Weight Loss Thread


<Bronze Donator>
Never knew it was that much protein to gain muscle. What if you reach a comfortable weight/fat%/whatever and you want to maintain what you have while doing light cardio/weight lifting? How much protein and calories should you ingest then?


Lord Nagafen Raider
with the release of ff14 coming. I vote we rickshaw hall of fame this thread. A new one is a coming!!!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Never knew it was that much protein to gain muscle. What if you reach a comfortable weight/fat%/whatever and you want to maintain what you have while doing light cardio/weight lifting? How much protein and calories should you ingest then?
If you want to maintain your body weight... you eat at maintenance. If you're not trying to build muscle, then protein intake doesn't matter either. 1x (or more) is for building muscle, not just maintaining a healthy diet.


Trakanon Raider
Supposedly he was actually 5'10". Which makes sense, because someone here posted a pic of him and Sylvester Stallone awhile back and Sly only looked a few inches shorter, and he's supposedly only 5'7" or 8".


I have stood next to a couple different times in my life and he is noticeably shorter than me (6'2) and shorter than my father (5'10). He might also be shrinking as he ages... still mad respect for the man. But tall is not one of his strong suits.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm somehow surprised to find not one but multiple websites devoted to this subject.






SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I just saw Sean's post in screenshots about his super ultra vanilla espresso sugar explosion drink and it reminded that he started this thread. How's the weight loss going bro? How about all the other fatties that mentioned losing weight in this thread? Has everyone quit already?


Trakanon Raider
Still hovering around where I've been for years. I don't really have any excuse, other than I'm busy as fuck at work and lazy as fuck when it comes to exercise. The good news is that I'm not getting worse either! We'll see where I sit by the end of summer, have a bunch of hiking and mountain biking shit planned.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got really sick and couldn't eat anything for 2 days straight (except a little oatmeal on the 2nd day, first day just orange juice and a glass of milk that I threw in half a cup of protien powder), On the 3rd day I had some soup, and that's about it... I wouldn't recommend having a sustained fever over 100 very much... but in terms of how I looked after that imposed-upon me starvation diet via the flu... I looked amazing. On the 4th day I was feeling better though, and absolutely starving... had some chicken fingers for lunch, half a medium pizza by myself for dinner. That was yesterday, still a little sick, but I'm not intentionally restricting my diet at this point, but it is genuinely hard for me to eat above my caloric maintenance if I do not drink any soda or juice. So I guess I'm still steadily going down in weight. Shoulda taken pics when I was sick, thought slipped my mind.


Tranny Chaser
I just saw Sean's post in screenshots about his super ultra vanilla espresso sugar explosion drink and it reminded that he started this thread. How's the weight loss going bro? How about all the other fatties that mentioned losing weight in this thread? Has everyone quit already?
I just had my final session of the 12 week program yesterday, final BF% was 16.8 down from 23%. Was hoping it would be lower but 0.5% a week is not bad I guess. This was achieved by 3 weights sessions a week, 1 strongman session and 60minutes of soccer a week. Diet was nothing processed, low carb with 6 x 200g of protein a day. So basically spinach and meat. In the last few weeks we've introduced carbs back into my diet, post work out meal of protein and sweet potato.

There have been noticeable strength gains also...chin ups and pull ups being the most obvious sign, first week I couldnt even pull myself up with bands to assist but now can do 5 unassisted. Also, my housemate has some 15kg dumbbells in his room, before I started training I couldnt even curl them upwards a millimetre but can now do 4-5 reps with each arm.

I'm signed up with the PT for another 12 weeks and the target is to be 10% BF by end of June.

cue incoming internet pro bodybuilder rage.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
That has to be a mistake. There's no way he was eating 1200g of protein a day. I read that too and said what. the. fuck.


Tranny Chaser
wait.. you were eating 1200g of protein a day? or am I reading that wrong?
Yes, typically I buy 2 x 500g packs of mince (turkey, beef, lamb, pork) to make meals with the night before, this would get ate at 9am, 11am, 1pm and 5pm (so really 4x250g) then after the gym I'd usually have something else, eg a steak.

The mince was cooked with onions and tinned tomatoes to begin with, but the fat loss stalled for about 3 weeks, during this time I was also getting a bit lazy with prepping food, hence why we stripped it back to just protein + green leafy veg.

Edit = 200g of meat per meal 6x a day, not 200g of actual protein, jesus


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
He left out the most important piece of information: How many tablespoons of coconut oil did you have???


Tranny Chaser
He left out the most important piece of information: How many tablespoons of coconut oil did you have???
Haven't been doing it for a while

"Coconut Oil Trick for 1 week only
- 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil, melted, drink 20-30 mins before meals &/or workouts
- Do when feasible and as many times as possible
- Boosts thyroid/metabolism
- Kills pathogens in gut and on food/antiviral
- You need fat to burn fat!"

Also been taking:

Fish Oil
Magnesium (as ZMA)
Whey Protein (post workout only)
Acetyl L Carnitine
Fibre supplements (psyllium husks / flax seed powder)


Blackwing Lair Raider
So Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBx)

Now this is mostly anecdotal but I actually know people who have lost weight with this stuff. Normally im very skeptical of all the weight loss 'supplements' which are generally nothing more than caffeine wrapped up with higher price tags.

Supposedly this one has an additional chemical (besides caffeine) called chlorogenic acid? Which atleast a few studies have shown can reduce high blood pressure (this was in a high profile journal, Nature). Some other studies apparently demonstrated weightloss without significant side effects (less respectable journals).

Any opinions or first hand experience?