Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
Shoulder surgery isn't bad at all nowadays either. Well, depending on the injury I guess. Mine was arthroscopic and I was golfing again in about 3 weeks. Couldn't work out for like 6 months though.


Molten Core Raider
I've had the acl surgery. It's not fun but honestly it's better than something like shoulder surgery. You'll be out of jiu jitsu for a decent while but you can start upper body exercise pretty quick and the knee rehab starts a week after surgery. Stick to your diet and it really won't be much of a setback.


Molten Core Raider
I'm about 2 years on from ACL surgery on my right knee (they also took a small part of my meniscus) and the thing I wish I'd listened to, looking back, is to get a great physio. I went with the one at my hospital and thought the rehab was good and it's only now after seeing a physio about a back injury that I realise all the things I should've been doing that I wasn't. Especially when you want to get back to lifting properly again.

I've recently found out that a lot of my back injuries from lifting are because my knee is still not where it needs to be and my body is compensating by taking the strain elsewhere.

Get a great physio (pay the money, it's worth it) and go at the rehab full throttle. I never played lacrosse again except the half a season it took for me to realise I'd lost the mental edge thinking I'd get injured every game but there's no reason your knee can't go back to full strength. One small, probably insignificant, thing my new physio beat out of me is referring to the damaged knee as 'my bad knee' instead of 'my right knee' - seems petty but changing that really helped my mentality. Good luck man!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I bought a Blender Bottle and a ton of protein. This isn't the first time I've taken protein as a supplement but it is the first time I'm making an effort to do it regularly. What does the science say if I should consume my protein before or after my workout?


Got something right about marriage
There is no definitive answer. If you feel better taking it beforehand do that, if you feel better taking it after do that.

Normally I'd say "fuck protein supplements" but you hate eating so it makes sense for you I suppose.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Make sure you get a self-contained, alcohol based cryo/cold cuff post surgery. It'll make life 100* better.

And stay off grass.
Do you happen to have the inside scoop on any brands of alcohol based cuffs? I have been able to find plenty of gravity / motorized water based cuffs. I have a follow up with the doctor tomorrow and will probably run it by him as well. Aircast seems to be the name that comes up for me currently.

Definitely this. If you don't know where to go, ask around and find out where the local high school/college athletes go.
I think I found the correct PT, the only issue is they don't bill through insurance. We'll see if I can afford their super service, this is what HSAs are for after all!.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I screwed something up with my blender bottle. Are you supposed to blend right after putting the two ingredients in there? I put the powder at the bottom and the cashew milk ontop of it in the morning and blended it after my workout ended around 1. Its pretty damn lumpy. I don't think I used too much powder because after chewing through the first few bites its pretty well blended after that. I think that probably the top layer got soaked and couldn't get whisked apart by the little ball deal in it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I screwed something up with my blender bottle. Are you supposed to blend right after putting the two ingredients in there? I put the powder at the bottom and the cashew milk ontop of it in the morning and blended it after my workout ended around 1. Its pretty damn lumpy. I don't think I used too much powder because after chewing through the first few bites its pretty well blended after that. I think that probably the top layer got soaked and couldn't get whisked apart by the little ball deal in it.
Yea you should mix the moment liquid hits the powder. Also, what brand of protein did you buy? The nicer ones mix really easily while lesser ones are always lumpy.

Best brand imo:Amazon.com: Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard, Double Rich Chocolate, 5 Pound, 80 Ounce: Health Personal Care

Regarding pre or post workout, it does not really matter. I always take one before for the fuel since I workout first thing in the morning.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yea you should mix the moment liquid hits the powder. Also, what brand of protein did you buy? The nicer ones mix really easily while lesser ones are always lumpy.

Best brand imo:Amazon.com: Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard, Double Rich Chocolate, 5 Pound, 80 Ounce: Health Personal Care

Regarding pre or post workout, it does not really matter. I always take one before for the fuel since I workout first thing in the morning.
Thats actually the powder I bought based upon the Amazon reviews. I got the Rocky Road flavor based upon some of the comments. I've tried about 5 different brands from Amazon and so far off the bat I think this one is the best. Even the lumpy bits didn't taste bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do you happen to have the inside scoop on any brands of alcohol based cuffs? I have been able to find plenty of gravity / motorized water based cuffs. I have a follow up with the doctor tomorrow and will probably run it by him as well. Aircast seems to be the name that comes up for me currently.

I think I found the correct PT, the only issue is they don't bill through insurance. We'll see if I can afford their super service, this is what HSAs are for after all!.
I'm not sure what brand it was. My surgeon prescribed it, and it was delivered by the company rep to my recovery room before I left the hospital the second and third time. It was a self contained unit that worked with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol; no ice or refills required. It could do heat and cold with a programmable thermostat, and compression.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Shakes: Doesn't matter what you add or when, as long as there's enough moisture to actually move the contents. Then it's a time thing. If you don't blend long enough, it'll clump up. The "froth" of a blended shake happens when you have too much liquid and not enough content. Otherwise it should pretty much homogenize after a minute or so of blending. For example, my shake blend is a banana, 2oz of sliced fresh ginger, a handful of oats (Not a huge dude, so probably 1/3 a cup of oats) and three tablespoons of peanut butter (usually organic because there's literally no price difference for me locally, just the oil tends to separate out of the organic shit vs. the non-organic. I have no preference in this area, really) with two scoops of GMC's Wheybolic Amp 60 shit (Probably not the best, but I dislike changing shit when I'm getting results) and then about 12oz of 2% milk. I blend it for roughly 1.5 minutes and then go from there. Smooth 100% of the time.

Also, the time you drink a shake doesn't matter at all aside from a mental effect, if you get those. The body isn't going "OH SHIT RUSH THIS THROUGH NOW I NEED PROTEIN!" when you eat/drink stuff. It still has to be metabolized by your system, which takes hours. Before/after makes no difference, unless you -think- that it makes a difference, in which case hey, go for whatever you want. Khane is spot on for this. Intake timing is a mental thing, and it helps some (well, really, most) people deal with overeating habits in a better manner.

Though I will stress immediately that the better a protein shake with no additives tastes, the shittier it probably is. This is anecdotal, but if a protein shake tastes "good" it probably has way the hell too much sugar in it. I add a ton of shit to my shakes, which I only take on lifting days, and even then they are "alright" at best. Like a Reese's that was dropped in sand and then turned into a beverage. Wouldn't drink it for fun, that's for sure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Day 2 went much better. I blended the protein right when I added it and it tastes pretty damn good. I'm going to try it with just water tomorrow since drinking ~16oz of cashew milk is weighing pretty heavy on my stomach.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Day 2 went much better. I blended the protein right when I added it and it tastes pretty damn good. I'm going to try it with just water tomorrow since drinking ~16oz of cashew milk is weighing pretty heavy on my stomach.
I use unsweetened almond milk... don't know if thats any better for your stomach but it's very light to me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I went with sweetened vanilla this week but my wife has some unsweetened in the fridge as well. Maybe I'll give that a whirl.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Day 2 went much better. I blended the protein right when I added it and it tastes pretty damn good. I'm going to try it with just water tomorrow since drinking ~16oz of cashew milk is weighing pretty heavy on my stomach.
I always use water. It is fine.