Why do men keep putting me in the Girlfriend-zone?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Look, we get it. You have the libido of a slug. Some of us are actually men with ball bursting amounts of testosterone pumping through our veins on a daily basis though. You might as well be saying that lions can be best buddies with gazelles.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
It would be awesome to see the results of everyone posting in this thread getting their estrogen and testosterone levels taken.

Tanoomba's posts in this thread give me the biggest douche chills. What a weirdo.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, I know I get douche chills from someone saying that they can have female friends. Oh wait, no, thats just what a decent person would say.


Millie's Staff Member
Its also funny how he says the attractive women are what drew him to these girls but because they shot him down and friendzoned him its all irrelevant.

All joking aside, just admit you are seriously friendzoned and fucking hate it. We have all been friendzoned one way or another, its nothing to be ashamed of. The shame is when you continue to allow yourself to be made a bitch of and thats when you become the butt of your male peers jokes


Unelected Mod
The shame is when you continue to allow yourself to be made a bitch of and thats when you become the butt of your male peers jokes
So hanging out with a girl that won't fuck you is being made their bitch?

I am seriously trying to figure out if you people are trolling. If you met a woman that was married and shared your interests, you wouldn't want to be their friend? The idea that women can't share your same interests is just so outright absurd I can't imagine you all really believe it. Hell, I have no interest in having any sort of long-term relationship with a woman that doesn't share most of my interests.


Millie's Staff Member
short answer is yes, long answer is if you want to fuck someone and they dont want to fuck you, then you are just making yourself look like an idiot by spending time with them unless you are playing a long game and hope they will eventually come around. btw that shit only works in the movies.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am seriously trying to figure out if you people are trolling. If you met a woman that was married and shared your interests, you wouldn't want to be their friend?
Let me just take one of my interests as an example. Mountain biking. There are girls who ride for sure. I've ridden with some. Its largely a sausage party like pretty much all of the things that give my life meaning and fulfillment (see how that goes for dudes? oh yeah you don't I guess), but there are women doing it. The thing is, its a bit like MMO's in this regard, the great majority of girls riding were brought into it by boyfriends/husbands/suitors. They didn't really gravitate towards the sport on their own.

So ok, there are girls who ride. But you know what I've found? They are a pain in the fucking ass to ride with. They take twice as long to get ready, they are much pickier and whinier if something about their bike/gear isn't exactly how they expect it to be, and they are needier. You can't just be like "ok, if I'm faster than you I'll see you at the next intersection before we take any turns, if you don't see me go straight". Try telling your buddy's wife that and you can expect to get the evil eye next time you show up to ride with them again. Try tellingyourwife or girlfriend that and you can expect to get cut off from sex for a while when she falls down trying to get to the meet up point or is worried she got lost or who knows what. Furthermore, most girls can't or won't learn to fix and maintain their own shit. So half the time they end up a the trailhead telling her dude that something's not right and she never even realized it until they got there and now he has to tune her shit up on the spot.

All this conspires to lead a guy who is single or doesn't ride with his woman to say "fuck this, I just want to ride and my shit was dialed in two days ago before I came here", women subtract from the experience. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule but that's by far the more common experience. I could apply this to all of my hobbies/pursuits. Not saying women aren'tcapableof breaking out of those behaviors or learning to wrench or ride solo and find their way back. They can, some do, but most don't. Its not sexist to recognize and understand that, or even to expect it. It might be sexist if I said females aren't meant to ride bikes or can never learn to be a mechanic, but its not sexist to say that its safer to assume that most of the time they won't.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Let me just take one of my interests as an example. Mountain biking. There are girls who ride for sure. I've ridden with some. Its largely a sausage party like pretty much all of the things that give my life meaning and fulfillment (see how that goes for dudes? oh yeah you don't I guess), but there are women doing it. The thing is, its a bit like MMO's in this regard, the great majority of girls riding were brought into it by boyfriends/husbands/suitors. They didn't really gravitate towards the sport on their own.

So ok, there are girls who ride. But you know what I've found? They are a pain in the fucking ass to ride with. They take twice as long to get ready, they are much pickier and whinier if something about their bike/gear isn't exactly how they expect it to be, and they are needier. You can't just be like "ok, if I'm faster than you I'll see you at the next intersection before we take any turns, if you don't see me go straight". Try telling your buddy's wife that and you can expect to get the evil eye next time you show up to ride with them again. Try tellingyourwife or girlfriend that and you can expect to get cut off from sex for a while when she falls down trying to get to the meet up point or is worried she got lost or who knows what. Furthermore, most girls can't or won't learn to fix and maintain their own shit. So half the time they end up a the trailhead telling her dude that something's not right and she never even realized it until they got there and now he has to tune her shit up on the spot.

All this conspires to lead a guy who is single or doesn't ride with his woman to say "fuck this, I just want to ride and my shit was dialed in two days ago before I came here", women subtract from the experience. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule but that's by far the more common experience. I could apply this to all of my hobbies/pursuits. Not saying women aren'tcapableof breaking out of those behaviors or learning to wrench or ride solo and find their way back. They can, some do, but most don't. Its not sexist to recognize and understand that, or even to expect it. It might be sexist if I said females aren't meant to ride bikes or can never learn to be a mechanic, but its not sexist to say that its safer to assume that most of the time they won't.
tl;dr risk and reward ratio is much better with men.


Look, we get it. You have the libido of a slug. Some of us are actually men with ball bursting amounts of testosterone pumping through our veins on a daily basis though. You might as well be saying that lions can be best buddies with gazelles.
Good, you're on board then. I got through to you. You accept thatYOUcan't be friends with women.

It would be awesome to see the results of everyone posting in this thread getting their estrogen and testosterone levels taken.

Tanoomba's posts in this thread give me the biggest douche chills. What a weirdo.
I understand this. A lot of guys, it seems, are very insecure in their masculinity. They hear someone who's supposed to be "one of them" saying stuff that would have gotten them beaten up in the school yard, and it makes them feel all "ooky" inside. That's not what "men" are supposed to believe! He must be a girl/gay/whipped/fat(?). "Burn the fag!" they chant as try to hide their raging boners...

All joking aside, just admit you are seriously friendzoned and fucking hate it. We have all been friendzoned one way or another, its nothing to be ashamed of. The shame is when you continue to allow yourself to be made a bitch of and thats when you become the butt of your male peers jokes
"Friendzoned" is a term weak-willed nerds came up with to make them feel better about not having any balls. It's what happens when you hang out with a girl you're into but never actually express any observable sexual interest in her, then get all disappointed when she doesn't suck your dick anyway. That's not what I do. If I genuinely want something to happen with a girl romantically, I will take steps to see if it's a possibility. If it isn't and I have no other interest in this girl then it's pretty much goodbye forever. If sex or a romantic relationship is not a possibility but it turns out this girl is fun and interesting and I really enjoy spending time with her and the feeling is mutual, then I'd be a fucking idiot to cut her out of my life. "Sorry, Jen, you're really awesome and the last few times we hung out we really had fun, but that was all supposed to lead to fucking. I suppose we could hang out again and continue enjoying each other's company but what's the point? If you were a guy we could be friends. If you were ugly we could be friends. If you were married we could be friends. You have every quality I like in a friend but you unfortunately have the added quality of being attractive so you're going to have to get the fuck out of my life. Sorry, the internet says it must be so."
I understand if you've never met a girl you could appreciate as a friend. It's possible you've never been exposed to such girls. It's even more likely you've never looked for this quality in a girl to begin with. That's fine. Stop seeing the fact that men and women can be friends as a challenge to your own masculinity. Do your own thing and accept that other people have had different life experiences than you and have a different perspective on things.GET. OVER. YOURSELF.

nah execution is douche.
You'll notice my tone is mostly dictated by how much of an asshole the person I'm responding to is being. Act like a douche, you'll be treated like a douche. Speak respectfully, you'll get just as much respect back.


It might be sexist if I said females aren't meant to ride bikes or can never learn to be a mechanic, but its not sexist to say that its safer to assume that most of the time they won't.
Actually, both are sexist. Not being sexist would be not to "assume" anything at all.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
You'll notice my tone is mostly dictated by how much of an asshole the person I'm responding to is being. Act like a douche, you'll be treated like a douche. Speak respectfully, you'll get just as much respect back.
blaming others for your behaviour certainly makes you a less douche.

EDIT: this is just a battle of perspective anyhow. There is nothing to be won, nothing to be gained. Famm is basically saying that he would rather invest in men's friendship since the reward is much higher and conceivable. I am sure that he would invest in woman who he wants, as a person, gf, etc. There is nothing wrong with that. It is very entertaining though. It's like a "WHO HAS A BIGGER DICK" contest.


Let me just take one of my interests as an example. Mountain biking. There are girls who ride for sure. I've ridden with some. Its largely a sausage party like pretty much all of the things that give my life meaning and fulfillment (see how that goes for dudes? oh yeah you don't I guess), but there are women doing it. The thing is, its a bit like MMO's in this regard, the great majority of girls riding were brought into it by boyfriends/husbands/suitors. They didn't really gravitate towards the sport on their own.

So ok, there are girls who ride. But you know what I've found? They are a pain in the fucking ass to ride with. They take twice as long to get ready, they are much pickier and whinier if something about their bike/gear isn't exactly how they expect it to be, and they are needier. You can't just be like "ok, if I'm faster than you I'll see you at the next intersection before we take any turns, if you don't see me go straight". Try telling your buddy's wife that and you can expect to get the evil eye next time you show up to ride with them again. Try tellingyourwife or girlfriend that and you can expect to get cut off from sex for a while when she falls down trying to get to the meet up point or is worried she got lost or who knows what. Furthermore, most girls can't or won't learn to fix and maintain their own shit. So half the time they end up a the trailhead telling her dude that something's not right and she never even realized it until they got there and now he has to tune her shit up on the spot.

All this conspires to lead a guy who is single or doesn't ride with his woman to say "fuck this, I just want to ride and my shit was dialed in two days ago before I came here", women subtract from the experience. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule but that's by far the more common experience. I could apply this to all of my hobbies/pursuits. Not saying women aren'tcapableof breaking out of those behaviors or learning to wrench or ride solo and find their way back. They can, some do, but most don't. Its not sexist to recognize and understand that, or even to expect it. It might be sexist if I said females aren't meant to ride bikes or can never learn to be a mechanic, but its not sexist to say that its safer to assume that most of the time they won't.
That sucks that the girls you know suck so bad.


Unelected Mod
I like how if a guy did that stuff, you would just consider him a bad friend and move on. However, a girl is a bad friend and its a sign that its pointless to try and be a friend with any girl.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This thread is useless without facts, I liked the facts a few pages back about single mothers more likely to raise troubled children (behavioral/emotional problems) than single fathers, I think it's a disturbing trend that more and more women are having children without any male present in the child's life, in some cities 75% of all children are currently being raised by single mothers, and I think that's scary considering how much worse those children do in life:

Here are some more facts:

Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy,[11] which are behavioral and generally motivated by factors such as an individual's personal or religious beliefs;[12] sexual orientation, unlike sexual behavior, is believed to be "enduring".[13] Some asexual people do engage in sexual activity despite lacking a desire for sex or sexual attraction, due to a variety of reasons, such as a desire to please romantic partners or a desire to have children.[6]
It's ok guys, you don't have to be gay or a woman to be friends with women...

But if you have sexual thoughts about a woman (which Tanooba has admitted to doing), EVEN IF ONLY OCCASIONALLY or in the past, you do not, BY DEFINITION, have a platonic relationship with her. You cannot say that you have both had sexual thoughts about a person... and have a platonic relationship with them... THATS NOT HOW WORDS WORK. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE DEFINITION OF WORDS JUST TO MAKE AN ARGUEMENT! If you have ever thought about a person sexually, you have a erotic relationship with them, even if you do not actually have sex, or kiss, or anything sexual. It's the thought that defines the type of relationship.


Silver Squire