Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
All I can picture is Eidal running around his gym with a gopro making fun of all the stupid people.




weighed in at 165 today... Apparently I am still not eating enough despite the fact I have to force feed myself everyday. Im beginning to think about adding some sort of weight gainer supplement to my shakes. But wouldnt adding a scoop of ice cream or something have the same effect? I usually do 3 or 4 scoops of whey, 2 bananas, 1 serving of plain 2% yogurt, and 24oz of milk which is about 1k calories. This is way harder than losing weight lol


Tranny Chaser
weighed in at 165 today... Apparently I am still not eating enough despite the fact I have to force feed myself everyday. Im beginning to think about adding some sort of weight gainer supplement to my shakes. But wouldnt adding a scoop of ice cream or something have the same effect? I usually do 3 or 4 scoops of whey, 2 bananas, 1 serving of plain 2% yogurt, and 24oz of milk which is about 1k calories. This is way harder than losing weight lol
What did you weigh when you started your bulk? I agree, bulking is definitely harder than losing weight, or at least for me bulking cleanly has been harder. It's tempting to eat more than I should just to see the scale go up quicker, but that will only result in more fat gain not more muscle.

In answer to your question though, try to eat more calorie dense foods e.g nuts.

The other option and one that was included in the nutrition guide I've been following, is the concept of a spike day. Once a week it recommended eating ice cream for the last meal of the day. I usually ate a tub of Ben and Jerrys frozen yoghurt in order to keep my fat intake as low as possible. Try implementing that on a workout day and see how you get on.


Molten Core Raider
weighed in at 165 today... Apparently I am still not eating enough despite the fact I have to force feed myself everyday. Im beginning to think about adding some sort of weight gainer supplement to my shakes. But wouldnt adding a scoop of ice cream or something have the same effect? I usually do 3 or 4 scoops of whey, 2 bananas, 1 serving of plain 2% yogurt, and 24oz of milk which is about 1k calories. This is way harder than losing weight lol
I suggest tracking your calories using Myfitnesspal for at least a week or two just to get a feel for where you need to be. Weight gainer is just expensive sugar -- there are better ways to achieve this goal. If you aren't lactose intolerant, buy whole milk and whole greek yogurt. Starches/oils.

Remember, even on a bulk you want no more than 500 calories above your TDEE. 250 is better. Frankly, I can't relate to you guys that can't eat, haha. I can smash though 3000 calories a dayeasily. I'd prefer 4000.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Go to Golden Corral, eat until vomit. Repeat.

But no seriously, if you can't eat 500 calories above your TDEE, you should be eating more energy dense food. Sugar in any of it's forms works, icecream, pasta, breads (cake especially), cookies, muffins, etc. Hell 1 regular muffin extra a day over what you're already eating could put you up 400 calories by itself.


Got something right about marriage
I think they mean struggling to eat nutritious, healthy food. It's pretty easy to eat 3500 calories in a day when you're drinking soda and eating ice cream, jalapeno poppers and mozzarella sticks. Not so easy when you're eating healthier foods and drinking nothing but water.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Bullshit, still not that hard. There are plenty of calorie-dense foods that can fit into a healthy diet and easily get you way over your TDEE. Antarius and Eidal both mentioned several, such as whole milk, yogurts, and various carbs. Hell, adding avocado to each of your meals will probably give you a nice calorie bump without filling you up substantially more.

Then again, I don't have the appetite of little girl like some of you seem to have, so what do I know.


Tranny Chaser
Honestly it's not that hard, I get 3000-3500 every day and that's without tracking the oil I cook with

On non workout days (higher fat, lower carbs), eat fattier cuts of meats, have a generous handful of nuts and if you're still struggling eat an avocado or two. If you still can't hit 3k then buy a tub of coleslaw. A 250g tub of olives and feta cheese comes in at 568 calories

On training days (lower fat, higher carb), then 500-600 cals will come from my protein+carb powder shake. Leaner cuts of meat and rice/sweet potato. a 30g sachet of seeds and dried fruit sold as a sprinkle for salads has 112 calories. Plenty of calorie dense "clean" foods out there


Got something right about marriage
I can pack away food like a champ. I've had days where I probably consumed 10k+ calories. I don't find it easy to eat 3500 calories of good, healthy food day in and day out though because you get tired of eating the same things over and over just to try to get some extra calories that aren't empty or useless in, and typically you have to eat a much larger volume of it which is problematic for people who aren't tall or big.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just had to up my calorie intake by a little bit. Was doing some number crunching and if I am more towards the the moderate activity level rather than low there were a bunch of warnings around losing muscle. Not bulking or needing the volumes you folks are talking about, but a couple hundred extra per day (1900 > 2100) is what I am going to start with and monitor weight loss. Still want to hit around 1 lb/week if possible. After eating at a deficit for so long, it is tough to eat more food. I get full a lot more quickly, so will just have to add a little bit to each meal. Getting nuts / peanut butter back is a pretty huge win.

This is probably going to push my goal out into January sometime, but I should be in striking distance by January of 2015. Then the flood gates of food open up to me, hopefully, as I would no longer need to lose much at all.


Molten Core Raider
Coconut oil, butter and almonds. Those three things are shockingly calorie dense and taste awesome. i can eat an entire can of blue diamond almonds just as a snack. I think that's like 1200 calories right there.


Molten Core Raider
Dropped 45 pounds in the last four months (5'11": 250 -> 205). My blood pressure dropped from 135/90 -> 120/80, and lost around 4 inches around the waist. In general I'm pretty happy with the results, i feel healthier and look way better. But BMI says high normal for my height should be around 180. Last time I was 180 was in high school where I was taking TaeKwonDo four days a week and riding bike over 10 hours a week. But losing the last 45 was done basically with just calorie restriction, while making sure I ate enough protien. I have a sneaky suspicion that those last 25 lbs will be incredibly hard without an additional exercise regimine.

Some people say they feel satisfaction after a workout, I never do. So exercising just for the sake of it doesn't seem like it will stick.

All the fun exercise activities require a bunch of like minded friends or require a decent amount of money. And my friends are usually to busy or uninterested and I'm just too broke.


Molten Core Raider
But losing the last 45 was done basically with just calorie restriction, while making sure I ate enough protien. I have a sneaky suspicion that those last 25 lbs will be incredibly hard without an additional exercise regimine.
The math or "feels" do not change drastically as you approach standard BMI. Usually, people start to really suffer sub 10 percent BF. You can definitely freak yourself out and make this seem harder than it should, but I'm going to guess you're still %20+ BF and it should be no prob at all to hit 5'11 / 180 if you've felt its been easy all the way up until now.

I used to hate everything "exercise" until I got into strength training. Have you considered learning how to pick heavy things up, and getting stronger? The two activities you mentioned (TaeKwonDo) are weak-ass cardio or body/weight shit which is a totally different type of feel and impact than weight training. Furthermore, unless you've been lifting heavy while losing weight, you probably look pretty damn silly right now and will look even sillier after you hit 180. Pick up some heavy shit for a year and you'll be sitting nicely at 5'11 190-200 with a much much better composition.


Got something right about marriage
Is Eidal challenging Ossoi?

"Bro, trainers are fuckin stupid. Every trainer I ever see has people doing the dumbest shit."
"Ok, so what do you suggest?"
"Have you tried picking up heavy shit? Just pick up heavy shit bro."


Molten Core Raider
Is Eidal challenging Ossoi?

"Bro, trainers are fuckin stupid. Every trainer I ever see has people doing the dumbest shit."
"Ok, so what do you suggest?"
"Have you tried picking up heavy shit? Just pick up heavy shit bro."

EDIT: not like your 315 bench-that-I-can't-film-because-my-shoulder-hurts-now-LOL! Post a picture of that jaw-dropping physique that once put up 3 plates, man. 180lbs benching 315 twice. Hah. I know they're buried in this thread somewhere but it's always good for a laugh. I'm asking as a humble weak-man that hasn't yet deadlifted what you claim to have benched for reps. While losing 100lbs in 18 months.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I swear this thread is around 30% constructive posts and the remaining people finding reasons to annoy the shit out of each other :p.


Molten Core Raider

In my defense, I've been playing too much LoL ranked so going to trolltown is like an everyday occurrence for me. I practically live there.