Weight Loss Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
Before my last post I hadn't given an update on myweight lossfor a few weeks. If I am in the wrong for posting about weight loss in a weight loss thread then I apologise. But you are 100% right on the idiots
I'm not pointing fingers one way or another. I am saying ALL ARE TO BLAME.

And come on, your other posts about "credentials", you know as well as everyone else here that personal trainers don't have actual credentials. If you're getting results I am happy for you, but what I, and I think the horde of bros here who will not get off your nuts, think is that you should probably be a little more skeptical. It should be obvious that losing 1.5% body fat in the span of a few days is almost impossible, I've seen the math, and it looks like math so I assume it is correct. Then you post that here and then RAHGLBARGH: and no one is talking about the awesome progress you are probably indeed making.


A Mod Real Quick
It's a weight loss topic, I'm posting about my weight loss and what works for me. Do you think I care what people with no credentials say on the internet?
But you do seem to care, you respond to them all in turn. I was merely curious why would post in a topic continually where no matter what you say between 3 and 18 people respond calling you a moron.


Tranny Chaser
you know as well as everyone else here that personal trainers don't have actual credentials. .
I don't get this logic, there's retards and phonies in every industry - does that mean I must have signed up with a charlatan? I could post a link to my gym, the coaches etc but I really don't feel the need to.

As for his maths..it depends on whether you believe eating 2000 calories of lean meat a day has the same effect on your body as eating 2000 calories of cake and soda.

But you do seem to care, you respond to them all in turn. I was merely curious why would post in a topic continually where no matter what you say between 3 and 18 people respond calling you a moron.
It's funny and in 6 weeks when I finish the latest program and am at sub 10% Ossoi Trainer Body FatT I'll post the pics


Buzzfeed Editor
If you signed up with someone who tells you to eat a teaspoon of coconut oil to lose body fat or whatever, then yes, you signed up with a charlatan. I'm sure there are reputable personal trainers. Then there are guys like that. Again, I'm not arguing that you aren't making progress. But this is an industry full of bullshit artists.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Other than diet, like Elurin suggested, can you do some light exercise on a stationary bike? Or just some light walking around the block every day? Anything, really, to burn a few extra calories and keep yourself active.
I'm hoping that I can get out pretty quickly. The first couple weeks are going to be complete ass. Time to start looking up recipes that I can make with one hand! Thanks guys


Tranny Chaser
If you signed up with someone who tells you to eat a teaspoon of coconut oil to lose body fat or whatever, then yes, you signed up with a charlatan. I'm sure there are reputable personal trainers. Then there are guys like that. Again, I'm not arguing that you aren't making progress. But this is an industry full of bullshit artists.
That was one recommendation during one week, and one that the retards happened to jump all over, if you're using that one recommendation without knowing anything else to form an opinion...well I guess I should add you to the idiot list also.


Buzzfeed Editor
That was one recommendation during one week, and one that the retards happened to jump all over, if you're using that one recommendation without knowing anything else to form an opinion...well I guess I should add you to the idiot list also.
It was an example, quit crying. I obviously don't know your trainer. I just hope you are skeptical if he says shit like that.


Tranny Chaser
According to rugby union nutritionist Matt Lovell, virgin coconut oil can raise the metabolic rate and therefore help the body to burn fat more effectively. "It is the most misunderstood of all fats," he says. "It is what we call a 'functional food' because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional or calorie content."

At first glance, the so-called "fat that makes you thin" argument looks distinctly suspect. Like butter, coconut oil is extremely high in saturated fat. However, it differs from fats such as butter because it contains a lot of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). "[These are] absorbed directly by the liver so they burn very much like carbohydrate," says Lovell. "This means they provide instant energy and are suitable for endurance-based events." Other fats, such as butter, contain long-chain fatty acids, which are deposited in fat cells and burn off more slowly.
What's remarkable is that you guys are still jumping all over me even though the past 5 pages have shown I really don't care what anyone has to say or think when it comes to my progress. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most ignorant people are wilfully so.
So why are you posting where other people could potentially read about your progress, if you don't care if they read or care about your progress?

Write it in a diary.

Or just go away. You can't even analyze your own progress correctly. You are basically doing this...

Coconut oil

You are right, really no one cares except that you have now become a rerolled meme so you are kind of fun now.
And whoever asked about lifting and running, I'm not a runner but I've read it can potentially improve running performance, which unless you are a marathoner it makes sense.


Buzzfeed Editor
According to rugby union nutritionist Matt Lovell, virgin coconut oil can raise the metabolic rate and therefore help the body to burn fat more effectively. "It is the most misunderstood of all fats," he says. "It is what we call a 'functional food' because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional or calorie content."

At first glance, the so-called "fat that makes you thin" argument looks distinctly suspect. Like butter, coconut oil is extremely high in saturated fat. However, it differs from fats such as butter because it contains a lot of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). "[These are] absorbed directly by the liver so they burn very much like carbohydrate," says Lovell. "This means they provide instant energy and are suitable for endurance-based events." Other fats, such as butter, contain long-chain fatty acids, which are deposited in fat cells and burn off more slowly.

Where is the study showing any of this? A nutritionist says it... A nutrition who went to England's equivalent of ITT Technical Institute for his "nutritionists" title.

Why am I bothering looking this shit up_sl said:
The British Dietetic Association has accused the ION of basing its nutritional recommendations on weak evidence drawn from low quality research.[5] Moreover, Prof David Colquhoun has criticised the ION's Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, arguing that:
The give-away is the term Nutritional Therapy. They are the folks who claim, with next to no evidence, that changing your diet, and buying from them a lot of expensive 'supplements', will cure almost any disease (even AIDS and cancer)...The IoN was founded by Patrick Holford, whose only qualification in nutrition is a diploma awarded to himself by his own Institute. His advocacy of vitamin C as better than conventional drugs to treat AIDS is truly scary
I am assuming that Mr. Lovell is rising to their same expectation of proof? His blog looks like a bunch of bullshit so I assume so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And whoever asked about lifting and running, I'm not a runner but I've read it can potentially improve running performance, which unless you are a marathoner it makes sense.
Was in a hurry when I responded to his post the first time. If you're not looking to be competitive in either one, you should be ok doing both. For running, I'd stick to compound full body movements focusing on hamstrings and glutes. Your quads will get plenty of work, and most people are quad dominant as it is. If you bulk up too much though, your running performance will suffer. But at the same time, running a lot will make it hard to maintain excess muscle mass. This is why if you're trying to put on lots of muscle, running will become a detriment. Trying to keep your milage low will help preserve some of your muscle mass, as well as allow your body to recover sufficiently.

I just want to caveat this all before some knuckle dragger comes in and says I'm retarded. I'm not talking about running like 10-20 miles a week on top of your weightlifting program. You're probably not going to impede yourself too much, especially if you're taking in enough calories to make up for the cardio (although you'll still inhibit your ability to build muscle some). But if you're running 50 miles a week, you're going to have a bitch of a time not looking like a twig. Ditto with taking up powerlifting. You're not going to be able to maintain a 200+ pound frame with low bodyfat and still run like a gazelle. It's just not going to happen. So pick one if you want to go all out at it, or do both and realize that you'll never really become good at either one.


Tranny Chaser
So why are you posting where other people could potentially read about your progress, if you don't care if they read or care about your progress?

Write it in a diary.

Or just go away. You can't even analyze your own progress correctly. You are basically doing this...

Coconut oil

You are right, really no one cares except that you have now become a rerolled meme so you are kind of fun now.
more retarded nonsense from the #1 fanboy.


Tranny Chaser
Where is the study showing any of this? A nutritionist says it... A nutrition who went to England's equivalent of ITT Technical Institute for his "nutritionists" title.

Why am I bothering looking this shit up, you don't care and have already convinced yourself and it is besides the point anyway
All I did was put "coconut oil burn fat" in google and pasted the first few links, as well as a section from one of the articles. As for convincing myself, again what evidence do you have of that? I still cook with coconut oil but got bored of boiling it and drinking it weeks ago


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ossoi... you just don't seem to understand what Arkk is telling you. It's quite ridiculous how someone can be so unbelievably dense.

Anyway, I went into a Trader Joe's today for the first time. Man they play awesome music! Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, I wanted to smoke a joint and just eat in the store and walk around. However, the reason I'm posting is because I was looking at the greek yogurt and came across "Trans Fats: 1g" and was really confused. When I got home, I googled it and apparently there's naturally occurring trans fat in dairy products? I had no fucking idea, personally. Did you guys know this? It makes sense when I think about it, but everything you read is like "STAY AWAY FROM TRANS FATS AT ALL COSTS!" It's become synonymous with McDonald's burgers basically, so that's what I think of immediately when seeing it.

I did pick up some good stuff, though. Quinoa, greek yogurt, tuscan cantaloupe (didn't know this existed), etc. I did see some coconut oil Ossoi, and was tempted to buy it! But damn that shit is expensive.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just make sure the ingredients on your greek yogurt read, "Milk, cultures." Cultures can take several different names on yogurt I believe, but if you get something similar, you're good. If you see any other ingredients, it's probably not greek yogurt, it's basically a science concoction.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just make sure the ingredients on your greek yogurt read, "Milk, cultures." Cultures can take several different names on yogurt I believe, but if you get something similar, you're good. If you see any other ingredients, it's probably not greek yogurt, it's basically a science concoction.
Good tip. Thanks.

Man, I just buy the chobani shit and hope its real. The ingredients look legit.
Finding whole fat Chobani is like finding Jesus.