Weight Loss Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
There's a reason you've never heard of chicken tartare. Chicken needs flavor via cooking, and boiling adds none.

Salmonella might be a factor too.
I was about to scream. Then you said it.

God steak tartar is so good, though.

But yeah, who fucking eats dumplings anyway?!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
But yeah, who fucking eats dumplings anyway?!
I can tolerate hating on boiled chicken. But hating on dumplings? What. The. Fuck. Dumplings are amazing.

Seriously though, I never realized boiling chicken was so rare. I started doing it years ago when I was living abroad among savages in Kazakhstan. They cook all their meat by boiling for whatever reason and I guess I picked it up. Their national dish is boiled noodles, boiled meat, boiled onions, and boiled potatoes all together on a plate.


Tranny Chaser
Lately I've been buying corn fed chickens (I know the benefits of grass fed beef over grain but for some reason corn fed chickens are rarer here in the UK and more expensive, I don't know the reasons for the premium or logic behind feeding chickens corn) and smearing them in coconut oil before sprinkling some garlic granules over. Roast your average chicken for 1hr20 = delicious


<Bronze Donator>
I'm going to guess your country doesn't grow very much corn. There are natural and artificial reasons why corn is so cheap in America.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not sure why corn fed would be considered superior in any case? Although I guess it depends what you're comparing it to. They have "vegetarian fed" chickens in Whole Foods but a chicken typically eats things like bugs, worms and even bigger animals like a frog or snake in addition to the plants and grains.


FPS noob
That does seem like a valid point. Why are we bothering with a Foreman's grill when actual grilling, roasting, or sauteing are options? Modicum of oil + salt + pepper + adequate heat element = profit.
smoke and cleanup time are two reasons why. On a pan or outside involves more time and more cleanup usually, and inside can emit more smoke. Plus you have to flip the chicken. Also the foreman grill is slightly sloped so grease drains into a catcher, which is nice for burgers and bacon. It is a crime to use it on any good steak, not only for cooking both sides at once but compressing the steak, not letting the steak sit in rendered fat/butter, and steak temp issues.

I find chicken breasts tastes slightly better off the foreman grill since it cooks both sides evenly and you remove some of the grease, although what I do a lot of times is cook the chicken in the foreman (undercook) and then toss it into a wok with some veggies, coconut oil, heavy cream and spice (sriracha etc) - creamy, delish chicken. For burgers, outside grill is far superior but foreman is better for "no smoke alarms" if you do it inside. For bacon, foreman is way better since you drain off all the bacon fat (save it for cooking) and the bacon comes out crispy.

So basically its just another cooking tool to save on time and cleanup, it takes 5 seconds to wipe it down with a paper towel and drain the grease trap.


Same trailer, different park
it takes 5 seconds to wipe it down with a paper towel and drain the grease trap.
Or.... you could not drain the grease trap for months at a time, then decide it would be pretty hilarious to sneak said grease goo into your college roomates water bottle/tooth brush/boxers/shampoo/pillow and see their reaction. A lot of good uses for it.


Golden Squire
Figure i'll go and post up the results of the last couple years. Had a crap relationship end poorly and decided to make some changes.

At my heaviest I was >350lbs (couldn't weigh myself on a scale for about 6 months), and now I'm sitting 236lbs and 14.5% bodyfat. The snippet described below went and took me down a path that reduced my bodyfat by 21% (from 38% to 17%, and now at 14.5% after the last 8 weeks), and lost over 70 net lbs while building solid muscle.

This week marked the two year mark to the day of my first physical event i'd ever participated in. I ended up with a Top3 finish in the competition this weekend and will find myself with a free ride to Regionals in September to represent my gym. The girl next to me in the recent photo is my personal trainer and helps keep me coming back day in day out.

When it was all said and done it's easily been the best investment i've ever made in my life. You gotta eat well, you gotta move your ass, and you can't quit no matter what.

May 2008 (~350lbs)

May 17th, 2011

May 17th 2013

"How'd ya do it?"

So facing your demons is never easy and facing mine took 683 days from May 1st 2011, until morning March 14th, 2013.

During those days it required:
585 workouts
2,194 miles on on my running shoes
292 hours on a spin bike pushing until i almost puked
1,170 Hours of Strength Training
29,250 pushups
409,800 times of telling myself "One More Rep"
And yeah... I counted.

It took telling my boss "I'll do the work just don't get in the way of gym time. I need this, and you need to accept that."
It took taking no flak from the people in my life (who sure aren't in it now) who thought i was crazy or obsessed
It took taking the highs with the lows and absolutely refusing to ever give up
It took badass playlists and constantly pumping myself up when I felt I had nothing left
It took amazing people coming into my life and providing unending amounts of support and encouragement and accountability and constantly helping me push limits even further.

After all of that, as of March 14th, I was no longer over weight. That big chip on shoulder was gone forever, and i continue to be hellbent on moving forward.

Feels fucking good.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Really good job. And the fact that you've done it over the course of 2 years and managed to maintain it is even better.

By the way, your gym looks amazing. I'd kill for a rock wall in mine.


Golden Squire
Way to go, fat ass. Or... not so fat ass. How much do you weight now?
I'm 236lbs and 14.5% bodyfat. Over the rest of the year i'll be chipping down to around 10-11% bodyfat and keeping my weight around 235. I'm doing a round of creatine during my next hypertrophy cycle in June so expect my weight to go up to the low 240's but i don't weigh myself during those cycles.

All said, > 120lbs lost from my worst, and probably around -30% bodyfat.


Golden Squire
Really good job. And the fact that you've done it over the course of 2 years and managed to maintain it is even better.

By the way, your gym looks amazing. I'd kill for a rock wall in mine.
Yeah i love my gym. When I travel for work i get pissed because gyms on the road are just nowhere close to what i'm used to. Never closes except 8 hours a year for thanksgiving and Christmas. Tons of equipment and stuff to do, and the eye candy is pretty prime as well.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm 236lbs and 14.5% bodyfat. Over the rest of the year i'll be chipping down to around 10-11% bodyfat and keeping my weight around 235. I'm doing a round of creatine during my next hypertrophy cycle in June so expect my weight to go up to the low 240's but i don't weigh myself during those cycles.

All said, > 120lbs lost from my worst, and probably around -30% bodyfat.
You worst wasn't the first pic, was it?


Golden Squire
Fuck old pictures. Hate looking backwards at how much i left myself down, but figure if someone else gets some motivation from it, i'll suck it up.


Tranny Chaser
I'm 236lbs and 14.5% bodyfat. Over the rest of the year i'll be chipping down to around 10-11% bodyfat and keeping my weight around 235. I'm doing a round of creatine during my next hypertrophy cycle in June so expect my weight to go up to the low 240's but i don't weigh myself during those cycles.

All said, > 120lbs lost from my worst, and probably around -30% bodyfat.
1. Body Fat % isn't accurate
2. Personal trainers are stupid and con artists

Just 2 of the pearls of wisdom I've been subjected to by the retards in this thread, fuck them, way to go!