Why do you post at FOH?

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Oh my lord. Her vag is fucking huge! That"s not a moose knuckle that"s an elephant knuckle. She"s like what 4 feet tall? Can you imagine if she were a "normal" height? She"d have like a 2 foot long vag. Hot dog in a hallway? More like cocktail wiener in a hallway.
I was going to go to bed but I don"t know if I can sleep after that. Thanks assholes! -negs all around!

The Foler_sl

RAVENNN!! What happened to my post with the pics, you put a spoiler on it but I think you actually deleted the pics?! Gonna go cry now brb


<Prior Amod>
I think we may need to invent something lower then the Hall of Shame for this piece of work.

Fuck 4chan must be creaming itself right now after seeing this thread.


Potato del Grande
Well damn my work feels inadequate after the past few pages but I think I"ve finally found Folers Database.


Just for the record,

She uploaded all of those images and more to her own private album here on FoH yesterday, apparently staged for release. Only admins could see them and Tyen noticed them and pointed them out to me. I was in such shock that I just decided we should do nothing, and just watch. Galiem apparently caught wind of this train wreck sometime today because the albums got deleted around the same time there was edits to posts by Galiem and our new guest.


It"s been bothering me all day when I"ve had moments of boredom. The Willow, Jaws, Jawa, and troll comparisons are all certainly apt but I just knew I had seen something similar before.

Jim "Wash Out" Pfaffenbach: Well, there"s a delicate corneal inversion procedure... a multi-opti-pupil-optomy. But, in order to keep from damaging the eye sockets, they"ve got to go in through the rectum. Ain"t no man going to take that route with me!


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Bippity said:
You could of copy and pasted the text.


It sounds like she"s very important to you. So, it"s resolved Don"t spend time alone with your ex, and maybe one day the four of you can double-date. I don"t see it as either of you doing wrong by the way -- I think it"s just a case of miscommunication and a challenge of compromise. Just make sure she knows that you"re making your choices out of love for her, and hopefully she will have enough respect for your feelings to grasp the weight of that and think it"s sweet. The biggest questions I have in your interest are: Will this extend to your other friends in the future and what happens when you expect the same from her?

edit: If the biggest problem now is that she"s mad, give it time. She had some insecurities flare up, and probably had salt poured in a wound that predates your relationship. It"s only natural that she"ll be upset for a bit, but hopefully after she calms down she"ll see that you made a sacrifice for her and forgive you.


I agree with you on this. That is what I want our baby to learn when he or she grows up. His girlfriend might not want to meet a girl he has fucked. It is awkward!


I hope our baby learns that nobody is above compromise and that all parties involved in any form of relationship have to be willing to sacrifice a little of what they want to get a little of what they want -- but that won"t happen until long after our child has grown up, moved out, and learned through experience (like all of us have to). Also, our child will struggle with doing this him or her self and protecting him or her self from people who won"t do this -- a precarious balance that nobody ever masters.


Yea nobody is perfect lol.


I am. I mean, you are.

-- Okay this sub-thread of comments is derailing, cheesy, and pointless to onlookers. Let"s stop this lol

Sorry but I disagree with you Gnostici. She is being a reasonable girlfriend. If he can"t respect her feeling, then he should just choose his ex. It is bad because of us being together and I don"t want our soon to be daughter or son to think this way.