War with Syria


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Iraq was completely neutralized before W decided to use 911 to go grab that oil, entirely by isolating them economically and diplomatically.
You are assuming that wasn't a strategic move to soften up Iraq before the next opportunity for war presented itself.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Super power or not, antagonizing Russia is not in our best interests. Also, China is not exactly going to stand around while we conquer every oil producing brown country, either. Cut the fuckers off with economic sanctions and ship in food, if you want to do anything. Iraq was completely neutralized before W decided to use 911 to go grab that oil, entirely by isolating them economically and diplomatically. Nothing good can come from stepping in that giant pile of shit.
Wat? You realize China has the biggest piece of the oil pie in Iraq, right?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Webuytheir oil, notproduceit;



"Major western companies, such as Chevron and ConocoPhillips, that had hoped to sign contracts were unable to do so. A third round [of contracts] took place in December 2010 and saw no major western oil companies (except Shell) win contracts. I believe that there was an Iraqi backlash against the awarding of contracts to the large western major oil companies. Thus, in December 2010, fields went to Russian oil companies Lukoil and Gazprom, Norway's Statoil, and the Angolan company Sonangol, among others."

Unlike under Iraq's Oil Law, these contracts do not need to go through parliament, according to the central government. This means the contracts are being signed without public discourse.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Russia cannot be defined by a simple study or the words of a few speculators. They are a unique case in the world, and require more time to observe regarding military reforms and the slowing up of their economy.

They have tons of nukes, but their mobilization forces are at only 50-60% combat readiness. They have great missile technology (ICBM's, anti aircraft etc) but lack in the more cutting edge areas of future combat (drones, radar jamming etc). They have a ton of armor an anti armor, and a respectable air-force, yet their Navy is struggling to keep pace with its modern counterparts. It goes on and on. You can credit Russia for one thing, but then have to take a step back and look at whatever accompanying negative that comes with it.

With that said, I dont think you can just dismiss Russia as NOT being a superpower. With the amount of nuclear weapons they hold, their pretty goddamned effective air assets (Mil helo's are kind of awesome, they have great relatively new attack gunships with the Havoc, as well as putting in service the largest helicopters on the planet) and oil export, there is no way you can discount them as "heading toward being a European backwater LOL".


Elisha Dushku
Until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt, I'm going to assume AQ did the gas attack to involve the US. There was simply no reason for Assad to gas anyone.

Also I bet the peace prize committee is really regretting its decision now. This is why you don't hand out awards until AFTER.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Grotesque Op-Ed Syria Slaughter Shill
Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal

There are moral reasons for disregarding the law, and I believe the Obama administration should intervene in Syria. But it should not pretend that there is a legal justification in existing law. Secretary of State John Kerry seemed to do just that on Monday, when he said of the use of chemical weapons, "This international norm cannot be violated without consequences." His use of the word "norm," instead of "law," is telling.


Doer of Things
Not buying that Assad used the gas by any means however, even if he did I fail to see why we give two shits?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
hawk viewpoint


Should President Obama decide to order a military strike against Syria, his main order of business must be to kill Bashar Assad. Also, Bashar's brother and principal henchman, Maher. Also, everyone else in the Assad family with a claim on political power. Also, all of the political symbols of the Assad family's power, including all of their official or unofficial residences.

And so to the Kill Assad option. On Monday John Kerry spoke with remarkable passion about the "moral obscenity" of using chemical weapons, and about the need to enforce "accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people." Amen, Mr. Secretary, especially considering that you used to be Bashar's best friend in Washington.


Millie's Staff Member
One day one of these countries that we bomb to teach them a lesson is going to say. "oh yeah? two can play at that game" and just launch a bunch of attacks at the US.


Mr. Poopybutthole

Should President Obama decide to order a military strike against Syria, his main order of business must be to kill Bashar Assad. Also, Bashar's brother and principal henchman, Maher. Also, everyone else in the Assad family with a claim on political power. Also, all of the political symbols of the Assad family's power, including all of their official or unofficial residences.

And so to the Kill Assad option. On Monday John Kerry spoke with remarkable passion about the "moral obscenity" of using chemical weapons, and about the need to enforce "accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people." Amen, Mr. Secretary, especially considering that you used to be Bashar's best friend in Washington.
So chemical warfare bad, mass assassinating an entire family good?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I seem to recall, less than a decade ago, the US celebrating how awesome Syria was for being a democracy in the middle east.

How about we just mind our own fucking business?


Sparkletot Monger
Until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt, I'm going to assume AQ did the gas attack to involve the US. There was simply no reason for Assad to gas anyone.

Also I bet the peace prize committee is really regretting its decision now. This is why you don't hand out awards until AFTER.
Why did Saddam gas the Kurds?


Buzzfeed Editor
So we're NOT going to wait for anything to actually happen before we freak out? I'm just checking, not sure where my tin foil hat is right now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Seems like going to war based on a chemical weapons attack being performed by Assad is significantly dumber than going to war based on a wmd existing in Iraq. You can't prove that no wmds existed in Iraq, but you can prove that a chem weapons attack was done by the rebels.


FoH nuclear response team
I keep hearing about 3 more gas attacks from last week, I wonder if they are legit?

I kind of hope he tries to strike without Congress approval and get's impeached.