be happy to chip in.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm pretty sure I picked up some crap from the FoH board. I normally only browse 2 sites on my work computer. FoH and AR15.COM and AR15 is a pretty large and professional forum site and I never got a warning over there and nobody has posted anything about it. I really never pick up anything and only run MSE on this computer but everyday it was picking up stuff in the scan.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I kinda do the same thing as Cheese, but am probably a bit less faithful about scanning manually. So last week I actually got a letter from my ISP telling me a virus had been active on my line for a while now and they were sending me a instructions to remove it. They even went as far as to imply that if I didn't get my shit in order, they would eventually quarantine my connection (whatever the hell that actually means).


Trakanon Raider
I had asked on MN what exactly the malware was about. Someone, I want to say sutekh or a_skeleton_03 (I get their names mixed in my head sometimes) explained that the malware was a trojan that, when activated, uses your computer's connection to inflate website traffic (i.e. a bot).

After seeing Tyen ignore acknowledging the existence of the bots on the forums and continuously tout the 'active traffic/unique visitors', I'm leaning more and more toward thinking it's actually Tyen that put the malware there himself to monetize foh's userbase for his own needs. He made us all into bots, that he's using a fair amount of to boost foh's traffic to win this e-war, as well as other sites that he's paid to boost their traffic.

Think about it, Tyen lives with Req, who hosts this huge website that he barely pays attention to. There is no revenue generated by foh at all, according to req, as no advertisers will touch it anyways. Req has Tyen doing the menial admin stuff for him from time to time. Tyen, who already blackhats with boosting facebook likes and twitter followers as part of his income for companies that want to 'boost social media exposure', is constantly seeing this site his roommate hosts that gets crazy amounts of traffic. His obsession with the graphs of foh traffic being a huge clue here. As it's not just our members/guests userbase, but also all the sites that hotlink the images from there and everyone that views those links.

So, he decides to throw in what he thinks is a harmless app so he can have the userbase act as a bot network he has control over to boost traffic to a website for himself. Presto! He's got a 20k+ bot network at his disposal. Since he knows Req barely pays attention to FoH, and supposedly has aspergers (or is just oblivious to things he's not interested in, whatever you want to call that), he figures he won't get caught. Once the malware shit started appearing and it backfired on him a bit, he had to fake innocence to everyone and Req, and wait for Req to 'fix it' as part of his cover story to Req himself. If he could just undo it, it'd be obvious he did it in the first place.

Aychamo BanBan

Enzie, I bet you're pretty close to correct. Also with Tyen's supposed self de-modding, it's likely he has ten other accounts he can use to fuck with people. I 100% believe the malware put bots on people's computer that in turn inflate FOH traffic. Pure fucking scum. I wouldn't advise anyone even go there to flex the RR e-peen out of this BS.