Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


Nino said:
To clarify...

NOBODY is telling you to turn the sound off; certainly not in any official capacity.

If you have sound hardware, the game actually runs even better. The problem is with low quality on-board sound that renders everything in software. No doubt, this will degrade your performance. We are working with Creative to get to the bottom of the device enumeration issues that make SOME onboard sound systems choke. The DLL files we originally implemented, which came directly from Creative, did not work properly with the engine. Debugging the issues and getting them fixed in a vastly complex environment takes time. I assure you, nobody is more unhappy about this than I am. I also know it will be resolved in due time.

I spent the weekend installing Vista 64 bit and found that you cannot choose hardware mode in Vanguard, and I am stuck rendering in software. I reported this last night and I will follow up on it this morning.
So if i install a sound card rather then using my onboard one, i wont get the reduced framerate issue?
Nino said:
To clarify...

NOBODY is telling you to turn the sound off; certainly not in any official capacity.

If you have sound hardware, the game actually runs even better. The problem is with low quality on-board sound that renders everything in software. No doubt, this will degrade your performance. We are working with Creative to get to the bottom of the device enumeration issues that make SOME onboard sound systems choke. The DLL files we originally implemented, which came directly from Creative, did not work properly with the engine. Debugging the issues and getting them fixed in a vastly complex environment takes time. I assure you, nobody is more unhappy about this than I am. I also know it will be resolved in due time.

I spent the weekend installing Vista 64 bit and found that you cannot choose hardware mode in Vanguard, and I am stuck rendering in software. I reported this last night and I will follow up on it this morning.
Thanks Nino, the sound thing really stuck in my craw.


kcxiv said:
So if i install a sound card rather then using my onboard one, i wont get the reduced framerate issue?
Not necessarily. If you are going to get a card spend the 70-100 bucks or whatever they cost and get the X-Fi sound card. That seems to be giving the best results to people. I"ve seen people install a basic SoundBlaster card that cost 30 bucks and actually lose a ton of FPS. Reports of like 30 FPS before and 12 FPS after.

One thing I"d really like to hear from the horses mouth so to speak, either Brad or Tag or Talisker, is about all the big stuff that got left off release. Namely:

- Inquisitor / Berserker timetable
- Abilities & Spells learned from mobs not in yet(my major pet peeve)
- Fellowships
- Dynamic quests (there are some but not enough) IE choose your own path / adventure type
- under water population, fish, etc ( BTW lots of my friends have commented on how cool it is that bodies of water have currents in this game...cept the gnomes that get swept out to sea!)


I recently gave away my last soundcard (SB Audigy) to a friend, and then I started playing VG again. My computer was straining to push the Ventrilo/Skype sound through the pounding that it was taking from Vanguard. Click and pops, and all that. This is with sound off in the game.


I went out and bought a SB X-Fi Fatal1ty, $105 after rebate from newegg, and holy shit am I happy!

The sound is amazing (compared to last SB and the Realtek onboard sound), in game or otherwise.

Getting 35-45 fps on balanced with an AGP system baby!

No, not in a full group / indoor dungeon. But eventhenits ok.

If I continue to play the game (looks like it atm) I will upgrade to conroe/8800 within 3 months, as opposed to the immediate timeframe I was looking at with 25fps and clicky/poppy sound.


Seths said:
- Abilities & Spells learned from mobs not in yet(my major pet peeve)
- Fellowships
Abilities and spells form NPC"s is in game, I learned a stun attack from a named mob in Coterie Infenium, Unfortunately it wasn"t a dsc skill so the last patch took it away from me. But they are there.

Fellowships, I was told are not coming back and that they are going to be adding a mentoring system instead.


2 Minutes Hate
I have onboard sound on an Asus 939 socket mobo. The game slows down for me, but I"m still around the 25 fps mark with 2gigs of DDR2 and a 7950 512mb vidcard.


There are definately some kind of memory leak bug causing crashing in certain areas.

The Beacon of Azhal"whatever - second one south of Khal causes my machine to hard reboot every time I go into that area from the east side. If I go in there from the north it usually doesnt happen.

The most annoying part of it is thatgoing linkdead/crashing/rebooting makes your character keep running the same direction you were going when you crashed. So what I end up with is bodies all over the place because the same area crashes every time I go to get the last LD corpse.

For the love of god please make the character stop moving if the client crashes. It is teh total suck to be walking in a outpost area, crashing and coming back to find your body 1 km away up a mountain surrounded by level 28 kos mobs.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nino said:
To clarify...

NOBODY is telling you to turn the sound off; certainly not in any official capacity.

If you have sound hardware, the game actually runs even better. The problem is with low quality on-board sound that renders everything in software. No doubt, this will degrade your performance. We are working with Creative to get to the bottom of the device enumeration issues that make SOME onboard sound systems choke. The DLL files we originally implemented, which came directly from Creative, did not work properly with the engine. Debugging the issues and getting them fixed in a vastly complex environment takes time. I assure you, nobody is more unhappy about this than I am. I also know it will be resolved in due time.

I spent the weekend installing Vista 64 bit and found that you cannot choose hardware mode in Vanguard, and I am stuck rendering in software. I reported this last night and I will follow up on it this morning.
I had no idea sound impacted fps. After I read your post, I tried turning off sound. It gave me another 8 fps on average. I am already at 24 fps, so its not a big impact, but would like to see this resolved. In groups, my fps is dropping to 12 fps. I have spent $600 in upgrades, and I don"t plan on spending any more cash to play VG. I can play Eq2 and WoW just fine.


Seths said:
Not necessarily. If you are going to get a card spend the 70-100 bucks or whatever they cost and get the X-Fi sound card. That seems to be giving the best results to people. I"ve seen people install a basic SoundBlaster card that cost 30 bucks and actually lose a ton of FPS. Reports of like 30 FPS before and 12 FPS after.

One thing I"d really like to hear from the horses mouth so to speak, either Brad or Tag or Talisker, is about all the big stuff that got left off release. Namely:

- Inquisitor / Berserker timetable
- Abilities & Spells learned from mobs not in yet(my major pet peeve)
- Fellowships
- Dynamic quests (there are some but not enough) IE choose your own path / adventure type
- under water population, fish, etc ( BTW lots of my friends have commented on how cool it is that bodies of water have currents in this game...cept the gnomes that get swept out to sea!)
I am getting a message each time I kill a certain mob that I am learning a new ability "more study needs to be done" each time I kill that particular type of mob I get that message.

so if it is not in the game yet they are working on it, I have not killed enough of them yet to get the "you have learned" said ability.

Maybe Nino can clarify.


Yeah they"ve been fooling around with that stuff obviously. I learned a rogue skill prior to last patch by killing a Lizardman dude. I"m not a rogue... still got the skill though for like a day.

This is why I like the State of the Game posts, I just like to know what"s going on.


BTW... I still dont get agro in this game. It seems screwy. Some mobs are linked. Some are social. Some, you hit one and the others in the pack will slowly wander over to join the one you pulled, then agro when they get in range... sometimes not even then.

Some stuff will agro, you can run and they"ll eventually drop off your encounter bar, then when you head back into the area, they will re-agro even though they are very far out of range.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Greyform said:
I am getting a message each time I kill a certain mob that I am learning a new ability "more study needs to be done" each time I kill that particular type of mob I get that message.

so if it is not in the game yet they are working on it, I have not killed enough of them yet to get the "you have learned" said ability.

Maybe Nino can clarify.

you sure its not part of a quest?


Greyform said:
I am getting a message each time I kill a certain mob that I am learning a new ability "more study needs to be done" each time I kill that particular type of mob I get that message.

so if it is not in the game yet they are working on it, I have not killed enough of them yet to get the "you have learned" said ability.

Maybe Nino can clarify.
I"ve seen the plan for this, but we are not 100% ready to flip the switch. Remember last week when people were learning other classes" spells? We pushed ability learning live without enough testing and it went screwy so we had to turn it off. I believe it will go live again very soon; once we are sure it won"t cause bugs or errors.


How many spells will each class be able to learn? I"m guessing there is little info for this atm Nino. So I figured if you might want to throw something out there that would be a plus. I really have no idea how it works, I just don"t want to be on a goose chase trying to learn spells which I cannot. How does it break down? 1 spell per 2 levels. Is there just like 10 total from different types of mobs per class? Basically how can one know if they"ve learned all the spells for their level?


forge said:
How many spells will each class be able to learn? I"m guessing there is little info for this atm Nino. So I figured if you might want to throw something out there that would be a plus. I really have no idea how it works, I just don"t want to be on a goose chase trying to learn spells which I cannot. How does it break down? 1 spell per 2 levels. Is there just like 10 total from different types of mobs per class? Basically how can one know if they"ve learned all the spells for their level?
The only information I had on this was dated info from Beta 3 from Brad and Talisker. Their claim was that these abilities would be learned in premier dungeons. That a class would have their abilities spread throughout the world and so it would be very difficult to find and learn them all, and that vendor bought abilities were only half of what was available in the game. Don"t know how accurate that is anymore but thats what I remembered. This was my biggest, and others, complaint about spells and abilities in the game. The lists were too small and bland....

Ok so I have 20 spells and as I level they are just upgrades to lower versions "Spell Blast I, II, III, IV, V" etc. So that was when Brad jumped in and said that the vendor bought ones were only about half of the true total, that he had seen them all and learned spells himself. Talisker came in later and said that it wasn"t turned on and no one heard anything about it the rest of beta.


Elisha Dushku
The Hiram Key said:
Thanks Nino, the sound thing really stuck in my craw.
Dude, you don"t play the fucking game you just bitch about on this forum -- why the fuck should anyone give a shit what you think?

* * *

How a problem with a game you don"t play could stick in your craw is beyond me. It"s borderline crazy bro.


Elisha Dushku
Greyform said:
I am getting a message each time I kill a certain mob that I am learning a new ability "more study needs to be done" each time I kill that particular type of mob I get that message.

so if it is not in the game yet they are working on it, I have not killed enough of them yet to get the "you have learned" said ability.

Maybe Nino can clarify.
It"s in the game "tactics recongition" or whatever the skill is called -- was added last patch.

Edit: Just read Nino"s post I guess they turned it off again.
tad10 said:
Dude, you don"t play the fucking game you just bitch about on this forum -- why the fuck should anyone give a shit what you think?

* * *

How a problem with a game you don"t play could stick in your craw is beyond me. It"s borderline crazy bro.
What gives you the idea I am not playing it ? When was release ? Fucking Tad, you are all over any VG"s threads nuts like you want to swallow them.


Give it a rest.

edit: Added the ***....is that code for "I am a shill asshole fuck ?"


Jooka said:
you sure its not part of a quest?
Pretty sure - it was not the usual Ding 1/4 mobs killed message. it was a definite you have learned X ability you need more study message. I will check my quest log, but I do not think I have any such quest like that.