Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

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Would have to be gold plated to be worthy of sam.. because

Sam DeathWalker
Card carrying Nambla member
Posts: 1148
(2/7/03 9:31:27 pm)
Sam DeathWalker RoXoRs yur BoXoRs!
Why would I want to get someone in trouble. One thousand bucks might be big money to sum but to the MIGHTY DEATHWALKER its CHUMP CHANGE!

The DeathWalkers
The Lords of PHAT EXP

SamAdvancer Wiz65
SamTrancer Enc64
SamEnhancer Clr64
SamRomancer Wiz65
SamDancer Wiz56
SamFinancer Wiz56

Sam DeathWalkers Sullon Zek Forum


Sam :


Guild Lackey_foh

for Hall of Shame greatness. No other thread has contained so much stupidity, anger, and all out gayness as this thread. Well done Sammy D, you are the moron of morons, the queen of queer.

I would also like to nominate the following post for "Best flame fo the year:"
Rexfelis said:
"Sir, no one would take a super uber level 65 warrior and one computer over 6 computers and 2 level 64 wizards 2 level 55 wizards and 63 cleric and 63 chanter. I would not trade my stuffs for 2 uber greared toons like furors lol..... "

Lemme think: own a toon named Furor, the most infamous character in Everquest whose reputation was forged through sheer ballz and brains...or....own the Apple Dumpling Gang of Inbred-Jeds: Samchoder, Samchowder, Samsaladtosser, Samnewtard, Samwhorebanger and Samalcoholrubber. A sextet whose reputation was forged by displays of, unfortunately, non-lethal virtual Darwinian stupidity.

As for the 6 computers associated with said sextet...I think anyone with sense would steer clear of them on the off chance that one or more of those cheapass boxes required some servicing. Even the remote likelihood of some computer techie recognizing the computers from the incriminating pictures that have been posted, would not be worth the sheer embarrassment that would result if said techie was to make such a connection.

In short, I dare say that "Sam Deathwalker" is not a brand name by which you will find much success in the marketting of cheapass computers, EQ characters, or even sex that you would be willing to pay for.

Sir, you have mutated the trait of idiotic stubborness to a wholey new level

However fortunately:

"...but then again I don"t plan on having children..."

That ear-splitting, earth-shaking, deafening roar that you hear is the collective sound of several thousand sighs of relief.

"I can buy amost any toon in everyqest for $2,000."

Seeing as you readily pay for stinky, yeasty whore-sex, paying for an EQ account must be much more palatable...but do you scrub your monitor and keyboard with rubbing alcohol afterwards?

"Offer to swap me the 3 best FoH toons and their computers for my toons and set up and I would take the opportunity to decline."

The worst part about the above, is that at some point you have to wake up and face the reality: Sammangina, Samalchoholdouser and Samthumbinmyass =/= Fansy.

"Its possible right now a guild would perfer a toon like furors to my 6, but when all hit 65 and have some AA points I will be way more valuable."

You would be more valuable as Soilent Green. However here is where you and the concept of lucidity miss each other: Furor is only valuable because the fucker playing him happens to be a very smart and very funny fucker. On the other hand, the fucker playing Samnobgobbler, Samturdburgler, Samcockgargler, Sampipsmoker, Samcumgurgler and Samshitbubbleblower is the diametric, Bizarro-world opposite of someone like Furor. In short, you have actually proved the contradictory theorem that more can be less.

"It unfair to compare because 6 toons are so clearly better that its "unfair". Just admit thta 6 toons are better than 1 toon and move on..... geezzz"

What"s "unfair" is the one-sidedness of this battle of text unfolding before our eyes. If this was an actual, physical beating, the sheer, overwhelming magnitude of the beating would force the very essence of your genetic material to be pounded in upon itself such that space-time would collapse and result in some long-lost, but assuredly dim, ancestor of yourself having his existence snuffed out, which in turn would move another, yet slightly less dim, tard into the position of village/clan/cavedweller idiot, which would have a hitherto unknown, and possibly negative, impact upon our lives.

"but then again I don"t plan on having children"

Jesus...despite the reassurance that phrase brings, your demonstrated lack of sense, coupled with the admissions that you found the use of rubbing alcohol necessary in your stinky-yeast-whore post-coital cleanup makes me worry...did you use condoms or at least submit yourself to a vasectomy long ago?

I"m sure the mixing of your seed with some yeasty-cottage-cheese-whore"s eggs = something foretold in the Book of Revelations.
Well done, all!


Good Defensive Practice is still waaaaay better then this thread. I have yet to see any posts with references to DirkkinDiggler, Nazis, or Millie"s gender or sig. It needs more retardation before its Hall of Shame material.


I would like to start the mspaint assault but my strike 9 isn"t working so i will just attach it and one of my "allies" can post it, but i get the credit biatch


hard to read some of my scribbles, but if there are any questions i"d be glad to answer them, also taking requests for a new mspaint flame of sam =)


yes if you can read the pencil i used it says 800x then zooms into infinity times of 800x then its a small drawing

i think in my next one i"ll make fun of his 349 hooker frends


You guys can flame all you want, the simple fact is that at some point I will have the strongest one man force server wide.
currently: retards with one character can kill you

in six months when you ebay 6 magicians: retards with one character will kill you because you don"t know dick and your system is flawed
Hodas got me, I don"t see anyone else who can. Sure you can"t. Whats flawed about my system? If I do make 6 mages, I really can"t see who would stand a chance.....