Weight Loss Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
The people who stress the no gluten thing go overboard sometimes. Still if your goal is weight loss or generally getting "fitter"; avoiding or moderating bagels, pizza, cereals etc is uncontroversial. It's a good base to start from for people who just want to be told what to eat to get fitter. It's also pretty organic meaning people are tweaking it and it's still changing. You'll hear a lot of guys who are/were into paleo talking about the need for carbs now if you're into sports or any performance activity. Sweet potato are most often mentioned.

Yeah, that part I agree with. I think a lot of people don't realize how truly unhealthy a bagel or muffin or something like that is. A guy eats a bagel and he thinks hey, I'm doing ok, this isn't bad. Then you rephrase that and say "a guy eats 6 slices of toast" and you're like whoa, fatass. People just aren't aware. Even then as bad as that is, a bagel every week or two isn't the end of the world. A bagel every day? Yeah...

I'm alternating my breakfasts right now between grits, oatmeal, and yogurt with some fruit in it. That has been really working for me, a single serving of oatmeal or grits is very reasonable and filling (to me) and the yogurt I am learning to tolerate. I was surprised by how bitter plain yogurt is, even when mixed with berries or somethng. But again this comes back to not knowing, I'm betting most people don't realize that flavored yogurts have added sugar, some amounting to your entire recommended daily allowance in a single serving.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
But again this comes back to not knowing, I'm betting most people don't realize that flavored yogurts have added sugar, some amounting to your entire recommended daily allowance in a single serving.
When I decided to cut out processed foods and sugar I made the switch from low-fat flavored Oikos greek yogurts to full-fat, plain greek yogurt. The full-fat, plain greek yogurt tastes SO much better than the flavored Oikos, even without adding any extra fruit to it. I was shocked because I expected that losing the sugar would also result in a loss of flavor, but it turns out that fat is fucking delicious, too.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Wtf do you people eat for dessert?
I rarely eat dessert because my meals are generally very, very filling. If I do eat dessert it is usually some kind of fruit. Obviously if it's a birthday or other special occasion I eat cake/sugar/whatever. It's not like having some now and then will hurt.

The only people I know who have dessert with every dinner are fatties.


Buzzfeed Editor
Wtf do you people eat for dessert?
Tomorrow I'm making a blueberry cobbler, I'll have that with some ice cream. But this is the first time I've baked something in a couple of months I think. I had a shake a couple of weeks ago. I'm really trying to cut down on the sweets, treat them like a special occassion type of thing. Byt hat I don't mean it has to actually be a special occasion, I just have to do it rarely.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, that part I agree with. I think a lot of people don't realize how truly unhealthy a bagel or muffin or something like that is. A guy eats a bagel and he thinks hey, I'm doing ok, this isn't bad. Then you rephrase that and say "a guy eats 6 slices of toast" and you're like whoa, fatass. People just aren't aware. Even then as bad as that is, a bagel every week or two isn't the end of the world. A bagel every day? Yeah...
One of the fitter guys I know loves his bagels. Not sure how often he eats them but point being if you're going 80-90% of your calories with good food, that other 10-20 can be whatever. Bagels, ice cream, pop tarts, pizza, fries...

The people who need to watch out are like you said, people who dont realize that whole grain low fat gluten free bread with no HFCS isnt necessarily a health food. It's not going to kill you but I'd personally ditch it if cutting fat. Just my experience.


<Bronze Donator>
I eat dessert every day for as long as I can remember. I was a fatty growing up, haven't been for a long while(6', 160lbs)

Breaking down food into just plain nutrients and what's good for you is incredibly boring. I love cooking(and I know at least chaos does), and more so, I love eating what I cook. Cooking and eating is one of my favorite things to do each day because the shit I make is delicious.

If you remember my posts from earlier, I relatively watch what I eat. I count my calories, watch my macros, make sure I always hit my protein goal and come close for carbs and fat. But if I had to hit the recommendation for sugar(43g!), well, might as well just kill me now. 277g(~2 cups) of green grapes is that much sugar exactly.

I think that's taking it too far. There's got to be some sort of weighting to how enjoyable an activity is, not just how good it is. I was trolling Tarrant with my coke response, but maybe it's a bit more accurate.


Blackwing Lair Raider
McCheese, the sugar content between non-fat and full-fat yogurt is exactly the same. Full-fat is also a lot more difficult to find, eating non-fat yogurt is fine, full-fat is better. Full-fat foods are generally better, I completely agree, it's why I drink whole milk (CAUSE ITS SO FUCKING CREAMY AND THICK AND DELICIOUS!).

Dashel, whole wheat slices of bread are fine. I eat two every morning with 3 eggs, resulting in a 400 calorie meal with nearly 30g of protein and good carb and fat content that fills me rather well.

You can't write off foods as being wholly good or bad, it's all situation.

P.S. Jersey bagels are so fucking good. And most aren't 6 slices, it's more like 3-4.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I don't know of anyone who limits ALL sugar intake that severely. Most people who limit sugar are actually talking about refined sugar, and not counting the sugars you get from fruit, for example. This is how I do it, at least. I eat a shit load of fruit but I hardly touch things that have added, refined sugar.

There are those who avoid all sugars, but that's going into the low-carb/keto diet area which I think is insane as well.

McCheese, the sugar content between non-fat and full-fat yogurt is exactly the same. Full-fat is also a lot more difficult to find, eating non-fat yogurt is fine, full-fat is better. Full-fat foods are generally better, I completely agree, it's why I drink whole milk (CAUSE ITS SO FUCKING CREAMY AND THICK AND DELICIOUS!).
You misread what I wrote. I went fromflavoredOikos toplaingreek yogurt. A typical flavored Oikos greek yogurt has 18 - 20g of sugar, whereas a plain, full-fat greek yogurt has about 7 or 8g.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh, my mistake! I just remember when I switched from non-fat to full-fat I figured the sugar content would be lower, but it's actually identical.

My bad Wakandan. Love you McCheese.

As for the sugar, I'm in the same boat as you. I eat tons and tons of fruit, but rarely if ever have refined sugar. But who doesn't love a good slush puppie every now and then?!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Oh, my mistake! I just remember when I switched from non-fat to full-fat I figured the sugar content would be lower, but it's actually identical.

My bad Wakandan. Love you McCheese.

As for the sugar, I'm in the same boat as you. I eat tons and tons of fruit, but rarely if ever have refined sugar. But who doesn't love a good slush puppie every now and then?!
Slush Puppies are terrible. Slurpee 4 life.


<Bronze Donator>
What's inherently bad about processed sugar? Just to clarify, you're referring to white granulated sugar, right? The "processing" just cooks and dries the sugar cane juice to remove impurities(molasses). Why is that bad and what makes it different than getting your sugar from fruit? Before you say something like fiber content to slow digestion, let me continue the green grape example, they basically have none. Grapes are basically sugar delivery vessels.

Yes, sugar is a disaccharide and fructose is a monosaccharide. I will admit about all I know between those two is sweetness differences. I'm going to guess that disaccharides take a bit longer to digest.

A good comparison: 2 servings of panda paws ice cream has less sugar than the grapes I listed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dashel, whole wheat slices of bread are fine. I eat two every morning with 3 eggs, resulting in a 400 calorie meal with nearly 30g of protein and good carb and fat content that fills me rather well.
Yeah I have a slice of toast with my eggs in the morning too. But I cut that from two slices, plus a sandwich for lunch, and some form of bread with dinner. One slice of toast is what 150 calories maybe. No big deal.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What's inherently bad about processed sugar? Just to clarify, you're referring to white granulated sugar, right? The "processing" just cooks and dries the sugar cane juice to remove impurities(molasses). Why is that bad and what makes it different than getting your sugar from fruit? Before you say something like fiber content to slow digestion, let me continue the green grape example, they basically have none. Grapes are basically sugar delivery vessels.

Yes, sugar is a disaccharide and fructose is a monosaccharide. I will admit about all I know between those two is sweetness differences. I'm going to guess that disaccharides take a bit longer to digest.

A good comparison: 2 servings of panda paws ice cream has less sugar than the grapes I listed.
I won't claim to know anything about the science behind any of this. The reasons I avoid refined sugar are:

1) It usually isn't accompanied with many/any other nutrients, unlike the sugar from fruit which gets you vitamins, fiber, etc.
2) Eating fruit might be full of sugar, but it is also really filling. Eating stuff filled with refined sugar just doesn't seem to fill me up nearly as much.

Maybe this is all in my head, but it works for me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What's inherently bad about processed sugar? Just to clarify, you're referring to white granulated sugar, right? The "processing" just cooks and dries the sugar cane juice to remove impurities(molasses). Why is that bad and what makes it different than getting your sugar from fruit? Before you say something like fiber content to slow digestion, let me continue the green grape example, they basically have none. Grapes are basically sugar delivery vessels.

Yes, sugar is a disaccharide and fructose is a monosaccharide. I will admit about all I know between those two is sweetness differences. I'm going to guess that disaccharides take a bit longer to digest.

A good comparison: 2 servings of panda paws ice cream has less sugar than the grapes I listed.
Only fags eat grapes, bro.

Yeah I have a slice of toast with my eggs in the morning too. But I cut that from two slices, plus a sandwich for lunch, and some form of bread with dinner. One slice of toast is what 150 calories maybe. No big deal.
Mine are about 100 per, so it varies. I eat a lot of wraps for lunch too, which are around 200. Never have bread with dinner, though. Only thing I'll eat carb dense is a sweet potato or brown rice, besides veggies of course.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wtf do you people eat for dessert?

I like these things lately. Also these macadamea caramel chocolate things we found at costco. Really good.

If I am trying to lose fat I'll only eat one rarely. But maintenance, assuming I'm going to the gym and eating decently I can eat em every day.


<Bronze Donator>
Those are good reasons. But if you're getting your nutrients elsewhere, and you don't have to feel full all the time(no YOU, generic you), why avoid dessert?


A Mod Real Quick
I eat some low sugar ice cream at night. Hood puts out some Under the Stars thing that is great. I only have two servings so that's about 26g of sugar, I typically don't eat much other sugar during the day so it's pretty perfect.