Weight Loss Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
Ah yeah, I think the shit I buy is fat free, but I didn't see any added sugar so I went with it.


There is a war going on over control of your mind

Does weightlifting impair running endurance?

I ask this because when I started off my weight loss journey at the start of 2012, I like most beginners stuck to the treadmill. As I was losing weight, my running performance naturally got better and at one time I was running just over 8 min miles over a 30 min period.

I then switched over to primarily lifting weights with the occasional cardio for the best part of a year and mostly avoided the treadmill but recently, I am trying to cut down on more body fat so incorporated more cardio into my routine. I was pretty shocked to find that now I couldn't run as long as I used to even though I am much stronger and have a soreness in my lower back whilst running that I never used to have when starting out.

It sucks that even though I have put on more muscle, my running endurance has taken a nosedive. Is it just me and my routine or is running endurance and weightlifting mutually exclusive in general?
Before any lifting workout you should warm up with at least a 2 mile run at either a slow/moderate pace (at least in my opinion/experience)

gotta maintain that cardio + it will prevent your lower back/leg muscles from becoming unaccustomed to supporting the rest of your body during long run sessions

(the lower back stiffness is a very common complaint from people with large upper bodies who aren't accustomed to running, as well as calf/glute soreness)


Trump's Staff
I just want to caveat this all before some knuckle dragger comes in and says I'm retarded. I'm not talking about running like 10-20 miles a week on top of your weightlifting program. You're probably not going to impede yourself too much, especially if you're taking in enough calories to make up for the cardio (although you'll still inhibit your ability to build muscle some). But if you're running 50 miles a week, you're going to have a bitch of a time not looking like a twig. Ditto with taking up powerlifting. You're not going to be able to maintain a 200+ pound frame with low bodyfat and still run like a gazelle. It's just not going to happen. So pick one if you want to go all out at it, or do both and realize that you'll never really become good at either one.
He could also try interval sprints, or some other form of HIIT. I absolutely hate running (enjoy walking though), and even I find about 5-10 minutes of interval sprints pretty fun.

When looking to improve cardio generally, and not long distance running specifically, there are lots of options.


Trump's Staff
Before any lifting workout you should warm up with at least a 2 mile run at either a slow/moderate pace (at least in my opinion/experience)
You don't need to warm up that much, there is no set amount. Just enough to break out in a light sweat is fine, I used to row for about 5 minutes and that was plenty.


Tranny Chaser
Ossoi... you just don't seem to understand what Arkk is telling you. It's quite ridiculous how someone can be so unbelievably dense.
To me it's ridiculous that you idiots lap up everything he says - take his last statement that I can't analyse my own progress correctly - I don't need to, the software at the gym tracks my height, weight, age, bf% and lean muscle mass <- BASED ON ITS ALGORITHM

To me it's ridiculous that you retards keep ignoring me when I say a) I'm not claiming the bf% readings are scientifically accurate/precise/exact b) That regardless of accuracy they are useful as a measure of progress c) If they're fictional readings why do they go down if I stick to the diet plan and go up or stay same if I stray off it.

As for his comment that I should "go away" <- most hilarious one of the lot, IT'S A WEIGHT LOSS THREAD AND I'M ON A WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY, unlike Ark who has spent the last x number of pages replying to my progress. Ark in this situation is like someone that goes to comiccon to tell the Star Trek fans that they're all nerds, actually scratch that, he's more like a member of Westboro Baptist Church standing outside funerals craving attention whilst everyone inside is just trying to pay their respects.

Nobody had replied to this thread for weeks until I posted my latest update #takingthecredit

I will answer one question that has come up - why do I keep posting here if nobody cares or makes fun - your comments motivate me, me getting down to sub 10% Ossoi Body Fat T and posting pics is going to be jimmie rustling on the scale of the Red Wedding rofl.


Golden Squire
Before any lifting workout you should warm up with at least a 2 mile run at either a slow/moderate pace (at least in my opinion/experience)

gotta maintain that cardio + it will prevent your lower back/leg muscles from becoming unaccustomed to supporting the rest of your body during long run sessions

(the lower back stiffness is a very common complaint from people with large upper bodies who aren't accustomed to running, as well as calf/glute soreness)

Running before you lift will fuck up your lifting. You won't be able to lift as heavy and finish hard. If you're going to run, do that shit after you lift.

Edit: Also, if you need to warm up your back, you should be warming up with low weight on the exercises you are doing. Such as Squats or deadlifts with just the bar and then increase with low load. Finally, cardio stamina is specific. Running more will only get you better at running. That's it. Run 10 miles if you can, but best believe you won't last 3 minutes doing jiu jitsu. I would stick with interval sprints, and various tabada.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I actually typed like two paragraphs trying to explain that no one is rooting against you Ossoi, but I fear it will fall on deaf ears. Keep up the weight loss man, that's great... just try to keep the bullshit to a minimum, and yes I'm talking about things like coconut oil. There are no super foods, just better choices.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
He was specifically complaining about not making time for running during a heavy weight lift regimen and was upset he regressed in his running ability.

To someone who only cares about lifting yeah I wouldn't think running a couple miles in the 15 mins before the workout would be worth their time.

Although I run most the time before I lift (but not every time) and I notice no difference in the amount of reps/weight I put up, then again running 2 miles for myself is pretty casual maintenance as I would assume for most people who are even somewhat involved in personal fitness.


Buzzfeed Editor
To me it's ridiculous that you idiots lap up everything he says - take his last statement that I can't analyse my own progress correctly - I don't need to, the software at the gym tracks my height, weight, age, bf% and lean muscle mass <- BASED ON ITS ALGORITHM

To me it's ridiculous that you retards keep ignoring me when I say a) I'm not claiming the bf% readings are scientifically accurate/precise/exact b) That regardless of accuracy they are useful as a measure of progress c) If they're fictional readings why do they go down if I stick to the diet plan and go up or stay same if I stray off it.
That isn't what he was saying at all. What he was pointing out is that you were making steady progress consistently. Then added this coconut oil, then continued to make the same progress you were already making, and yet attributed this progress to the coconut oil. It doesn't make any sense. But since you have a "qualified" personal trainer telling you, you bought into it. This is why I saw the guy sounds like he's full of shit. Everyone who looks at that chart ark posted could tell you in a second, coconut oil has no effect. But the guy you are paying money to, who has a vested interest in making himself seem valuable so you will continue to pay him money, says it does. Whether that is ignorance or malice on his part I do not know. But it is up to you to do the analysis of your progress and pick out bullshit like this so you don't get taken advantage of.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks for replies guys. When you sift through the crap, there is pretty helpful advice here.

I think I will try running in intervals instead. Sucks that I won't be able to run as long as I used to but I view it as an acceptable sacrifice for more muscle mass and I could get cardio endurance from other forms of exercise such as cycling and rowing.


Tranny Chaser
That isn't what he was saying at all. What he was pointing out is that you were making steady progress consistently. Then added this coconut oil, then continued to make the same progress you were already making, and yet attributed this progress to the coconut oil. It doesn't make any sense.
As I said earlier the coconut oil thing has been blown way out of proportion because the retards won't let it drop. The backstory is I posted that my trainer recommended it, got a negative reputation comment, then after I tried it for a week and that happened to coincide with a big drop I posted "fuck you to whoever negged me" and since then it's become a big meme #whatever.

The links I posted earlier (without any comment or commentary) regardless of scientific value should show that there's enough people out there that agree with the theory. And that guy who's quote I pasted earlier also works with the Man City and Spurs football squad as well as the England Rugby team aka elite athletes at the top of their professions - yet some faceless nerd on the internet says his blog is full of shit #credentials

. Everyone who looks at that chart ark posted could tell you in a second, coconut oil has no effect. But the guy you are paying money to, who has a vested interest in making himself seem valuable so you will continue to pay him money, says it does. Whether that is ignorance or malice on his part I do not know. But it is up to you to do the analysis of your progress and pick out bullshit like this so you don't get taken advantage of.
Anyone that wants to judge my trainer based on the tiny snippets of info I have given on this thread are retards and not worth bothering with. You guys seem to have an image of me blindly handing over money that is quite frankly laughable. T


Blackwing Lair Raider
He was specifically complaining about not making time for running during a heavy weight lift regimen and was upset he regressed in his running ability.

To someone who only cares about lifting yeah I wouldn't think running a couple miles in the 15 mins before the workout would be worth their time.

Although I run most the time before I lift (but not every time) and I notice no difference in the amount of reps/weight I put up, then again running 2 miles for myself is pretty casual maintenance as I would assume for most people who are even somewhat involved in personal fitness.
Eh, none of my friends run, and they're all in to personal fitness. We might do HIIT from time to time (I do it more often than them), but for the most part it's total meathead lifting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To me it's ridiculous that you retards keep ignoring me when I say a) I'm not claiming the bf% readings are scientifically accurate/precise/exact b) That regardless of accuracy they are useful as a measure of progress
In the same run-on sentence, you admit that it's bullshit but still insist that it's useful to track progress. What the fuck is wrong with you?


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Eh, none of my friends run, and they're all in to personal fitness. We might do HIIT from time to time (I do it more often than them), but for the most part it's total meathead lifting.
just do the 15 minute treadmill before the lift dude, lean ya out pretty fast at minimum time investment


Lord Nagafen Raider

Running before you lift will fuck up your lifting. You won't be able to lift as heavy and finish hard. If you're going to run, do that shit after you lift.

Edit: Also, if you need to warm up your back, you should be warming up with low weight on the exercises you are doing. Such as Squats or deadlifts with just the bar and then increase with low load. Finally, cardio stamina is specific. Running more will only get you better at running. That's it. Run 10 miles if you can, but best believe you won't last 3 minutes doing jiu jitsu. I would stick with interval sprints, and various tabada.
This. Especially if you're a bigger guy, running will fuck up your squats / DL / Cleans terribly. I don't even like to stretch -too- much beforehand. That tightness in the beginning can really help you get great sets in. Cardio works well before core days, but only because I hate core days and like to quit early :3


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you're wanting to be primarily a runner, run first.

If you're wanting to be primarily a lifter, run after (or not at all).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks for replies guys. When you sift through the crap, there is pretty helpful advice here.

I think I will try running in intervals instead. Sucks that I won't be able to run as long as I used to but I view it as an acceptable sacrifice for more muscle mass and I could get cardio endurance from other forms of exercise such as cycling and rowing.
Just remember that that exercise is only about 25% of muscle mass gain. It's important and it's invigorating getting good sets in, but also don't forget your nutrition, suppliments and sleep. Macros are important in nutrition and having specific bulking and cutting phases is pretty much mandatory when you're low BF % (<10% or so, fit :p). Creatine's a solid suppliment, most whey proteins are similar if your macros aren't coming out right (eating right's fucking expensive), some will mention nitrous but, eh, useless imo, glutamine's okay during low kcal cutting phases to protect your gainz. Testosterone steroids are incredible but be prepared to spend serious money on supporting medications (acne, gynecomastia). Enanthate is probably the safest for casual building and it's far less of a hassle than most, especially prop.

If this is way more than you needed, then just eat well (high prot, med fat, low carb), sleep right, and keep at it. You'll do fine =D


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yo question about sleep. Does it matter if you nap? Cause god damn... I love naps. Wake up from a nap, go blast out some fuckin sets, eat, shower, watch some sports, go to bed. Shit is krieg.