What book did you just buy?


Molten Core Raider
I am looking for some suggestions for reading material. I recently read all of Joe Abercrombie's work. I've read all of Malazan, GRRM, Sandeson. Looking for a series I can really dive into.

I have also read the Nigt Angel (dark angel maybe) triogy, the kwothe stuff, wheel of time.. I've read a book or two of Terry Brooks. Feel like I am running out of good options.
Sounds like it is time to try Glen Cook's Black Company.


Trakanon Raider
Good call on Glen Cook, Brand. I'd forgotten about that series. I read Chronicles of the Black Company, and Books of the South years ago, and wasn't ever able to find The Glittering Stone book. Almost done with my reread of Chronicles; I'd forgotten how good these books are. I've tracked down the Glittering Stone book, and am looking forward to getting to that one.

I don't remember a lot of what went on in this series, so it's almost like starting a new series again. I probably drink too much while reading - that's typically what I do before sleep. Thanks again for putting me back on these books. They really are a great read.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is the main character in the second book less of a wishy washy waffling crybaby faggot than the guy in the 1st? I loved the world(s) he set up, and the military magic force and shit was great. But holy fuck have I rarely hated a main character more. Every chapter was him doing a 180 from the last. He's gung ho! He hates the job! He's back on board and loving it! He's decided the thing he loved yesterday is evil! And he seems to just make the stupidest and most short-sighted decision at every possible opportunity.

God...fuck that guy.


Golden Squire
Heh yup, same character. There's less of him in the second book (though he's still the main character) and a lot more backstory on the SOC training and cool war-wizard shit, and he expands the world a ton. (iirc, it's almost entirely set in the magic realm, but it's been a while since I read it)

It's not a flawless series but I'm willing to overlook the main character being a bitch because the rest of it is so damn cool.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ugh. I wanted so bad to love it but that motherfucker just had me rolling my eyes. He was like a combination of Thomas Covenant and Quentin Coldwater fromThe Magicians(book 1, not book 2 Quentin), 2 of the most unlikeable main characters ever. Mopey crybaby motherfucker...


Golden Squire
Ugh. I wanted so bad to love it but that motherfucker just had me rolling my eyes. He was like a combination of Thomas Covenant and Quentin Coldwater fromThe Magicians(book 1, not book 2 Quentin), 2 of the most unlikeable main characters ever. Mopey crybaby motherfucker...
I finished it last night. Britton (the character you hate) is in it, but barely. It's almost entirely about Harlequin, the asshole SOC aeromancer from the first two books. It's about a 3/5. Worth picking up IMO, easy page turner and his magic system really is pretty damn cool.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm a bit in to it and this Bookbinder motherfucker is turning almost as bad. But at least he's consistent as a character.


Golden Squire
Bookbinder turns out pretty cool. I thought the second was better than the first, and the third is pretty much all combat. There's a little weepy backstory bullshit in both, but Scylla (who you'll meet in book 2) is a beast of a character.

I don't want to spoil anything, but if you can get through the second one, the third book really is almost entirely just people fucking shit up with his military magic system. It's not perfect, but a pretty nice change of pace.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Bookbinder turns out pretty cool. I thought the second was better than the first, and the third is pretty much all combat. There's a little weepy backstory bullshit in both, but Scylla (who you'll meet in book 2) is a beast of a character.

I don't want to spoil anything, but if you can get through the second one, the third book really is almost entirely just people fucking shit up with his military magic system. It's not perfect, but a pretty nice change of pace.
Scylla's in book one.

Also, I was literally 1 page away from Bookbinder turning the corner when I made that post=P

Britton is back and everyone is telling him to stop being such a sanctimonious cunt. I like.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ah, my bad. You know how it goes when you're a reading dynamo. I read the last like 4 Malazan books and occasionally wondered when Mat and Rand would show up. It all kind of blends together after a while.
Dipshit Oscar Britton lets her loose to help him, despite knowing she's straight up evil. She proceeds to desiccate half the base and disintegrate their defenses so the goblins can get in. And does not help Oscar directly.

Seriously, he's such a fucking tool in the first book.


Molten Core Raider
Ugh. I wanted so bad to love it but that motherfucker just had me rolling my eyes. He was like a combination of Thomas Covenant and Quentin Coldwater fromThe Magicians(book 1, not book 2 Quentin), 2 of the most unlikeable main characters ever. Mopey crybaby motherfucker...
Speaking ofThe Magicians...Book 3 came out and it was pretty decent. Quentin is not nearly as insuffereable in Books 2 and 3...but in Book 1, you just want to kick him in the head, over and over.