Weight Loss Thread


Trakanon Raider
How do some of you combat just devouring a shit ton of food when you're hungry? It's seriously my hugest weakness right now, most days I've been doing real good then all of a sudden I just feel like a bottomless pit.
Nothing to back this up but hot tea makes me feel full. I dropped cokes and coffee a month ago and started drinking earl grey. If a go with just water it makes me hungry if it hits an empty stomach. 5 lbs in a month without any other changes, now I just need to start running again.


Just finished my three crossfit elements classes and will be going to my first real session today. Down 19 pounds in the past 2 months - so far so good.


Just finished my three crossfit elements classes and will be going to my first real session today. Down 19 pounds in the past 2 months - so far so good.
Good luck! Best advice I got going into Crossfit: Don't worry about busting your ass just to try and push the same weight / keep up with everyone else in the class. Focus on getting the movements correct with proper form at a lower weight before you start jumping up to RX weights. Taking the time to get the posture and movements correct will pay HUGE dividends later on at higher weights.


Anyone know much about women's weight loss?

I'm not a very big person to start with, size 2-4 and have weighed about 120-122 for a long time. For the past ~6months I've been around that weight although on the low side, but been seeing a loss of body mass. The past couple weeks though I have dropped 4 lbs which is not insignificant at my weight and is odd for me. I'm sitting at 116 which I haven't been since I was like 14. My eating and exercise habits have not changed at all.

All the reading I have done indicates that women typically put on weight in their late 20s and have trouble losing it so I'm not sure whats going on. I have a dr. appointment for july (it takes forever to get in to see her) but was hoping to figure out whats going on before I waste away!
Anyone know much about women's weight loss?

I'm not a very big person to start with, size 2-4 and have weighed about 120-122 for a long time. For the past ~6months I've been around that weight although on the low side, but been seeing a loss of body mass. The past couple weeks though I have dropped 4 lbs which is not insignificant at my weight and is odd for me. I'm sitting at 116 which I haven't been since I was like 14. My eating and exercise habits have not changed at all.

All the reading I have done indicates that women typically put on weight in their late 20s and have trouble losing it so I'm not sure whats going on. I have a dr. appointment for july (it takes forever to get in to see her) but was hoping to figure out whats going on before I waste away!
A woman's period fucks them in terms of paying attention to weight on the scale. Did the 4lbs stay off?


Trakanon Raider
The past couple weeks though I have dropped 4 lbs which is not insignificant at my weight and is odd for me. I'm sitting at 116 which I haven't been since I was like 14.
Is probably what he is questioning... seems relevant.


Ok I'll rephrase. Not relevant because I am nursing and not gotten a period in like two years.

It could be just because I am nursing but I pay attention to the calories I am taking in and it should not be a problem with the calories I lose from nursing. When nursing my previous children, I never had problems with weight loss. I guess I'll know once I wean my daughter (next month or so) if that's what it was all along... Dunno, doesn't seem like that's the issue given the changes I'm seeing and my diet.


Ok I'll rephrase. Not relevant because I am nursing and not gotten a period in like two years.

It could be just because I am nursing but I pay attention to the calories I am taking in and it should not be a problem with the calories I lose from nursing. When nursing my previous children, I never had problems with weight loss. I guess I'll know once I wean my daughter (next month or so) if that's what it was all along... Dunno, doesn't seem like that's the issue given the changes I'm seeing and my diet.
My wife has been nursing the past two months and lost quite a bit of the weight she had during pregnancy. She's just about back to where she was to begin with. How long have you been nursing? Also - what is your caloric intake like and what are you eating? Drinking enough? All sorts of crap could lead into that now that you're nursing (again?).
Not relevant. Loss of body mass over 6 months has nothing to do with a period.
You just decided that mentioning you just had a baby wasn't relevant? Your BMR goes up significantly while nursing.

And how could you possibly know that the weight loss was purely lean body mass? Did you get dipped?


Been nursing my third child for 11 months now. The pregnancy weight comes off very fast in the first couple of months and then you typically maintain your normal weight for the rest of the period you are nursing. I had that and then evened out for several months with no noticeable changes in my weight or body. At about the 6 month mark though was when I started noticing changes - pants were all getting too loose, rings slipping off my fingers, my joints looking a lot smaller, my butt disappearing. I'm probably eating 2000 calories a day on average with a pretty normal diet (more crap food than I should eat). I eat when I'm hungry and don't skimp. :pExercise is pretty minimal since I'm super busy with kids, house/yard and work.

It is just very different than my last children which is why I find it odd. The first two took me longer to get back to normal, if anything I was at the higher end of my normal weight range after them. Subsequent children are supposed to be harder to get your figure back and here I am complaining about being too skinny. :p


You just decided that mentioning you just had a baby wasn't relevant? Your BMR goes up significantly while nursing.

And how could you possibly know that the weight loss was purely lean body mass? Did you get dipped?
Well its been almost a year, I don't think of it as "just had a baby" anymore. :\ And yeah should have mentioned I was nursing. As I said above though, it just feels different. Can't explain it much more beyond that.

No did not get dipped but measured my body fat on my own and am at 13.1% which is really low for me. BMI is at 18.3.
Well its been almost a year, I don't think of it as "just had a baby" anymore. :\ And yeah should have mentioned I was nursing. As I said above though, it just feels different. Can't explain it much more beyond that.

No did not get dipped but measured my body fat on my own and am at 13.1% which is really low for me. BMI is at 18.3.
I've argued with dipshits on these forums about this before but calipers are way less accurate than people think they are, especially for a measurement of what your actual bodyfat is. Their efficacy in testing changes in bodyfat is a diff story. BMI should never be mentioned in life by anyone, it's idiotic.

You seem to be conscientious enough to notice changes. I'd base it off the mirror, but if you are still nursing that's like a extra few hundred calories a day your body is burning, I think it's like 300ish. You may be losing weight, but it isn't only lean body mass, and it isn't only fat, it's likely more of the latter.