Weight Loss Thread


Trump's Staff
40-50g of sugar is a toxic dose? Isn't that a bit stringent? I just posted 48g by lunch. Here's what I've had to eat:

2/3 cup of milk, 8g of sugar
87g of quaker oat squares, 14g of sugar

100g of plain nonfat greek yogurt, 4g of sugar
1T of grated romano, 0g of sugar
1/4T of honey, 4g of sugar(yogurt is too sour otherwise)
1 serving of baked ziti(pasta, sausage, tomatos), 8g of sugar
40g of granola, 10g of sugar
This is why conversations about these kinds of things get dicey, there can easily be lots of mis-communication. I was using sugar colloquially meaning fructose or fructose containing disaccharides (like sucrose). The bulk of the carbohydrates in the list you just posted (excepting the honey and a teensy amount in the tomatoes) are either galactose or glucose, which aren't toxic like fructose.

Incidentally, if you find the yogurt too sour, try the full fat one instead, I think it tastes better (smoother) and I might just add some berries or something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah we were talking about fructose, which deals more with refined sugar than natural.

Glucose is good (relatively). Fructose is bad (absolute).


<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like varying saturations of fat. If fructose really is that bad, I'd like to see more than just "sugar Xg" on a label.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sounds like varying saturations of fat. If fructose really is that bad, I'd like to see more than just "sugar Xg" on a label.
Just be smart and look at the ingredients. They usually list fructose or sucrose or anything like that in it. ANYTHING high in sugars I stay away from. The only thing that should be higher in sugar are fruits, which do not have a label, as someone suggested earlier.

And no, sugar is far worse than saturated fat. I guess it's like trans fat? But I think it's even worse than trans fat, mainly because it's more readily available and abundant.

And Denaut, you ignored me you fuck.

When you say fruit juice, you're referring to Tropicana bullshit right? Cause I'm pretty sure homemade orange juice is absolutely fine. Or if you make a fruit smoothie, you're using whole, natural fruit - you're fine. Or am I wrong on this?


Trump's Staff
Just be smart and look at the ingredients. They usually list fructose or sucrose or anything like that in it. ANYTHING high in sugars I stay away from. The only thing that should be higher in sugar are fruits, which do not have a label, as someone suggested earlier.

And no, sugar is far worse than saturated fat. I guess it's like trans fat? But I think it's even worse than trans fat, mainly because it's more readily available and abundant.

And Denaut, you ignored me you fuck.
Sorry, I missed your post.

"When you say fruit juice, you're referring to Tropicana bullshit right? Cause I'm pretty sure homemade orange juice is absolutely fine. Or if you make a fruit smoothie, you're using whole, natural fruit - you're fine. Or am I wrong on this?"

Any fruit juice, even from a divine orange and freshly squeezed by the hand of an anointed cherub, is bad for you. The healthy part of the fruit (aside from micro-nutrients) is the fiber, remove the fiber and you remove the healthfulness. Doing it yourself probably spares you the additives, but that doesn't make it healthy, just ever so slightly less unhealthy.

Smoothies can be a mixed bag, whole lot of "depends" in there. Mechanically masticating the fiber in the blender does kind of "pre-digest" it for you a little, speeding absorption and reducing the effectiveness of the fiber. At this point we are starting to split hairs though, if the rest of your diet is solid and a few homemade fruit smoothies are the worst thing you are eating then you are probably healthy and don't have to worry. Just... blend them as little as possible, make it more of a "chunky" than a "smoothie"

A ridiculously healthy friend of mine was agonizing about the creamer she put in her morning coffee, her stressing all day about a few milliliters of creamer surely caused more harm to her heart than the creamer ever would.


Trump's Staff
Sounds like varying saturations of fat. If fructose really is that bad, I'd like to see more than just "sugar Xg" on a label.
Sugar is far worse than any fat, but, like carbohydrates, some fats are good for you and others aren't. To make short list and REALLY skipping over a lot of the details, a ROUGH list of bad sources of fat and good sources of fat are:

# Anything with synthetic trans fats. Really really bad, totally screw things up.
# Corn and soy fed animals (including farmed fish) as well as industrially extracted vegetable oils like corn and soy. All Omega6s and no Omega 3.

# Wild fish or game
# Grass fed meat and dairy
# Fatty fruits like olive and avocado

Other sources tend to be neutral or we don't have a lot of information about them. Incidentally flax seeds are not a good source of Omega3s because they don't have Docosahexaenoic acid.

Fat is good for you, it is a critical function and performs many vital functions, the saturated/unsaturated distinction is meaningless when it come to healthfulness as there are healthy and unhealthy fats of both persuasions.


Golden Squire
Home made juice can be too much sugar as well. It's about how much you're consuming. Eating an orange is fine. Blending up the juice of 10 oranges to make one cup, is not.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Smoothies can be a mixed bag, whole lot of "depends" in there. Mechanically masticating the fiber in the blender does kind of "pre-digest" it for you a little, speeding absorption and reducing the effectiveness of the fiber. At this point we are starting to split hairs though, if the rest of your diet is solid and a few homemade fruit smoothies are the worst thing you are eating then you are probably healthy and don't have to worry. Just... blend them as little as possible, make it more of a "chunky" than a "smoothie"
Adding things to slow down the digestion would make it simply that much healthier, no?

Also, you keep mentioning fiber, but it should be noted there's a difference between soluble and insoluble fiber.


Trump's Staff
Adding things to slow down the digestion would make it simply that much healthier, no?

Also, you keep mentioning fiber, but it should be noted there's a difference between soluble and insoluble fiber.
I don't quite follow, what would you add back in to slow digestion and prevent overconsumption?

The two types of fiber are different but they work together, you want to eat both kinds.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't quite follow, what would you add back in to slow digestion and prevent overconsumption?

The two types of fiber are different but they work together, you want to eat both kinds.
I agree, you do want both kinds, but lots of items claim "high in fiber!" when it's high in ONE type of fiber, so you can end up constipated, or shitting your brains out.

Would something like peanut butter or yogurt not slow down digestion? Not due to fiber, but because of the fat/protein. Overconsumption?! Clearly you've never seen me eat!

And I'd say the worst things I eat are generally cheeses and using butter during cooking, but they're small vices imo.


<Bronze Donator>
Sugar is far worse than any fat, but, like carbohydrates, some fats are good for you and others aren't. To make short list and REALLY skipping over a lot of the details, a ROUGH list of bad sources of fat and good sources of fat are:

# Anything with synthetic trans fats. Really really bad, totally screw things up.
# Corn and soy fed animals (including farmed fish) as well as industrially extracted vegetable oils like corn and soy. All Omega6s and no Omega 3.

# Wild fish or game
# Grass fed meat and dairy
# Fatty fruits like olive and avocado

Other sources tend to be neutral or we don't have a lot of information about them. Incidentally flax seeds are not a good source of Omega3s because they don't have Docosahexaenoic acid.

Fat is good for you, it is a critical function and performs many vital functions, the saturated/unsaturated distinction is meaningless when it come to healthfulness as there are healthy and unhealthy fats of both persuasions.
Yes, there are healthy version of saturated and unsaturated fats, but you want less of the former. But still some.

Some of your recommendations are kind of a bummer. No corn or soy fed animal meat? Hard to do or expensive. And I'm not sure I even understand the reasoning behind that one. The differences I've heard between grass or corn fed has been taste.

Sorry to harp on the same point again, this is why I like calorie counting. So instead of telling someone never ever have this type of food(and expecting them to slip up once in a while), you tell them what's in that food that's dangerous and what would be a good daily or weekly limit. That way, the person won't be bummed out about never being able to afford a good NY strip again because they understand what's in the steak that's bad and how much leeway they have.

Disclaimer: I typed up this whole post while finishing off a 300 calorie rice krispie treat. That was after a dinner of baked beans, pulled pork, corn bread, and salad, all homemade.


Blackwing Lair Raider
NY strip?! Fuck that, ribeye, porterhouse, or go home.

I can't afford prime rib.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I admittedly don't cook high end steaks often, they are bad for my wallet.
Pretty sure when I went to the market yesterday Strips were $4.99/pound while ribeye were $5.49/pound. Not much difference, although a lot more fat/bone in the higher end meats.


Tranny Chaser
Friends, peers and respected associates,

Let's play a game, I have another consultation later today, what do you all think my body fat percentage and weight will be? Last week it was 79.8kg and 15.7%. I played soccer for 60 minutes on Monday and had two strongman training sessions with increased weights and reduced rest from the previous week. Stuck rigidly to my diet: average day = 1kg of mince turkey/beef/pork/lamb ate throughout the day, 50 of nuts with the mince at breakfast, 50g of spinach at lunch and dinner, spinach replaced by 200g sweet potato post workout only. Evening meal of steak or some other meat

You all know how much I value and cherish your opinions so feel free to guess away!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Friends, peers and respected associates,

Let's play a game, I have another consultation later today, what do you all think my body fat percentage and weight will be? Last week it was 79.8kg and 15.7%. I played soccer for 60 minutes on Monday and had two strongman training sessions with increased weights and reduced rest from the previous week. Stuck rigidly to my diet: average day = 1kg of mince turkey/beef/pork/lamb ate throughout the day, 50 of nuts with the mince at breakfast, 50g of spinach at lunch and dinner, spinach replaced by 200g sweet potato post workout only. Evening meal of steak or some other meat

You all know how much I value and cherish your opinions so feel free to guess away!
its not possible to determine your calorie intake from your description - give a normal macro breakdown. To determine how much you will lose, you should base it off TDEE - intake to calculate the deficit. At 80kg weight, the most you should be losing is .5-1 kg / week, if all fat would translate to .3 to .6% of body fat.


Tranny Chaser
its not possible to determine your calorie intake from your description - give a normal macro breakdown. To determine how much you will lose, you should base it off TDEE - intake to calculate the deficit. At 80kg weight, the most you should be losing is .5-1 kg / week, if all fat would translate to .3 to .6% of body fat.
Going from the entries on myfitnesspal and using rough measurements

Cals Carbs Fats Protein
Wednesday: Totals 2,171 27 98 296
Thursday: Totals 2,727 45 109 386 (provided I eat everything that's been prepared)

I trained yesterday and will have another strongman session today after the consultation.


So its a bit hard to know if I am reading your information correctly, but I enjoy crunching numbers and such... so here goes!

Your BF% is a little above the average used to calculate basal metabolic rate... (fat doesnt burn as many calories while resting as muscle does). However, it does mean that your muscles must work harder to do the same amount of exercise.

I do not know your age, but you post here... which would generally put you in the 24 - 38 category. As you age, your BMR goes down.

I do not know your height, but I assumed from your weight and BF% that would be around 6ft.

Thus I estimated that you used approximately 2800 calories. Using a BMR model that does not account for BF%

I assume that 7 days will have passed from your previous check in. And that your rate of consumption is an average of the 2 days you have provided. Averaging a consumption of 2449 calories per day.

This gives you a daily caloric deficit of 350 calories per day. Assuming that you are meeting your nutritional requirements and that your weight training is preventing the atrophy of your muscles due to caloric deficit and possibly even increasing muscle mass...

You had a caloric deficit of 2450 calories.
There are approximately 6613calories/kg in body fat.

If your entire weight loss was just in body fat, your weigh in 7 days from your last weigh in would be calculated at:

79.4kg with a BF% of 15.4 (assuming you drank/ate/pee'd/poo'd at the same time)

Though depending on your hydration that number can change so drastically its almost not worth guessing :p

Without knowing more specific details about your height, age, and activities... your caloric requirements can change by more than 400 calories per day... Over the course of a week, thats 0.5KG difference.

So with that in mind, I would change my ESTIMATE of your mass and bf% to split the difference...

79kg with a BF% of 15.2

Looking forward to hearing your results. Keep up the good work!


Tranny Chaser
Results were 78.4 and 15.8% which is a pretty big indication that my night of alcohol resulted in an increase of water weight, this drove the bf percentage down last week. Since last week I've stuck to a low carb diet and lost the water weight. Todays result should be a truer reflection of my actual bf %