Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The 80s is when the “fat is bad” and “meat or dairy is bad” really began to gain a lot of traction. So people ate things that contained partially hydrogenated vegetable oil thinking it was healthier than butter or avoided avocados because they were high fat

Then we actually learned more about different types of fats and realized that partially hydrogenated stuff was full of trans fats and trans fats are what is bad, or avocados are high in mono unsaturated fat, which is good

I’m sure we will learn new stuff in the future that makes traditional foods less demonized and uncovers bad shit about supposedly “healthier foods”.
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Tranny Chaser

Load up on Wonder Bread and then wash it down with some apple juice. The bread is garbage and the juice has nearly as much sugar as a can of coke but stay away from meat, eggs and cheese.
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Millie's Staff Member
I'll give him some more credit. Supersize Me directly led to the counter-documentary Fat Head which changed the way I thought about saturated fats, cholesterol and fatty foods. That, in turn, led me to eating a ton more meat and eggs and a ton more fast food and the recognition that enjoying those foods doesn't mean I'm going to die early because they are so unhealthy.
you can eat whatever as long as you know not to stuff your face with it and dont do it all the time. i have a problem with fast food because its uneconomical and makes you fucking lazy and stupid. by not preparing meals yourself it leads to you being dependent on the fast food industry to feed you and these people are not to be trusted because they will cut corners every chance they get to save costs. prepare the meals yourself, you learn to cook, become more independent and ultimately you are more hands on with your food intake and it will lead to you eating healthier and better.
and making your own meals is just more satisfying and you will have a nice hot meal. its much more convenient than sitting in drivethru for 15 minutes, then getting home to a mostly cold meal which is full of salt. everything i cook doesnt take more than 15 to 20 minutes before its done. a burger takes 10 minutes to cook on a pan in your own home. air fry some fries in 10 minutes. and you didnt spend 15 dollars to do it either.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
You white knighting for carb based fast food company McDonalds is an unexpected turn of events. I guess I finally beat some sense into you.

Listen degenerate, you are completely wrong about CICO as a weight loss strategy and many other things. You are wrong on so many things that I barely stand it, but I will acknowledge that my personal experience with keto/low-carb/carnivore dieting led to over-acceptance of carbs alone as the source of obesity.


Tranny Chaser
you are completely wrong about CICO as a weight loss strategy

My photos say otherwise


Typical day


The spike up is from reintroducing creatine

Not that I care to rehash this in a different thread, especially when my photos in my rickshaw thread destroy any suggestion that I'm wrong when it comes to weight loss or body composition, but you contradict yourself

I'm wrong about cico but you admit to being wrong about carbs? Lol

I'd genuinely rather you attribute keto to weight loss success if instead you're gonna claim fasting is the key lol

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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
My photos say otherwise

View attachment 530099

Typical day

View attachment 530100

The spike up is from reintroducing creatine

Not that I care to rehash this in a different thread, especially when my photos in my rickshaw thread destroy any suggestion that I'm wrong when it comes to weight loss or body composition, but you contradict yourself

I'm wrong about cico but you admit to being wrong about carbs? Lol

I'd genuinely rather you attribute keto to weight loss success if instead you're gonna claim fasting is the key lol

This is why no one talks to you seriously, degen.

No amount of you autistically posting graphs showing that you successfully starved yourself make the fact that CICO as a strategy for weight loss is tautological less true.


Tranny Chaser
This is why no one talks to you seriously, degen.

No amount of you autistically posting graphs showing that you successfully starved yourself make the fact that CICO as a strategy for weight loss is tautological less true.

Says the guy that said I'm wrong that CICO = weight loss, then followed it up with a statement saying CICO is self evident/redundant (whilst also earlier admitting that you were wrong all along about carbs making you fat)

Because this is an obvious thread derail that has been done to death I'm going to nope out of this one, especially as you've been beaten to death multiple times already in the weight loss thread over the same topic, and when I'm in infinitely better shape than you will ever be - and have maintained that condition for the last 4.5 years.

Especially when you can't even make a coherent argument and here I am clarifying your own argument for you LMAO. I am steel-manning your bullshit for you just like I gorge myself on steel-cut oats because fagnerds like you think that oats of any kind make you fat LMAO.

What you meant to say was:

a) You are completely wrong about CICO as a weight loss strategy
b) no amount of your medium carb diet + weight loss results change the fact that CICO overly simplifies weight loss.

A is of course completely false to and obvious to anyone with half a brain cell. B might have some validity but doesn't validate A.

CICO is reality because of fucking thermodynamics you sperg.

It doesn't matter how many people tell him he's wrong, morons like him will never accept a basic simple truth.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Especially when you can't even make a coherent argument and here I am clarifying your own argument for you LMAO. I am steel-manning your bullshit for you just like I gorge myself on steel-cut oats because fagnerds like you think that oats of any kind make you fat LMAO.

Hahaha, wow. Everything about you is just completely degenerate.

I'm willing to espouse plenty of things on this board if it sends you into these kind of creepy, self-destructive, fetish spirals.


Tranny Chaser
Hahaha, wow. Everything about you is just completely degenerate.

I'm willing to espouse plenty of things on this board if it sends you into these kind of creepy, self-destructive, fetish spirals.

If the pun about steel-manning your shitty argument and steel-cut oats went over your head then you're even thicker than I thought


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
This is why no one talks to you seriously, degen.

No amount of you autistically posting graphs showing that you successfully starved yourself make the fact that CICO as a strategy for weight loss is tautological less true.

The dog fucker is a retard about many things, but you picked the wrong hill to die on, because it's literally 1000% true and you'd know that if you even tried to track it.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
The dog fucker is a retard about many things, but you picked the wrong hill to die on, because it's literally 1000% true and you'd know that if you even tried to track it.
Don't be like him and let reading comprehension get the best of you. I said his argument is tautological, not that calories don't matter. You can't lose weight without expending more calories than you take in. It isn't possible because it is the entire mechanism by which weight loss occurs so just saying "CICO" you are not proposing a strategy but merely stating a biological fact. Now if by "CICO" you are referencing calorie counting, like he is, then it certainly will make you lose weight if you can dial in your numbers and stick to it. However, I am against calorie counting as a reasonable, effective diet strategy because it is essentially just a starvation diet and most people don't do well on it long term and that is where we disagree. This is in addition to acting like every calorie is the same regardless of where it comes from, which is just so stupid I can barely comprehend it.


Tranny Chaser
because it is essentially just a starvation diet and most people don't do well on it long term and that is where we disagree. This is in addition to acting like every calorie is the same regardless of where it comes from, which is just so stupid I can barely comprehend it.

You are so sadly predictable that I was going to add the "CICO works BUT every calorie is not the same" nonsense / straw man, but because a) this has been done to death and b) you're now continuing the derail despite two other people telling you that you're wrong then fine.

Saying CICO = weight loss does not mean that "every calorie is the same". That's a straw man usually given by zealots like you who bizarrely feel the need to discredit CICO by using hyper-extreme examples of calorie deficits that nobody ever actually advocates for. Usually via examples like 2000 calories of ice cream.

yes, 2000 calories of ice cream would mean you lose weight if you burn 2500 but you'd be hungry, malnourished, lose higher amounts of muscle than a 2000 calorie balanced diet etc - which is why nobody has ever suggested such a diet

effective diet strategy because it is essentially just a starvation diet

a) CICO doesn't mean extreme deficits - that's just another straw man
B) For weight loss to occur there has to be a deficit regardless of the diet type - unless you still believe that diets like keto/fasting whatever somehow allow you to eat at a surplus and still lose weight

and most people don't do well on it long term

Every diet only works for as long as people comply with it

Don't be like him and let reading comprehension get the best of you. I said his argument is tautological, not that calories don't matter. You can't lose weight without expending more calories than you take in.

you are completely wrong about CICO as a weight loss strategy

The irony.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I came here to see who or what might have died but I can see this derail is alive and well.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The problem with CICO is that it's an oversimplification that contains no useful information. It's like saying a successful strategy in war is to kill the enemy, and a successful strategy in business is to make more money than you spend. Great, fantastic. Those are true, so is CICO, but now what? The "now what?" is the important part.

Weight loss (or gain) is a behavioral issue, not a math problem. (Admittedly, if you're sufficiently autistic, there may not be a difference between those.) About 0% of people successfully lose weight after someone tells them "it's simple, just eat less!" like that's some amazing mystical secret. You should probably go and tell all the smokers, alcoholics, and heroin addicts "you know, that's not very good for you, you should probably cut back". Without someone to impart such enlightenment, whatever would they do?