Weight Loss Thread


Avatar of War Slayer
Who ever said veggies are bad? I stated sugar is bad.

I have battled my weight my entire life. Mostly using a high protein, low fat, low carb type diet. Every time I relax, I'd gain weight. The holidays were the worst. All attributed to overeating carbs. Breads, sweets, starches, etc. Not to forget alcohol. The carbs triggered over consumption.

Now I am stuggling to eat enough protein, unless I add carbs I don't eat enough to maintain my strength. Which is a concern at my age.


Got something right about marriage
Who ever said veggies are bad? I stated sugar is bad.

I have battled my weight my entire life. Mostly using a high protein, low fat, low carb type diet. Every time I relax, I'd gain weight. The holidays were the worst. All attributed to overeating carbs. Breads, sweets, starches, etc. Not to forget alcohol. The carbs triggered over consumption.

Now I am stuggling to eat enough protein, unless I add carbs I don't eat enough to maintain my strength. Which is a concern at my age.
Low fat and low carb? What exactly are you doing?

Also, sugar isn't bad and not all sugar is created equal. Over indulging in anything is bad, you were eating shit food that was probably processed to hell, had refined flour, way way too much sugar and probably drinking soda too. The problem is sugar being a main staple in your diet and consuming far more than is healthy.

The reason you intake little to no sugar in a ketogenic diet is because as few as 4g of sugar can knock you out of ketosis. Not because you're going to become diabetic if you consume 20g in the form of a piece of fruit.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I have battled eating too much my entire life. Mostly by eating too much. Every time I ate too much, I'd gain weight. The holidays were the worst. All attributed to overeating. Holidays triggered over consumption.
Fixed that for you


Avatar of War Slayer
Mother died of diabetes complications. Father died of heart disease. I'm now in their age cohort.

"What are you doing?" Counting calories my friend. Protein is satisfying. Being fat is not.

Trying a ketogenic diet opened my eyes to how much sugar I was actually consuming. It wasn't easy to avoid. Not that a keto diet is for me, I need to consume more protein.


Got something right about marriage
Not that a keto diet is for me, I need to consume more protein.
What? You are basically just flinging words around at this point. It's clear you've not done any actual research on weight loss or anything you're pretending to have knowledge on.


Tranny Chaser
Ossoi you're spouting a lot of nonsense and anecdotal evidence.

No one who advocates keto from a scientific standpoint believes carbs are bad,.
When I talk about keto krazies, I'm talking about /r/keto and /r/ketogains idiots. Ketogains advocates green veg only and their form of carb cycling/timed keto diet is a tbsp of glucose syrup or some other nonsense, it's literally retarded.


Tranny Chaser
Haha. He is leaner than me and half my age. Also seems to have a thing for keto diets. Doubt he has ever been obese or even big for that matter.
I was 83kg and 23% body fat when i started lifting weights. Not obese or big, but skinny fat.


Avatar of War Slayer
What? You are basically just flinging words around at this point. It's clear you've not done any actual research on weight loss or anything you're pretending to have knowledge on.

I don't fling shit kid, like you.



Got something right about marriage
You said Keto is not for you because you require too much protein. Those statements are completely at odds with each other. Especially since your high protein, low fat, low carb mantra will put you in ketosis if you actually mean low carb.

And "kid"? Really? There's a centrum silver joke somewhere in here.


Avatar of War Slayer
You must have a stick up your ass. Keto is mostly fats in total caloric intake. But my comments are my personal experience

Let's see some of your pics. Ossoi did a damn fine job.


Got something right about marriage
You must have a stick up your ass. Keto is mostly fats in total caloric intake. But my comments are my personal experience

Let's see some of your pics. Ossoi did a damn fine job.
Keto = Ketosis. Lowering carb intake is what gets you into Ketosis. That is an undeniable fact. You can choose to eat more protein or eat more fats to meet your calorie goals.

And my pics are already in this thread as well.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The reason I like this guy (Layne Norton) so much is because he has a deep appreciation for facts and not strictly adhering to any given philosophy, especially conventional wisdom. Yeah, if you look hard enough you can probably find a study that supports any belief, and in his videos and interviews he talks about those junk studies a lot. When he feels that a belief or study's popularity is warranted (meat gives you cancer, sustained state cardio, etc) he systematically addresses the details and minutiae of the study and talks about how it could've been improved or why their conclusion was off the mark - and he isn't shy to call out shortcomings in studies that support his philosophies either..
Well, he adheres to his given philosophy
Like Khane, I'm weary of trusting any one source too much, especially when they have increasing financial/academic investment in convincing others they are correct (which they may be), especially in any human research related field. In the spirit of appreciating Norton dissecting others' work, I hope you still seek out other sources than him at times (you've mentioned him like five or six times now in a short period of time so it really stands out). While it's not really practical or worthy of your time to read every study and do as much research as someone who devotes their life to this work, it would also be a bit of perversion to the scientific process you admire to hold up one person as so authoritative that no other sources are required (or to, for example, only listen to his rebuttals of something instead of getting the opposing view's best arguments).


Avatar of War Slayer
Keto = Ketosis. Lowering carb intake is what gets you into Ketosis. That is an undeniable fact. You can choose to eat more protein or eat more fats to meet your calorie goals.

And my pics are already in this thread as well.
Link them, I have lost patience with your stupidity.


Molten Core Raider
Most of the people in this thread have linked pics. I think there was maybe one that would impress anyone, what does it have to do with this current argument?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm probably one of the ones in the best shape in this thread and I know fuck all about nutrition and the science behind it. I honestly find the arguing tedious.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm probably one of the ones in the best shape in this thread and I know fuck all about nutrition and the science behind it. I honestly find the arguing tedious.
And the funny thing is, I don't think it even matters that much. Which macros you eat are like super fine tuning, as long as you get the calories right you're like 90% of the way there. People get way too hung up on this crap. But then fat guys argue about what diet works best.

When you're fat? ANY DIET. EAT LESS.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It seems like the people who know the most about nutrition are the ones in super, mega, ridiculous good shape and the people in below average shape. But the fine grain knowledge of nutrition is simply what got the person from great shape to stupid great shape. Just eating decent and working out is what got them to the initial great shape. But in every fitness thread I've ever read or participated in on the internet you'll get lambasted for simply saying eat better and workout more. You need to know the secret tricks of being in good shape or you'll accomplish nothing.


Got something right about marriage
There aren't all that many people in here who try to min/max their food intake. But then you have people like Pops come in here and argue against actual scientific fact. The dude is actually arguing that ketosis is high fat, not low carb. You can supplement the lack of calories from carbohydrates with fat if you like, or you can supplement with protein. He's stated he's doing a low carb diet and is probably in ketosis and doesn't even know it.

And like the others have said, what the fuck do my pictures have to do with the fact that limiting carbs is what puts you into ketosis, not increasing fat intake? Go find the pictures yourself if you want to see them so badly.