Whats rustling your jimmies?


My penis got to big and was causing back problems.
Well that is sad to hear, I am sorry I made fun of you.

You keep on keeping on being a bitch and I will go have a real life. Let me know how college goes. Maybe someday you will finish and then the important things will get your jimmies rustled like actually having to pay bills or something. Something that doesn't actually affect you in any way and is complete bullshit might not bother you.


PS: Got a 'merican on the phone and what 5 Sprint pakis in three days couldn't fix was fixed in five minutes. Switched back to Verizon as a result, apparently sometimes you really do get what you pay for.
My company has offices all over the world, I provide varying levels of tech support for them all, and this it what rustles the FUCK out of my jimmies. Apparently the phone system over there sucks a metric fuck ton of ass, and calls get dropped constantly. So during the conversation they always think the call dropped if you don't talk for 1/10 of a second, so throughout the entire conversation I'll get (and do this in a thick Indian accent for effect) "Yes, we have lost internet and HELLOHELLOHELLOAREYOUTHERE?!".

Every 10 seconds with that shit, they just start yelling into the phone wondering if the call dropped. It will make you want to put your head through a wall. Then on top of that, when they have to give me any info, say a user ID, they want you acknowledge you've heard them after every single syllable uttered.. "Alright, and your ID is?" "X"...then fucking silence until you respond. Bro you got about 8 more characters to give me, and each of them are taking 5 seconds to get across. I've seen a simple password reset take 10 minutes when if they were in the states it's a 45 second phone call, EASY.

Fuck I hate that place. I hate to stereotype but when EVERY last experience is the same, it's fucking hard not to.



BTW about the classic cartoons they do have a new Looney Tunes show that started a year or two ago. I've seen it at like 5 AM when Adult Swim switches back to children's cartoons. Recognized Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen doing voices, probably a few other notables in there as well.
I have been made aware of this before...however, i'm not going to get up/stay awake at that hour to watch it...also...i'm not sure if i'd like thenewversions of theoldcartoons...

and yes Aamry...experimental...semi-risky...masturbation...techniques

GIS for ^



The hobbit rustled your jimmies?

I haven't read that book since I was like 9 so the story is a little fuzzy in my head but it didn't seem like a terrible childrens book.


<Gold Donor>
Lots of jimmies rustled up in here.

Poor people.

Liberal idiots.

People from Baaaaawston.

People from Florida.

People from Connecticut.

People from Europe.

Jerry Jones.

Michael Bay.

People that shop at Whole Foods.

People who workout at Crossfit.

Those gay fucking hipster black plastic framed eye glasses, even though lenses are fucking non prescript.

People that ride single speed bikes.

People that think EQ was actually a good game.


how food advertisements are allowed to present their products in a completely altered and inedible forms...


Current Jimmy Rustlers:

"Loyal" Customers who confuse loyalty for blackmail. Calling up saying "What are YOU going to do for ME!? Give me this, or I am leaving you!"

Pretty sure that's the complete opposite of loyalty. Scumtrash.


Vyemm Raider
People that expect a dime a dozen foreigner, who is just trying to make enough money to not sleep in a shit filled gutter, to risk their job because he is an impatient little shit.
People who white knight someone they don't know based on limited information just to be a contrary fuckwad internet badass. "impatient little shit?" fuck you, due to someone else's mistake I had spent three fucking hours on the phone with people I couldn't understand and transfer #4 was putting me on hold to look up an account that didn't exist despite being told as much and yes at that point I had grown "impatient" with explaining the shit over again from the start each time I was transferred to the next useless slave wage staffer. At the very fucking least they could have passed on some information to the next person in whatever language they understand to facilitate things. And I was perfectly fucking polite the entire time, fuck you very much.

But with all of that, not once did I blame her or any of the other peons I had to deal with: I blamed the piece of shit corporations that tried to inflate their profit margins by shitting up their customer service with badly trained sweatshop workers that barely speak English. I blame our corporate masters who used their billions to pay off our government so they can exploit the shit out of the impoverished third world sewer dwellers and turn them into the only interface between the customer and their goddamn company AND THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA BECAUSE IT LOOKED GOOD ON A BALANCE SHEET. I think I made that much pretty fucking clear but here it is again because rustle.

Fuck you.



Molten Core Raider
Current Jimmy Rustlers:

"Loyal" Customers who confuse loyalty for blackmail. Calling up saying "What are YOU going to do for ME!? Give me this, or I am leaving you!"

Pretty sure that's the complete opposite of loyalty. Scumtrash.
Cable guys.


People who white knight someone they don't know based on limited information just to be a contrary fuckwad internet badass. "impatient little shit?" fuck you, due to someone else's mistake I had spent three fucking hours on the phone with people I couldn't understand and transfer #4 was putting me on hold to look up an account that didn't exist despite being told as much and yes at that point I had grown "impatient" with explaining the shit over again from the start each time I was transferred to the next useless slave wage staffer. At the very fucking least they could have passed on some information to the next person in whatever language they understand to facilitate things. And I was perfectly fucking polite the entire time, fuck you very much.

But with all of that, not once did I blame her or any of the other peons I had to deal with: I blamed the piece of shit corporations that tried to inflate their profit margins by shitting up their customer service with badly trained sweatshop workers that barely speak English. I blame our corporate masters who used their billions to pay off our government so they can exploit the shit out of the impoverished third world sewer dwellers and turn them into the only interface between the customer and their goddamn company AND THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA BECAUSE IT LOOKED GOOD ON A BALANCE SHEET. I think I made that much pretty fucking clear but here it is again because rustle.

Fuck you.

You and your jimmies seem to be the problem. Jerk.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
People who take advice from others who have never accomplished anything in life, and then complain to no end how shitty their life is. Then they turn around and ignore advice from someone succesful.


Indian Customer Service reps that won't get off their script and let me explain my problem, and instead wastes ten minutes looking up a non-existant account and a non-existant phone number....

Indian Customer Service reps that then 'issue a trouble ticket to escalate your problem and you should get a call back within 24 hours' even though at no point did I actually get to communicate the actual problem, so I can only assume the ticket is a string of ??????????? and smeared feces.

Indian Customer Service reps that then leave a message on my phone of which I cannot understand ONE FUCKING WORD, not even the number I'm apparently expected to call back.

I also hate Indians that smell like a 500 pound man who just ran a 10K on a hot summer day while leaking gallons of shit out his asshole while fucking up every single project they are ever assigned.

... that is preferable to trying to communicate with another goddamn shit-smeared alien babbling in moonspeak.... An attempt to send an email to get around the language barrier (THEY ARE SPEAKING FUCKING ENGLISH) instead got me another voice mail that sounds more like three monkies being fucked by an elephant than any kind of human speech.

...And that stereotype is well earned because I'll be god damned if I speak to one more of those clueless fucks today.

PS: Got a 'merican on the phone and what 5 Sprint pakis in three days couldn't fix was fixed in five minutes.

But with all of that, not once did I blame her or any of the other peons I had to deal with:..... I think I made that much pretty fucking clear but here it is again because rustle.

Your mother rotten cunt in a barrel.

Aychamo BanBan

Observation from the hospital:

(Note before, this is a bitch about something that recently happened with a patient being treated for a pulmonary embolism, which is a clot in their lungs. There's two approved treatments here, the first is to hospitalize the patient, overlap lovenox and coumadin until their coumadin levels become therapeutic, which can 4-7 days depending, and then discharge the patient home on coumadin with him getting his INR checked every week (then every 2 weeks, etc, depending on the stability of the drug level). Coumadin is a dirt cheap, $4 drug, but requires a longer hospital stay (our hospital is a minimum of >$4000/day), and requires outpatient monitoring of their INR which means the weekly lab draws, office visits, etc.

--- The second treatment is when you diagnose them with the PE, you start them on lovenox in the hospital, watch them overnight to make sure it doesn't worsen, and then start them on Xarelto and send them home. Xarelto is about $250/month, but you take 5 or so days off the hospital stay which saves you at least $20,000. And you don't have to perform any outpatient monitoring of the drug, you just take your dose daily and that's it. [There are risks/benefits of each drug but that's beyond my rustled jimmies.]) So obviously Xarelto is the preferred choice because you get the patient out of the hospital quicker and there's less room to fuck things up outpatient. [The longer you stay in a hospital the more likely you are to get a healthcare acquired infection, etc.])

Person A is a piece of shit alcoholic and drug user. Has diabetes, is given tax-payer funded health care, but does not actually take his diabetes medications. Loses both legs as complications, etc. Person is a huge drain on society, has never contributed even a dollar in tax funds, and costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on ridiculous things you wouldn't believe. He develops a pulmonary embolism, is hospitalized, and needs medication for his embolism. We (waste) about 3 days getting him therapeutic on coumadin until we find out that he qualifies for some magical health card that can get him the $250 Xarelto for $4. You and I are funding this magical card, it's taxpayer money. So it's good on one hand because it saves money for the hospitalization, but you and I are still paying for his $250/month Xarelto for the next 6 months.

Person B is from the exact same background as Person A. He works his ass off 60-70 hours per week, drives dump trucks or something similar, but he elected to pay ~$280/month for blue cross blue shield insurance, which is a significant fraction of his hard earned income. Person B also develops a pulmonary embolism in the hospital, and the exact same treatments apply to him. However, his private insurance, that he pays $280/month for, does not approve Xarelto (because they would only approve a dose of it which does not exist), so this patient has to stay in the hospital for ~4 extra days trying to get him therapeutic on coumadin so that we can safely discharge him home. So here's a person who works hard, pays for their insurance, pays their taxes, and they can't even get the same good drugs that the piece of shit who has never contributed anything gets. And it's not just that. This prolonged hospitalization forces this unfortunate guy to miss 4 extra days of work, which he isn't getting paid for, which will give him less money to pay for his insurance with! And not only that, he's going to have to miss hours/days to get his INR blood draws to make sure he's therapeutic, etc.

The situation drives me insane. The whole system is a complete clusterfuck, and I'm not blaming the government, or insurance companies (well I'm blaming both actually), but just the fact that a hard working person gets fucked over while the piece of shit who has never done anything gets everything really, really, really fucking rustles my jimmies.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maybe a system of universal healthcare would be preferable to dump truck guy paying so much out of pocket. If only one of our political parties was trying to push something like that and not getting cockblocked by insane racists who believe in ghosts.

Aychamo BanBan

Maybe a system of universal healthcare would be preferable to dump truck guy paying so much out of pocket. If only one of our political parties was trying to push something like that and not getting cockblocked by insane racists who believe in ghosts.
Another thing that rustles my jimmies is morons who believe what you just wrote.