WarCraft (2016)


Millie's Staff Member
they already did a cg version of WoW. it was in a south park episode and it was fucking hilarious. when i saw that episode i was still on and off playing WoW and it was cool seeing a character models i had played or played with. what am i going to get from a live action version? dunno about anyone else but i personally got no fear or worry ever playing WoW. my usual day was logging in talking to friends. mining for a while and m,aybe whupping some ass in a battleground, then joining a PuG and then selling at AH and repairing armor at the end of the night. no town or zone in WoW gave me any feelings like i got from EQ. well cept that area where stitches walked up the road at night. i loved that place. eq had scary and slick places upper and low Guk, Mistmoore castle, Sol a and b, Qeynos and quite a few others. much better lore and NPCs that acted batshit insane. /OOC 'holy fuck, Sgt Slate to EC tunnel get out!'


Buzzfeed Editor
It's live action.

And for those who say they won't watch this movie because it missed its peak popularity, you're full of shit. I quit WOW over 5 years ago and I'm still going to see this, if only for the curiosity factor. It might not be as popular as it once was, but I'm betting it will still draw in the curious viewers.
I quit WoW like 4-5 years ago, and I don't necessarily bear the game any ill will. But I have no interest in seeing this. I might download it just because my wife might want to see it, that is about as interested as I can see myself getting.

And as I said, I'm even a fan of the director. The subject matter just isn't interesting to me anymore. Maybe when we start seeing trailers/info it will change my mind.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Final Fantasy?
Ya. Square basically created an entire division in Hawaii for the production of the movie (and other CG). While the graphics were amazing at the time, the movie flopped (it having almost nothing to do with Final Fantasy games at the time didn't help) and Square never recouped the investment costs for the division + movie.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The last time a game studio fames for its cgi cutscenes made an animated film it a) was terrible and b) bankrupted the studio. Meanwhile live-action fantasy has never been more popular or profitable.

In short, you're dumb.
Maybe write a movie that doesn't have a terrible fucking story you slack jawed simpleton.


Molten Core Raider
Good luck with that. Blizzard's storytelling pretty much dies right around the time your balls drop.


Avatar of War Slayer
Ya. Square basically created an entire division in Hawaii for the production of the movie (and other CG). While the graphics were amazing at the time, the movie flopped (it having almost nothing to do with Final Fantasy games at the time didn't help) and Square never recouped the investment costs for the division + movie.
they built the shit from the ground up, from 0's and 1's to what it is- Sony bailed them out and thats why for years you had Main # FF games on PSX only- and hey that engine is still cranking out some nice FMVs for sqeenix games! the story was fine, it needed another half hour to flesh some things out and the city distruction was way rushed... I like to mix this movie and Blue Gender together into something awesome ;-)


Molten Core Raider
Like other have said, it could be another LotR or another Dungeons and Dragons. I think it all depends on how much freedom Jones will have.


NeoGaf Donator
Maaaan. I really loved Moon. Hate seeing Bowie's son attached to this. Directors change all the time though. Maybe he'll have a "wait. what the fuck is this" moment.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah there's no way that happens, especially post-WoW/TFT. before WoW the Warcraft story was half decent, it stayed fairly coherent, took an original spin on some old fantasy standards and had some cool characters, but in the process of making the setting suitable for an MMO, with the right number of factions and playable races and class combinations and what not, they totally fucked that up, and it only got worse with each expansion (starting with TBC's lorelol). I can't imagine how they'd make a decent movie in the present of the setting, they'd either have to set it further back in time or retcon/just plain ignore a whole lot of shit.


Still a Music Elitist
If they had the movie take place between the first and second Warcraft or way in the past pre-first WarCraft then it could have potential. The story went to absolute shit after TBC.


Potato del Grande
Seriously would a revamped Warcraft 1 story not introduce the core concepts nicely?

It's Orcs+Ogres v Humans. But you can introduce some pre Alliance Elves+Dwarves+Gnomes fighting with the Humans, a troll ambush cameo and more Draenai and Demons as a reveal for what is driving the Orcs at some point and sow Draenor/Dark Portal. Have Lothar be the main Character perhaps.

Then you do Warcraft 2 to fully establish the Alliance and have some more Dragons and Demons sidestory. Then a compressed and heavily edited Warcraft 3+TFT maybe in 2 movies, first Arthas PoV and second Jaina PoV?