WarCraft (2016)


Its going to be mind numbing, politically correct trash. The noble savage comment was dead on.
Actually the noble savage comment was not dead on. It would be if the orcs were the keepers of the flame for some wise ancien knowledge the human forgot or never knew, possibly about how to live harmoniously with nature or something similar... That is not the plot of the movieat all. Without going into spoiler territory, what the movie does is not going with the Orcs = Bad and Humans = Good formulas. Something that is both faithful to the source material and just about the only interesting thing in this film.

Turn this into a Manichean / Tolkienesque war story and you would just end up with a poor man's Lord of the Rings, which would be even worse than what we have now.


Molten Core Raider
Seems like the movie is getting decent reviews everywhere except for sites that feature pseudo-intellectual hipster reviewers that want only to make clever quips and want every movie to be some kind of abstract work of art. Warcraft is also kicking ass at the box office so far, bringing in something like 70 million without releases in the 2 biggest markets China and US. Expected to be huge in China based on pre-sales. Not expected to do well in US, but I think that is very much wait and see. Think US still has a "video games are nerdy and/or immature" stigma and Warcraft is kind of the cool thing to hate among nerds at the moment, but I'd bet a lot more people will see the movie than would openly admit.

It's just my personal opinion, but I have more respect for a movie like Warcraft that tries to be entertaining and true to the IP, as opposed to a movie that seems to be only made with the idea of doing well at the Oscars (something like The Revenent comes to mind). I think the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a rare case of staying true to original source, being amazingly entertaining and clean up at the awards shows.

I also feel like calling it a "video game movie" is an unfair misnomer of sorts. While the RTS games may have been the original Warcraft product, WoW (which is the popular Warcraft product everyone knows about) is hardly all encompassing of all Warcraft characters, stories, worlds, ideas, etc. I feel like WoW is a popular game based on a Warcraft IP and now there is a movie based in he same IP. Maybe it doesn't mean anything, I just feel calling it a video game movie isn't correct.

Personally can't wait to see it. Won't be able to see it on release day as I'll be out of town but will get to the theatre for it as soon as I can for sure. Everything about it that's been released through trailers and behind the scenes and all that looks high quality and entertaining.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This still isn't coming out for another 5 days in the US, yet you guys already hate it?



Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Eh, I've never been hyped for this movie and with each trailer that's come out it's looked more and more cheesy, especially all the Garona bits. I'll still watch it just on principle, but my expectations have never been high. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This still isn't coming out for another 5 days in the US, yet you guys already hate it?

Mmo hipsters and people who will (rightly) be biased by quality "nerd" movies like Deadpool and Civil War recently. I'm pretty sure this won't be Dungeons & Dragons bad, and certainly not Eragon bad. But LOTR it isn't either.


I will not be seeing this in the theater (it takes a LOT to get me to actually go to one - overpriced, always sticky floors/dirty seats, crowded - Plus the nearest one being 30+ minutes from my house), but if they include a mount or pet in the DVD/BLU, I will pick that up.


Potato del Grande
The film doesn't deserve all of this hate, it's fine. See it if you like the RTS or MMO.

It just needed better actors for the humans and better CGI for mana wells and that blurriness in a few 3D scenes a lot of movies have now.

Didn't detect a single SJW vibe. Durotan may be a noble savage but most of the orcs don't give a shit anymore. You know... like bladefist still has a blade for a fist.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So to anyone that has seen this, i have read 2 reviews that try to compare Warcraft to krull, beastmaster, lady hawke etc.. do you think Warcraft deserves to be put in with those films for better or worse?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Same here, I plan on seeing the movie this weekend but I am not sure if I want to go Imax or some other format.


Molten Core Raider
I will not be seeing this in the theater (it takes a LOT to get me to actually go to one - overpriced, always sticky floors/dirty seats, crowded - Plus the nearest one being 30+ minutes from my house), but if they include a mount or pet in the DVD/BLU, I will pick that up.
I often need to be reminded like this that the movie going experience for others is not always like my own. 10 minutes away, always clean, every seat in every theatre is a big leather reclining piece of luxury that can put you to sleep if the movie is too boring.

Yes the concessions are way overpriced (that's where they make their profits as they say, bring some water and mms in your pocket if really desperate), but tickets range from $5 (for everyone on Tuesdays and students on Thursdays) to $11.75 at the absolute highest you can pay for a ticket, if you are non child, non senior, seeing the movie on a non Tuesday on the their big dlx special screen. $11.75 is hardly a bad price, just don't be a fatty and munch on popcorn and down a 32 oz soda.

This is one instance where I feel truly lucky and I wish I could share this movie going experience to all cities and locations everywhere, but maybe some have it even better.


I often need to be reminded like this that the movie going experience for others is not always like my own. 10 minutes away, always clean, every seat in every theatre is a big leather reclining piece of luxury that can put you to sleep if the movie is too boring.

Yes the concessions are way overpriced (that's where they make their profits as they say, bring some water and mms in your pocket if really desperate), but tickets range from $5 (for everyone on Tuesdays and students on Thursdays) to $11.75 at the absolute highest you can pay for a ticket, if you are non child, non senior, seeing the movie on a non Tuesday on the their big dlx special screen. $11.75 is hardly a bad price, just don't be a fatty and munch on popcorn and down a 32 oz soda.

This is one instance where I feel truly lucky and I wish I could share this movie going experience to all cities and locations everywhere, but maybe some have it even better.
It would be nice if this were the case in every area.

A Cinemark opened up a half hour from here and killed most of the smaller movie houses (there is one that only shows foreign/art movies maybe 20 minutes from me and a drive-in that is maybe 20 minutes in the other direction). At first, it was spotless and clean and well worth it. But it has not been overhauled since it opened in 1999. Seats are lumpy/run down. Nobody ever cleans the floors except for at the end of the day. Just a bad movie going experience.

I wish I had an Alamo movie house or one of the other nice, upscale movie going experiences. But no luck.


That guy
I have a decently nice run of the mill theater within a half mile of where I live and it's tickets are maybe $5? matinee during the week. Seats are nice, place isn't that old, and it's super close. I don't work Tues/Weds/Thurs and I still only make it to the theaters 2 or 3 times a year, I just refuse to waste my time and effort on shit movies.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I often need to be reminded like this that the movie going experience for others is not always like my own. 10 minutes away, always clean, every seat in every theatre is a big leather reclining piece of luxury that can put you to sleep if the movie is too boring.

Yes the concessions are way overpriced (that's where they make their profits as they say, bring some water and mms in your pocket if really desperate), but tickets range from $5 (for everyone on Tuesdays and students on Thursdays) to $11.75 at the absolute highest you can pay for a ticket, if you are non child, non senior, seeing the movie on a non Tuesday on the their big dlx special screen. $11.75 is hardly a bad price, just don't be a fatty and munch on popcorn and down a 32 oz soda.

This is one instance where I feel truly lucky and I wish I could share this movie going experience to all cities and locations everywhere, but maybe some have it even better.
Yeah the 'upscale' experience has pretty much ruined me. Reserved seating, La-Z-Boys and a pitcher of beer at my chair? Fucking yes please.

Expensive as hell but it's been great fun every time, especially for the Marvel/DC stuff.

As for Warcraft, I'm going to watch the shit of it in all of its terrible glory.


Molten Core Raider
Hugedisappointment. Loved the CGI for some reason and when the Orcs where on screen it was great. But but something called WARcraft hardly any battle sequences, way to many horribly written conversations, and besides namedropping they did nothing with the lore.


<Prior Amod>
I had the choice of either watching this or some shitty rom/com (me b4 you) w/ wife this week. Decided to get tickets for the shitty rom com instead. At least i can blame the bad choice of movie on her.