Wheel of Time series


And now my Watch has ended...
Saw a theory believes Rand is the creator now. He sealed the dark one outside the pattern, just like the histories said the creator did at the beginning of time. Rand has now done it and has made the world as he wishes it to be. This would explain his new power that allowed him to light his pipe.

I listened to the audiobook, but someone said Rand started talking in all caps toward the end of the battle. If so, that could signify him becoming the new creator.

I don't know if the above is how it really is or not, but I think it'll be how I believe it is. I like it.
That kinda makes sense actually...
TDO also called him Adversary throughout the whole confrontation, so that leads me to think your speculation is pretty probably.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finished the book last night, and overall I liked it a lot...

I was really surprised at the number of people who died, two of my favorites were killed off (Rhuarc / Birgitte), and havign Egewene killed was a surprise.

Graendal kicked ass in a way that I always wanted a Forsaken to do, very crafty and very dangerous.

Demandred. I get this feeling that RJ / Sanderson just didn't know how to fit him into the Last Battle. His insane raving/insistence that Rand should come fight him was stupid; Everything else about him was good though; Being as good a general (if not better) as Mat, being a badass swordsman, etc.

Taim. Ha, what a JOKE. Sanderson wrote him in such a different way than RJ, and he just seemed like a fool to me; He also got the lamest line I've ever read in a book (considering who he was in the story): "We're under attack!" (when Androl and the rest broke free).

It sure seemed like Sanderson nailed Mat's character in this book, very well done (aside from the Padan Fain scene).

Would be cool to see a Perrin vs. Slayer battle animated.

Rand being the Creator. Not sure, but I think Rand is now somehow connected directly to the Pattern itself due to being able to weave it during the fight with the DO. He is a mortal man, his soul will only be reborn in the last days. Only reason I think of as to why Rand is not the Creator is the scene during the battle at the Eye of the World. If I recall, there were -two- voices speaking in caps at that time, with Rand just listening in.

The book was a great read.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just finished the book. Fairly content with the way things ended. I feel though that if Jordon was alive, we probably would have had 4 or 5 more books before the end. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't there an interview where Sanderson stated that Jordon had written the last 200 pages or so? I'm rather sad that we won't get to see what really happens after this book. Not sure Jordan's wife would want anyone else writing in that universe.

The only death that I really didn't like was Bela. Damn horse was all around the world! I was surprised by Egwene's death and I expected her to show back up after the scene in chapter 39 where Rand took two bodies in palm. I took that to mean that he saved Lan? Am I wrong about that? If so, what two bodies did he hold in his palm? But then I also thought we would have seen Egwene when horn sounded, if she was bound to the horn now for dying in such a heroic way.

Demandred seemed out of place to me. Raving like a lunatic for Rand. I'm pretty sure someone on his side might tell him that the guy was up fighting his boss.

Overall the last battle was pretty epic. Fain though was a waste. Perrin was pretty decent. Mat also.

Not sure what I think about Rand surviving. He was set up to be a messiah, and they should die to save the world. I think I'd rather have had him die than Egwene.

I thought that where Rand lit his pipe with a thought was the new kind of power that sought those in the Age of Legends of open the bore in the first place. Its not Saidin, Sadiar or the True power but all of them combined? Or maybe it is just what the Dragon does to seal up the Dark One, so the wheel can keep on turning.


<Silver Donator>
I believe it was due to the fact that Rand had been spotted at the different battle sites was why Demandred was trying to draw him out instead of going to him. I can see Demandred wanting to fight Rand on his own terms and place instead of disadvantaging himself by going to Rand's chosen field of battle. After all, even though Demandred hates Lews Therin with a passion - he's smart enough to not underestimate the Dragon.

Also, even though the forces of Light were fighting for days at SG, the way time worked where Rand, Moiraine and Nynaeve were at - Demandred might have not realized the danger that the Dark One was in?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I thought that where Rand lit his pipe with a thought was the new kind of power that sought those in the Age of Legends of open the bore in the first place. Its not Saidin, Sadiar or the True power but all of them combined? Or maybe it is just what the Dragon does to seal up the Dark One, so the wheel can keep on turning.
It's been stated pretty explicitly that the power which they sensed in the DO's prison and drilled through the Bore for was the True Power. What Rand did was something else entirely, it didn't seem to involve channeling but manipulating the Pattern itself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

- Mat, he was back and I enjoyed almost all of his scenes in this book.
- Related to that, Tuon was good this book. Probably as much because she's mat-related as anything else.
- Androl was outstanding. Before and after the Black Tower got cleared he was great. Pevara worked well with him, though the whole "relationship" happened kind of fast.
- Elayne was only mildly insufferable, same for Faile.
- Just over all it was satisfying. The battles may have dragged on a bit, but it never got to be a chore or anything.
- Corrupted generals. It was a bit over-telegraphed with the dude at the Blight, but was nice and subtle with the other three. Handled really well and really made Graendal seem like a master schemer.
- Olver and the horn was great. I got choked up when he recognized Noal. Someone....someone came back for him...I..I just need a minute...
- Warped time by the Bore was a brilliant idea. Letting the various battles play out without seeming ridiculously short, without making Rand there drag on too much. Because no one wanted a week worth of that fuckin' dream world fight.
- Egwene was actually pretty great for her last few hours of life.

- Before that last few hours Egwene was still fucking awful. Condescending cuntery left and right. Every thought in her head is groan-worthy.
- Rands dream war with the Dark One was gay. I didn't mind once they stopped with the Duelling dream shit, but all that crap before it just felt like filler.
- Perrin's spending the entire book chasing a pretty minor character.
- Every farmer from the Two Rivers is a supernaturally amazing archer? OK...I guess and now Lan says they're also amazing horsemen? Fuck off.
- Bit hamfisted with some of the foreshadowing stuff. Too much "Well that person or thing looks weird, but it's probably nothing........OH SHIT IT'S SOMETHING!". I mean, these people aren't hyper-vigilant by now? Really?

Not sure how I felt about Lanfear at the end. I liked her sort-of redemption arc with Perrin, but it felt rushed at the end. And the way Perrin fought off her compulsion was...cheesy. "I love Faile"...blah. Liked him casually snuffer her out though and taking that hit for Rand doesn't have to.

I didn't hate the change of perspective on the Dark One like some of you, it was pretty ambivalent about it. And I did like the idea that Rand figured out he needed to add the True Power to the seals to make them really work. Not sure why, the idea just resonated with me. Like, a nice glaze of evil will keep him from being able to chip away at them.

Also glad to see from here and other places that the magic pipe at the end wasn't something obvious to other people that only I didn't quite grasp.

Over all I really enjoyed it. A lot. It was a satisfying conclusion, something most of us did not think possible just a few books ago.


If balefire can unravel the pattern, why not have all the dark friend channelers go up on a mountain somewhere and cast it until the world dies? (Tolkien's eagles)
This is a thought I had over and over. And conversely when Egwene sacrificed herself right after learning that anti-balefire....why not try to get at least one Aes Sedai to see the weave before going Sheroshima? Get them bitches tossing around that life fire shit real fast.

But whatever, at least that cunt died big.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Read everyone's spoliers...

Yeah, you could have had a much nicer ending with about 200 more pages . DD didn't feel out of place to me, though him yelling for Rand every five minutes was a bit silly. I was just expecting more of a twist surprise with him.

Olver and Bridgette? Wasn't even thinking that, but it makes sense, based upon how she likes ugly guys, and how RJ made sure we knew how ugly this little boy was. Didn't put two and two together.

I missed Rand bringing Lan back to life. To be honest I got sick of the what if dream fight shit with Rand and the DO, and power read thru most of it. I swore he was saved by an Aes Sedai...bleh, have to re-read a bit I guess.

I had no beef with the Two Rivers folk being super archers. That's been a theme the whole series.

My biggest gripe is the Mat vs Padan Fain shit...I like others was waiting for HIM to be the new evil after Rand defeated the DO. I was really expecting that. Bummer.

I REALLY wanted more to come of Tuon meeting Arthur Hawkings. That would have just been awesome to read.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Read everyone's spoliers...

I had no beef with the Two Rivers folk being super archers. That's been a theme the whole series.
Yeah it's not something new, though it was brought to silly levels here. It was more the exchange someone had with Lan about horsemen and Lan's response implies that those same superarchers are also superhorsemen. It's just a bit too much. Every farmer from this secluded village is amazing, the Horn of Valere might as well just summon them. Doesn't ruin the story by a long shot, just made me groan.

Not seeing the Tuon/Hawkwing meeting was a letdown for sure.

And I forgot to mention Rand reuniting with Mat while meeting with Tuon was also a great scene. The two of them bickering and one upping each other as if there's nothing else going on around them. And Mat throwing out the Moraine card last.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
To be fair, I'd imagine the ones who are crap at fighting and riding either stayed home or died off.


Trakanon Raider
To be fair, I'd imagine the ones who are crap at fighting and riding either stayed home or died off.
It's been stated a few times that all the people in the Two Rivers were effected by Rand, Mat, and Perrin growing up there. Don't remember the exact quote but when Veran went to go recruit she stated that they had found an unusually high amount of people capable of channeling the one power for such a little village.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I thought that was more to do with their being descendent from Manetheren, and in general being so remote that no aes sedai had come through and picked off channelers, both in an immediate sense and in the historical sense in having taken them out of the gene pool.


Trakanon Raider
I thought that was more to do with their being descendent from Manetheren, and in general being so remote that no aes sedai had come through and picked off channelers, both in an immediate sense and in the historical sense in having taken them out of the gene pool.
Just look at Nynaeve and Egwene for further proof: two of the most powerful channelers seen in forever growing up together in that same village. It's a common theme throughout the book; every time one of the ta'veren boys has interacted with a character it influenced them in some way. My whole point was it's not so much out of left field that the men from that village were so amazing with bows, they all grew up with three ta'veren (including the Dragon Reborn) to influence them.


I always assumed that Two Rivers referred not just to the village but all the people living in the area around making it a significantly larger grouping than you might imagine. The Manatheren heritage coupled with the bow being their weapon of choice as much as for everyday hunting meant that it wasn't really a push for them to pigeon-holed as good archers.

I thought the book was a fitting finale to the series - I agree with a lot of the minor niggles people have mentioned in their spoilers but no need to go through them all again.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Wait: Emond's Field, Tarren Ferry, Deven Ride and Watch Hill. So yeah, 4 villages.

And Taim is a gangsta:



<Silver Donator>
After some time reading the book - it was good to have scenes with Tam al'Thor. We got to see how badass he was with the sword, and as a leader in The Last Battle.


Trakanon Raider
After some time reading the book - it was good to have scenes with Tam al'Thor. We got to see how badass he was with the sword, and as a leader in The Last Battle.
I enjoyed Lan's comment towards Tam. It was up there with Mat & Rand's interaction as some of the top moments in the book.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't read everyone's spoilers, so forgive me if this has been brought up...

Where the hell was Shaidar Haran?? He was at the end of Towers of Midnight, then gone...


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I didn't read everyone's spoilers, so forgive me if this has been brought up...

Where the hell was Shaidar Haran?? He was at the end of Towers of Midnight, then gone...
I think that was the corpse that was laying on the ground when Rand went to Moridin wasn't it? I forget the wording but Moridin said that the Dark One used it to manifest himself, or something.


El Presidente
I didn't read everyone's spoilers, so forgive me if this has been brought up...

Where the hell was Shaidar Haran?? He was at the end of Towers of Midnight, then gone...
It was the corpse on the ground with the huge blackness behind it when he was inside the pit