Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

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According to the tests that just came in from Coronado, this thread contains 89.56 % RickShaw, and has a 95.12 % likeliness of being Hall of Fame.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Now the mods are editing my posts lol. Clearly there is some panic at being on the losing side of this argument.
Because the mods are so deeply involved in this arguement...?

<--- Just wants a place in a Hall of Fame post. :p

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Hall of Shame without a doubt, we just gotta keep it alive for a few more weeks as ordered by Captain Furor Planedefuckerupper.


"A level of retardness like no one has seen before."

While I haven"t sifted through ever single post in the Rickshaw Hall of Fame to the level of, oh say old Pathologist Jay on Hawaii Five-0, I think it"s safe to say that you won"t find any posts by Sam Deathstalker in there.

Now even one granule of a Sam Deathwalker post has more parts per million of pure condensed retardedness than a screenshot storyboard put together by Fansy the PK Bard. Thus I"m not quite sure what you"re looking for, because reading through this thread, I"ve certainly been exposed to more retard then the volunteers at the Special Olympics (I"m going to hell now).

I guess the only way to push this over the top is for Ayachamo to begin defiling the chick on Sammy"s sig by airtighting her with Ayachamo Brand (tm) tubsteaks.