What's the story behind your Rerolled name?


I was in IRC in 1997 in some wannabe hacker channels and I had the name Genius. Well everyone thought I was too cocky because of the nickname only even when I explained I didn't know shit I just couldn't come up with anything original. Made me a target. I reversed it and everyone thought it looked Asian and didn't care so it stuck ever since.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Get the fuck out of here


El Presidente
My 2nd EQ character was a Barbarian named Fudgamaniac(first was an ogre, got lost in the river outside starting city, fish ate me, I quit FOREVER!). Some uptight roleplayer dork reported my stupid name. GM showed up and I had to come up with something quick, so I thought of a mean scary word and added part of the reporter dork's name to it to teach him a lesson.

Grim + Sylverlokk = Grimmlokk.

I've always wondered if it was OUR Sylverlokk. Either way, when I savagely told him how I was teaching him a lesson he laughed at me. Because I was being retarded.

Going on a stupid tangent here that is only vaguely related, skip this part.

In WoW and EQ we had a few guildmates who worked at Blizzard, ended up with some WoW classic NPCs named after our characters(and other E'ci EQ players. I was assured that Grimlok the Trogg was names after me and not the dinobot=P I know Vahlarriel Demonslayer in Desolace was one of our paladins, Skuerto the dwarf in Arathi was one of our rogues(player was a halfling I think). Not sure on Apprentice Kryten in Arathi, could have been guildmate or the Red Dwarf character. Lotwil Veriatis used to be in Badlands, Elling Trias(Master of Cheese, it was a running joke)) in Stormwind was our old old EQ guildleader and Lotwilla's RL brother I believe. Mills & Blazen in Azshara were a couple "famous" paladins from the early days of E'ci. Xylem and Jediga in Azshara were two more. Warlord Krellian was a naga in Azshara, used to joke in EQ that he smelled like fish(fuck you we were stupid and young!). My brother's character Ogtinc that basically no one knew except through me even got a character. They were desperate for names...

edit: Oh, and the gnome rogue in SW was named Tyrion after my beta gnome rogue, down to model and clothes, not the now much more famous book/show Tyrion. His crossdressing version Tyriona was a joke at my expense I guess.
Always assumed it was about being a dinobot. The truth is a little disappointing.


Started as DaTr0LL because people on FoH were up-in-arms about trolls and l33t speak when I joined like... however fucking long ago. I thought it was witty because I was young and retarded. Now I just go by Troll because I've grown up. And I have an interest in troll stories (not internet, Scandinavian).


Buzzfeed Editor
Had to make a bunch of names for a D&D Campaign, this guy was a warrior in it who ended up kicking ass. Picked the name in EQ for my warrior there and have used it ever since.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Favorite band was/is NIN, first EQ character was named Rezznor, then deleted because I hated warriors, remade as an SK with Rezz as the moniker and it's been my go-to forum/character name since.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
...Second EQ character I rolled up was a Dwarf Paladin on Xev,. The first was Sambora the human Bard who drowned in a fountain two minutes into the game. Go go ultravision. Agenor was a rip off, the son of Poseidon.


Mine came from FPS games, play primarily a sniper roll named some variant of Castle, and spilled over to the SCA, where my icon comes from.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was in IRC in 1997 in some wannabe hacker channels and I had the name Genius. Well everyone thought I was too cocky because of the nickname only even when I explained I didn't know shit I just couldn't come up with anything original. Made me a target. I reversed it and everyone thought it looked Asian and didn't care so it stuck ever since.
Holy shit, all this time and I never realized your name was "genius" backwards. Clearly a genius I am not.


Molten Core Raider
Been using this name since playing deathmatch Quake and in all following MMOs. Can't remember exactly how I decided on it but might have been something to do with wanting something short and randomly typing 4 letter words out to see which one looked okay.

Previous handle name on FoH was Zordak Ragefire. That motherfucker was a landmark for me because never before and ever again will I spend a near continuous 100+ hrs in front of a computer screen (apart from toilet, shower, and short naps here and there but always no longer than 30mins.) We had a queue system on my server so if you wanted in on that camp, you had to get in the queue behind whoever was camping him at the time and wait your turn. If you left Naggy lair then you had to requeue. I'm pretty sure a part of me died during that camp and made my forum handle on FoH in honour of it.

Changed it to Neki during the move to here since that shit is long history now and I have moved on.


<Gold Donor>
I love my own name and it is the best name in the universe.
Me too, unfortunately you were registered well before I was back on FoH, and I certainly wasn't going to try taking it here even if it was available. People would have forcibly changed mine so you could have it.