Weight Loss Thread


Golden Squire
Brown rice is disgusting and not even necessary. Get your carbs from vegetables, or if you must, quinoa/sweet potato.

Here is one of meals that I just cooked for work tonight. Salt, pepper, ginger. 2 cans of tuna with spinach and red onion for another meal, then a protein shake before I go home to sleep.




SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Brown Rice was just an example. I hardly ever eat rice nowadays, just because I don't really enjoy it.

Anyway, to my point about portions: the average person will look at the meal you just cooked and ask "Where the fuck is the rest of it?!" Until they count calories they will have no idea that the meal you cooked is a healthy portion and the meal they ordered at TGI Fridays is way, way too much.


<Bronze Donator>
And you both are in shape right now?
160 lbs, 6'. No idea what my body fat percentage is. Not sure how else to quantify it for you.

I wouldn't actually say that's a healthy *portion*. The food is definitely healthy. But I know from your other posts you eat 6 meals a day. Otherwise, for a normal 3 meals a day person, that looks a tad small.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Brown rice is fucking delicious faggot! Especially when you mix it with wild and red rice!

And yeah, that portion is fucking tiny.


<Bronze Donator>
I might be. My BMI is right in the middle of "normal" for my height. Of course, BMI is a population average and can't be applied accurately to single person. I am counting calories to put on some muscle mass. And it's helpful so I know to overeat more in protein than other calories. Whether you're maintaining, loosing weight, or gaining, I think counting calories is helpful.

And let me clarify, I define counting calories to include daily goals for fat, protein, carbs, calories, and whatever other important nutritive categories.


Golden Squire
I eat every two to three hours, that meal is satisfying enough. I maintain between 190-194lbs by eating 6-7 times a day. Brown rice is shit. Fuck you and your retarded taste buds.


Vyemm Raider
Going to start a new weight loss program but reading through this thread it makes me wonder what's going on with the moderation here. This could be a very useful tool but right now it's like the politics thread crossed with bro science and a few reasonable voices being drowned out by trolls.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Going to start a new weight loss program but reading through this thread it makes me wonder what's going on with the moderation here. This could be a very useful tool but right now it's like the politics thread crossed with bro science and a few reasonable voices being drowned out by trolls.
Pretty sure the sum advice of this thread is: drink coconut oil.


Tranny Chaser
Going to start a new weight loss program but reading through this thread it makes me wonder what's going on with the moderation here. This could be a very useful tool but right now it's like the politics thread crossed with bro science and a few reasonable voices being drowned out by trolls.
Basically, since I posted that I had decided to start weight training under the supervision of a Personal Trainer I've been attacked by people who disagree with the advice he's giving me. Forgive me for getting defensive and responding to internet bodybuilders who attack a qualified professional without any credentials themselves.

Here's an example of the stupidity these same idiots then post themselves:

*Edit* I will agree that it is silly to focus on body fat percentage and even scale weight. The only things that matter should be 1) how you feel and 2) how you look. Body fat percentage is infamously hard to accurately measure, and scale weight is incredibly misleading.
I might be. My BMI is right in the middle of "normal" for my height. .
So that's one person that says Body Fat % is stupid and another that pays attention to BMI.

It's clear that my goals (fat loss, body composition) are different from majority of people posting here, who presumably just want to fit into a certain size range of clothes with no concern for what's underneath.

I'm going to keep posting the methods I'm given, diet, supplements and results regardless of what anyone else thinks.


Trump's Staff
Going to start a new weight loss program but reading through this thread it makes me wonder what's going on with the moderation here. This could be a very useful tool but right now it's like the politics thread crossed with bro science and a few reasonable voices being drowned out by trolls.
The quick and dirty list of things to do for improvinghealthroughly in order is:
1. Stop Smoking.
2. Do not drink any Calories. A little whole milk is alright after exercise.
3. Do not eat any sugar. This includes table sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, or any of the other million names it is listed under.
5. Learn to Cook, leading directly to number 3...
5. Don't buy or eat things with an ingredient label. There are exceptions (like olive oil) but by far the vast majority of what you eat shouldn't have a label or an advertising campaign.
6. Weight Lifting, HIIT, or find a Sport for exercise.

Really I am not a big fan of counting Calories either, it isn't something most people need to do to be healthy. If you just eat the right things then it is much harder to overeat and most things will correct themselves. This obviously varies immensely for different people with different goals.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Update for me: 183 today. I'm eating clean and combining with intermittent fasting, works like a charm for me. Still going paleo for the most part but I added my oatmeal back in for some diversity in the morning. Lunch today is grilled shrimp and veggies, looking forward to that.

I still dont know what my 'lean' weight is going to be. I'm guessing under 180 though so that kinda sucks. I was hoping to be cut at 180. we'll see.

160 lbs, 6'. No idea what my body fat percentage is. Not sure how else to quantify it for you.
Just based on those numbers seems like you'd be better off gaining if you're concerned about BF%. Lift heavy and eat enough calories.


<Bronze Donator>
Ossoi, I never said you shouldn't pay attention to body fat percentage. Your problem is how you interpret those measurements. Notice how you left out my next sentence where I said BMI can't be applied accurately to an individual? I know what my BMI is because I too was concerned about being underweight and Celebrindal asked if I was in shape. I'm not going to let BMI be a hard and fast guideline to what weight I should be.

Denaut, I disagree with cutting out all sugars, all drinkable calories, and all foods with labels. Telling someone they can't drink a Coke instead of teaching them it's 140(had that memorized, believe me or not) empty calories that they'll have to make up elsewhere, seems a bit extreme.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Going to start a new weight loss program but reading through this thread it makes me wonder what's going on with the moderation here. This could be a very useful tool but right now it's like the politics thread crossed with bro science and a few reasonable voices being drowned out by trolls.
The moderation is fine. There is a ton of great advice in this thread if you take the time to read through it all. You're right in a way to compare it to the politics thread, because everyone will never agree on the best way to lose weight and get in shape; everyone's body and lifestyles are different and different things work for different people. What do you expect from this community with this kind of divisive topic?

Take the two above examples by Deathwing and Denaut:

Denaut has a relatively extreme view towards diet by avoiding all sugar and cutting out all processed foods. I did this for a while and it worked incredibly well to help me lose weight, but it isn't for everyone. I stopped simply because it didn't fit into my lifestyle of going out to restaurants a lot and enjoying high quality beer once or twice a week.

Deathwing has a less severe (but arguably less "healthy") view towards diet which accounts for drinking sugary stuff, eating processed foods occasionally, and allowing yourself to enjoy a more typical "American" diet. This also works very well if you stick to it.

Then you have Dashel and his pseudo-paleo diet, which is clearly working well for him given his reports here.

Decide what sort of diet fits into your lifestyle and pair it with some solid weight training at the gym to maintain muscle mass. If you are consistent with both of those youwilllose weight and youwilllook much better (i.e avoid the ugly skinnyfat trap that cardio freaks tend to fall into).


So that's one person that says Body Fat % is stupid and another that pays attention to BMI.
I never said body fat percentage is stupid. I saidfocusing on it too muchis silly. At the end of the day it's just a number on paper that doesn't really mean anything (especially given how notoriously difficult it is to accurately measure).

I don't believe I've ever disparaged your training in this thread (that was mostly Arkk by himself, if I remember). The reason I give you shit when you post is that you refuse to consider the fact the numbers you're posting might not be 100% accurate. For example, you posted that 1.5% body fat loss number and Eomer responded with a well-thought, logical reason why it might not be completely accurate. Did you consider his point of view? Did you think to yourself, "Hmm, he might be right, but it doesn't really matter because I am happy with my progress"? No, you immediately post that we don't know what the fuck we're talking about and we are all clearly wrong because we disagree with you. When you constantly post such standoffish responses to people pointing out possible inaccuracies with your numbers, what do you expect?

Go read the Paleo thread and take lessons from Dashel on how to respond to critics in a mature way that encourages further discussion instead of Picard face palms.


Tranny Chaser
you posted that 1.5% body fat loss number and Eomer responded with a well-thought, logical reason why it might not be completely accurate. Did you consider his point of view? Did you think to yourself, "Hmm, he might be right, but it doesn't really matter because I am happy with my progress"?
Actually his numbers were off by about 3000 calories, well thought out my arse. And I did consider his point of view hence why I had to resort to the bowl of sand metaphor. It's irrelevant because he completely twisted my original statement and turned it into an attack. When I pointed this out some other douchebag came in and attempted to tell ME what I actually meant. The very fact I mentioned that my trainer thinks it will catch up with me next week indicates that that particular result was an anomaly


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Actually his numbers were off by about 3000 calories, well thought out my arse. And I did consider his point of view hence why I had to resort to the bowl of sand metaphor. It's irrelevant because he completely twisted my original statement and turned it into an attack. When I pointed this out some other douchebag came in and attempted to tell ME what I actually meant. The very fact I mentioned that my trainer thinks it will catch up with me next week indicates that that particular result was an anomaly
Let's put the posts back to back to see just how obnoxious you're coming across as:

Eomar's post:

You dropped 2-3 pounds of fat in a week without starving yourself (assuming you're somewhere around 150-200lbs)? That's the equivalent of having a deficit of ~10,000 calories in a single week, or about 1,500 a day. Stop and ask yourself if you think that's realistic.
Your next post:

you're idiot
And your next post:

Did I say anything about physical weight of fat I lost? No retards, I didn't - since when was % a measurement of weight?
Sorry, but it doesn't sound like he twisted your original statement and your initial responses were far from considering another viewpoint. "You're idiot" and "No retards" is not considering an opposing viewpoint.

Maybe the problem is that you suck at writing to get your meaning across? You keep saying we are misinterpreting your posts, but at a certain point you have to ask yourself whether it's a problem with our understanding, or a problem with your writing. Go back and look at your "6x200 grams of protein" post to see a perfect example of whereyouknow what you're trying to say, but it isn't clear to anyone else reading it.


Trump's Staff
Sorry if that came off as being super hardcore, I was just trying to be concise. It is all dose-response really, the rule most people recommend is 80%-20%, although I always say 90%-10% because I found my clients would end up at about 80%-20% if I told them that

I totally, totally disagree about the sugar though. A can of soda is far worse for you than 140 empty calories, it is a metabolically destructive toxin akin to alcohol. As such a soda should be treated like alcohol, something you have a can or two of on a Saturday or a holiday and that is about it.

"The impact of sugar on diabetes was independent of sedentary behavior and alcohol use, and the effect was modified but not confounded by obesity or overweight. Duration and degree of sugar exposure correlated significantly with diabetes prevalence in a dose-dependent manner"

In his book Dr. Lustig talks more about this study stating "Every additional 150 Calories per person per day barely raised diabetes prevalence. But if those 150 Calories were instead from a can of soda, increase in diabetes prevalence rose sevenfold. Sugar is more dangerous than its Calories."

So, yes you can have that soda, but don't think of it as 140 empty Calories, its metabolic impact is 980 Calories. Treat it that way.


A Mod Real Quick
I've been drinking Diet Mountain Dew recently, because I need caffeine and sometimes water just doesn't cut it. How bad is diet mountain dew for you? The internet provides a plethora of arguments ranging from cancer-inducing to it's good for you. I actually prefer it over regular mountain dew. I'm mostly concerned with sugar and carbs, so that's why I'm trying to stick to diet sodas.