Whats rustling your jimmies?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Dindu's that start walking across the street when the light turns yellow. Reving my car to scare the shit out if them helps speed things up since they love to walk slow as hell on purpose.
Get a new horn.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Please tell me this is like an ironic review of how ridiculous hipsters look? Aren't his overalls on backwards?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Yes they are. It's the new thing I guess. Hope he doens't have to take a leak in a hurry.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I wasn't sure if I should post this here or the tickled thread, but waterpark fast passes. Went to one here in VA, for only 9.99 more you get unlimited fast passes. Decided to go with it, holy hell what a shitty thing to do to people who don't shell out the extra 10 bucks. Worked on one of their top rides too. If I was a prick I could've gone probably 5 times while the same poor guy was in the line with the plebes. 'Mommy what's that 2nd line for?' Poor kids lol. To make it worse, there were maybe 2 people in the fast lane, and 50 in the other one, and they would alternate one from each line o_O

So tickled because I had one, but rustled because its a shitty thing to do to your customers, but yay capitalism.
I wasn't sure if I should post this here or the tickled thread, but waterpark fast passes. Went to one here in VA, for only 9.99 more you get unlimited fast passes. Decided to go with it, holy hell what a shitty thing to do to people who don't shell out the extra 10 bucks. Worked on one of their top rides too. If I was a prick I could've gone probably 5 times while the same poor guy was in the line with the plebes. 'Mommy what's that 2nd line for?' Poor kids lol. To make it worse, there were maybe 2 people in the fast lane, and 50 in the other one, and they would alternate one from each line o_O

So tickled because I had one, but rustled because its a shitty thing to do to your customers, but yay capitalism.
Universal Studios in Florida does this too, but it's like 50 bucks per person. Got the plebe ticket because it's already outrageous to visit the park. Waited in line like a plebe for probably an hour longer on average than the entitled. Vowed to never visit the park again while they support the two-tier system (which means probably never again).


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Universal Studios in Florida does this too, but it's like 50 bucks per person. Got the plebe ticket because it's already outrageous to visit the park. Waited in line like a plebe for probably an hour longer on average than the entitled. Vowed to never visit the park again while they support the two-tier system (which means probably never again).
We'll probably hit up Universal in a year or two, family loves theme parks too much to stay away sadly. I can sorta cheat, and if you spend a bit more and stay in one of their resorts you get unlimited fast-passes as well as access to the park an hour earlier. Theme parks are money pits that are nothing but work, sweat and pain for the parents, but kiddos love it =\.

Disney does it right, everyone gets access to free Fast passes, its for limited times, and just acts as a way to organize the flow of traffic to rides. All the other systems? Fuckin cash grabs!


Potato del Grande
Something Adobe and/or Win10 related updated and now PDFs on websites won't just open, and instead I have to manually download, save and open each one of them every time so I can find the form I need, then go back and delete a bunch of PDFs I don't want from my download file. Nearing maximum rustle!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Happens to me every so often. I can't remember how I fix it but I normally google it and then the fix takes 30 seoncds and I'm good for another 6 months.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Should be a in-browser 'how do I open this format?' setting to fix that.

Drivers who have 300 feet to merge into a turn lane and instead wait till the last 25 feet to slam on the brakes and get over. Some days I wish I were a cop just so I could sit at this god forsaken stretch of road where people do this and write tickets all day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This article that's being passed around
I Am The Mother Of A Black Child, And I Need Your Help
Edit: The article's original title was, "White parents of my black son's friends, I need your help."

The fact that blacks claim no fucking responsibility. There is reason why they're being treated with suspicion, because their culture warrants it.

What the article implies is that there are two cultures. There is the one that encourages shitty, warlike, roguish behavior and one that wants to be normal and respectible.
And this is true. The rustling comes from the seeming blindness to the bad, that persecuting color is the sole reason. The call for help should be for assistance to further distance themselves from the dangerous faction.
Advances have been made. It's never talked about. In a time where subtleties are being scrutinized and studied, not a bad thing, all subtleties should be addressed, and not just those of whites.
Black lives do matter, and blacks should be abhorring the blacks that are apart of what should be that subculture, like how the Muslim community is doing with their extremists.
Efforts are being made. There is progress. There are more blacks helping "the community" than before. There is a shift. However, the truth is, the unwanted is still common, moreso. And the "good ones" still carry aspects of the bad - and more often than not, not subtly so to the degree whites are being regularly being addressed, such as in this article.

Don't connect this rant to assumptions in justifying police brutality.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I'm just pissing myself off:
White People Talk About Their White Privilege | VICE | United States

The first example of white privilege being, "not worrying about getting a job"
Whites worry about this all the fucking time.
Second example was getting a job even though he has tattoos and dyed hair, attributing them calling him creative because he's white.
Blacks get that all the time. If anything, blacks are the leaders in trendsetting.
Edit: In my new job, there is a dress code. We have to wear collared shirts, dress shoes, conservative wear, etc. Yet there is a black that's like a spin off from that chick from NCIS, black lipstick and radical hair - literally the only person not dressed conservatively. But I suppose the focus would be that she's also the only black.

How about this. Talk clearly. Be respectible. Construct your thoughts. You'll get the same effects as what's being attributed for being white. And when whites don't do the three, guess what? That's right, they get treated poorly. Whites get outright talked over and pushed aside all the time.

I'm aware of anecdotal evidence, but black priveldge is real and ever present. It's been that way my entire life.

The unbalance and injustice is rustling.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I think I'm just pissing myself off:
White People Talk About Their White Privilege | VICE | United States

The first example of white privilege being, "not worrying about getting a job"
Whites worry about this all the fucking time.
Second example was getting a job even though he has tattoos and dyed hair, attributing them calling him creative because he's white.
Blacks get that all the time. If anything, blacks are the leaders in trendsetting.

How about this. Talk clearly. Be respectible. Construct your thoughts. You'll get the same effects as what's being attributed for being white. And when whites don't do the three, guess what? That's right, they get treated poorly. Whites get outright talked over and pushed aside all the time.

I'm aware of anecdotal evidence, but black priveldge is real and ever present. It's been that way my entire life.

The unbalance and injustice is rustling.
Now imagine certain people who are mostly safely within the mainstream media/vice/salon bubble and never read anything outside of it. They're just as brainwashed as the stormfront type idiots.


<Bronze Donator>
trannies in the military.

ok whatever, PC faggots make us take in the mentally ill, that alone should exclude them, but whatever, if all they have is gender dysphoria (usually they have a host of other mental health problems which would bar their entry), they aren't really any harm to anyone. Don't think they'll make the cut in boot camp, and even if they do, I don't think they'll stick it out, most likely medical or admin separation in their first tour, but sure let them try.

but fucking quotas?

Bill, the military isn't diverse enough. We need you to recruit 3 latino MtF trannies this month to hit your target numbers.

My buddy is on recruiter duty, he's telling me the horror stories. He's only been able to get 1 tranny processed through, most of them are disqualified for other mental health reasons. Luckily everyone is failing to recruit enough to hit their quotas, otherwise he would be penalized for not finding enough of them.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
And Johnny tax payer foots the bill for their separation.
As someone in one of our smaller...ok smallest military division, we spend way too much both on recruits that fail, or worse, the ones that make it through, get paid to transfer to their first unit then fail miserably, taking months to get kicked out. All while collecting a paycheck. =\

I can only imagine how much $$$ is wasted in our larger, less picky military (Navy, Marines etc).


Probably covered already but when you're grilling and the designated fatty comes over and asks when food is going to be ready (they damn well know approx burger cook times) .... for the second time adding "I'm starving"

The sun also pisses me off pretty frequently


Blackwing Lair Raider
Invited over for grilling burgers to celebrate the purchase of the dude's new grill. He expected everyone to bring their own meat and cook their own patties, never mentioning that fact in the invite (he had buns oddly enough). "There's a Food Lion at the end of the road."
All the guests were rustled.