Whats rustling your jimmies?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
thing that really pisses me off about adobe updates, is that even if you check the box to not remind you about this update, it still fucking reminds you the next time you log in.
Woman at Walmart running the sporting goods counter being a complete cunt about me asking about their "3 boxes of ammo per customer" policy. HEY GOD FORBID a customer has a fucking question you twat.


Tranny Chaser
Keep it going, worst pain of your life?
When I was ten and riding home on my bike I was hit with a gastrointestinal pain that was so severe and debilitating I ended up laying in the ditch unable to move. The only thing I could think to do was piss myself. It didn't help. I ended up in the emergency room and the tests all came back negative. I had a smaller bout hit me later in school that left me almost unable to walk but not as bad as that first. I still have no idea what the fuck it was. I went from biking home and fine to a sack of meat in a ditch in the span of 1-2 minutes. Everything thought it was constipation but that wasn't it either.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Forget being rude, around here I'm lucky if the person behind the Wal-Mart counter even speaks English.


Years ago, I remember quicktime or some other garbage media player minimizing a game to ask me if it could shut down the game and try to play it with media player. That was my first computer rage ever. It was so pure.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Getting stuck behind an old lady at the corner store who just realizes its lotto day, so she spends 5 minutes getting all her lucky tickets.

Die already.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Getting stuck behind an old lady at the corner store who just realizes its lotto day, so she spends 5 minutes getting all her lucky tickets.

Die already.
Fucking lol. Came to the register at the same time as a woman at circle k and let her go first thinking no biggie she just has a drink. Spend the next 5 minutes waiting for her to buy cigarettes and lotto tickets.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
On the topic of store check out rustling, I hate it when old people try to use the self check out aisles at the grocery store. If you can't use a fucking computer then don't use the god damn computerized check out lanes. I go to those lanes because I'm faster than the high school drop outs they have working the regular lanes, and I don't want to wait behind some 200 year old crypt keeper who can't find the money slot. FUCK.


Avatar of War Slayer
On the topic of store check out rustling, I hate it when old people try to use the self check out aisles at the grocery store. If you can't use a fucking computer then don't use the god damn computerized check out lanes. I go to those lanes because I'm faster than the high school drop outs they have working the regular lanes, and I don't want to wait behind some 200 year old crypt keeper who can't find the money slot. FUCK.
they should not have cash slots on those things and post signs, also they should only have hand scanners as the swipe ones are hard for people to comprehend...

that dude should have charged that chick in fedors vid with assault... Imo..russtled


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm the king of those self checkouts. I've got the smooth barcode scanning hands. I know exactly how long I have to wait before I scan a duplicate item. Wooooweee. Sexy.


Trakanon Raider
WINDOWS UPDATES can go die in the worst mother fucking fire imaginable.
I have never been so rustled in the jimmies as when stuff gets auto-closed with no warning.
Dude, fuck Windows updates. I just came home today to find my PC restarted and I guess the last update of Utorrent swapped my preferences(I have start up on restart, off) so I was running a torrent all day without peerblock. My jimmies are so rustled right now.

Fuck homeless people, some guy has been sleeping in our parking lot for the last two days. Today he got kicked out because he broke a window to one of our cars(It was a total so it didn't matter), but we couldn't press any charges cause there was no "proof", plus he left a bunch of piss bottles after he left.


Unelected Mod
Women I see on campus in full burka's (hood with the eye-slit and all) while their husband (or maybe a male relative?) walk beside them in a tee shirt and shorts. You would think that in the US, especially on a college campus, that they wouldn't feel forced into doing that. The fact they might be totally okay with it rustles my jimmies even more.


Avatar of War Slayer
Women I see on campus in full burka's (hood with the eye-slit and all) while their husband (or maybe a male relative?) walk beside them in a tee shirt and shorts. You would think that in the US, especially on a college campus, that they wouldn't feel forced into doing that. The fact they might be totally okay with it rustles my jimmies even more.
In many of our ESOL type classes we get that a lot, and its f-ing florida 100degrees and humid and here comes the fam, dad in shorts and tshirt and some coco sunglasses, kids dressed the same both boys and girls- then the wife in the full garb... but ya know respect for other cultures n shit /shrug... I wonder when does the female children have to start wearing that stuff? like is there an age? puberty? /wonder


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
... but ya know respect for other cultures n shit /shrug...
Wrong! My jimmies are rustled.

Also - people who believe that all religion is equally bad. Fuck that noise. Islam is worse than Christianity is worse than Buddhism is worse than ???

That shit I hear about "Christians slaughtering people X hundreds of years ago so they're bad too, mkay" is not fucking relevant to today's conversation.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
In many of our ESOL type classes we get that a lot, and its f-ing florida 100degrees and humid and here comes the fam, dad in shorts and tshirt and some coco sunglasses, kids dressed the same both boys and girls- then the wife in the full garb... but ya know respect for other cultures n shit /shrug... I wonder when does the female children have to start wearing that stuff? like is there an age? puberty? /wonder
I used to teach ESL at a place that where 60% of the students were Saudi adult women. They'd come in with their full burkas, showing only the eyes, and try to learn English and pass English tests like TOEFL and IELTS. I couldn't help thinking three things:

1) Why the fuck are they bothering with these tests? They're basically a house slave so they''re never going to use these exam certificates to get a job.
2) How the fuck can I teach you proper English speaking and pronunciation when your voice is permanently muffled and I can't see your mouth/lips/tongue to see and help with proper sound formation?
3) All of them have fucked up eyebrows. Seriously, their eyebrows make those Hispanic sharpie eyebrows look good. Every Saudi woman I've ever seen has either a) shaved off her eyebrows and drawn them on horribly or b) horribly bleached/dyed her eyebrows blonde and redrawn over them. I guess since that's the only part they're allowed to show they try to be as creative as possible, but when I was teaching them it was like this giant horrible eyesore that I couldn't look away from, like talking to someone with a huge booger hanging out.

The sad part was that all of them were extremely intelligent, motivated, and overall just wonderful people. I have no doubt that the vast majority of the students I taught would have been highly successful if they were able to live in "typical" American culture and not be oppressed like they were.

So yeah, jimmies were definitely rustled when I worked there.

Also--and this might sound mean--it's incredibly funny to watch women in full burkas trying to eat in public. With every bite they have to lift up the little veil that hangs over the lower part of their face to bring the fork to their mouth, but not lift it up too much and show their face. So much effort to do something that should be so simple.