What's your biggest loss in a game? (Data wipe, save corruption, impossible boss, etc)


Bronze Baron of the Realm
You didn't lose 6 in less than a year did you lol?

You know there's bad inflation when streamers are gifted Titans in game just so they can whelp them and lose them in a matter of minuters or hours on stream. When a streamer uses a titan, carrier, rorq, and a dread to hack data and relic sites on stream and loses them of course. They were given to him.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Lost many savegames to corrupted floppies over the years but the one that hurt the most was a text adventure I'd been writing. Spent an entire day writing it (on a C64) but because saving to tape took forever, I hadn't done so. Eventually I had written so much the C64 ran out of memory and locked up. Switching off the power supply, knowing I was wiping out all of my work by doing so, sucked really bad.

To add a happy story, earlier this year I was able to recover a Dungeon Master savegame that I had last played in 1992. It was on an Amiga 3.5" floppy that had been in the attic all those years. Was able to recover it and create a disk image so I could continue playing on an emulator, even ran the entire dungeon again with online maps to check how many secrets I'd missed.

I remember my dad writing code from a magazine to create his own game on the C64. He was writing it for two or three days, and he hit something that started overwriting it or something, not really sure what. I remember him yelling “fuck! No!” Then saying “ohh hmm it seems like it’s finishing the rest of this” so he thought he had enough code written it would work or something.

It didn’t. He was pretty bummed and gave up, never to code again.


FoH nuclear response team
Lost my main wow account due to letting friends log on to it to grab gold if needed. Got banned two weeks before TBC launched, tried gliding to 60 while at work and got 3 more accounts banned.

Really sucked leveling solo as all my friends had a blast defending the portal.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
DQ8. I was 3/4 through the game and many hours in. My little sister deleted the save to free memory for her Barbie Horse Adventures save or some shit like that.

EQ. Day 1 of Kunark I just rolled a DE Rogue. Some lvl 50 who was quitting gave me all his gear. At lvl 6 I decided to go check out Kunark via OT Outpost. Since I had picked Bristlebane deity I was KoS. I died, and the corpse rotted in the 30 mins it took me to get back and I deleted the character. (In hindsight this probably isn't a loss, because it stopped me from playing Rogue).
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I forgot about another one: RPG Maker on the PS1. I waited for months for this game to come out. There was nothing else like it on consoles in the U.S. at the time. In the runup to the game I spent countless hours drawing area maps, dungeon layouts, boss stats, everything that goes into an RPG. I had a full game ready to put together, and ideas/plans/full story outline for six more games in a series if I succeeded at designing the first one. Yeah, I was all in with this.

The game released and I spent 3 straight days on it without sleep, putting all of my notes and concepts to work. Several weeks later I reached the halfway point of the game with around 200 hours clocked on it, most of which was painstakingly entering text with a controller since the PS1 didn't have keyboard support. Yeah, seriously. I entered the script of half an RPG with a controller. So of course you know where this is going. There were two saves for RPG Maker, one was world data (maps, NPCs,dialogue, etc) and the other was scenario data (data, scripts, etc). I usually loaded both and saved both. Well, one day I was popping on there to make some quick edits to the latter, didn't load the former, saved over both. About 90% of my work was in the one that got saved over, and scripts/scenarios are useless without the world they're programmed around. After literal years of wanting to make my own RPG series, I never touched a game design tool again after that.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Playing Goonies on the NES. A friend accidently pressed the reset button on the console. I never found the ladder again in that game after the reset and gave up. :p
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Lost a tower in Trammel in UO when I was away for a couple weeks and my bro was supposed to refresh it but didn't. Was probably worth a few hundred bucks at least.

Lost a few million gil in FFXI when I had an auction house bot set up to buy moat carp for the Lu Shang's fishing pole quest. Dunno, guess I configured it wrong and woke up with a small amount of moat carp and all my gil gone even though it had worked before. Was fucking PISSED about that one.

Oh yeah and in EQ... a few weeks after launch I think? I had some dope 2h weapon, can't remember the name. A guy I had been partying with since launch or even beta, can't remember, wanted to "try it out." Let him have it... and he logged off never to be seen again. Mother fucker.


Murder Apologist
Lost a few level 99 barbs in Diablo2 hardcore back in the day. Every time I'd just stare at the death screen for 10+ minutes and swear I'll never play again. And every time I'd just roll another one.

Aside from that I lost a couple dreadnoughts and a carrier in Eve, back in a time when their RL costs would've bought you a pre-owned honda civic. But the worst was probably losing Death Island to LOD in Shadowbane. That took months of sieges and political backstabbing and it was all worth it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Dragon Warrior 3 on NES when I was probably 11-12 years old. I had a year+ old save, which I saved at various times on all save slots. Apparently I changed classes and leveled up too many classes on too many characters at Shrine of Dharma, and not only was my level 80's save toast, it also corrupted all the other saves, and I had to start totally over. Even a new game wouldn't save without corrupting until I deleted all 3. I was crestfallen. That was the save I even sent the victory screen into Nintendo Power mag, because that's the sort of thing 11 year old me was proud of.

I still go back and play that game and the remake on emulators sometimes since it's my all time favorite game, but now with the ability to speed up the game that sort of grind isn't exactly a massive time sink.

My DW3 save was corrupted / deleted after I left the cartridge outside one day and it rained. Why was there an NES cartridge outside? Noooooo ideaaa, I was 11.
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