Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think copying a lot of WOWs design and stylized graphics with some edgy angsty teen humor means they obviously are not aiming for the 30+ aged crowd the way TESO or SWTOR did.
I think that, much to their sorrow, they are going to find that if they were aiming for a younger crowd they screwed the pooch by not making the game a Minecraft clone. That's what that demographic plays now.


Avatar of War Slayer
Damn, poeple have gotten tough on MMO's.

There was a time, just being logged into the same RPG world was enough to cause wild excitement and delight. Nowadays, well made games are just dismissed.

I sometimes wonder if the MMORPG genre can survive. The games cost a fortune to make and no one wants to play them!
wait till 2 weeks before release, then well get flooded with the next big thing'ers bored of Teso, etc.
And too early for Archage.


How is Wildstar a WoW clone? Is it because of exclamation marks above quest NPCs? Is it because it has tanks and healers?
Well, it's Diku derivative. My point is playing the game for months it 'feels' like WOW to me. Far more than Rift or SWTOR. It's not a copy and has distinct features like Credd and housing, but those are just taken from other mainstream MMOs.

It's not a copy of WOW, but I'd personally call it a WOW clone because:

1. It looks exactly like WOW.

2. The quests are exactly like WOW.

3. The raids seem very similar to WOW <note, just from what I've read>

4. The PVP design is very similar to WOW.

5. Even with the actiony combat, it plays an awful lot like WOW. Honestly, I think the game would be better if they copied WOWs combat verbatim. The telegraph mechanics are awful to me.

6. The racial selections and 'quirky'/'pop' feel are right from Blizzards playbook.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Just to be clear here FF14 was a piece of shit. It was a beautifully rendered artistic expression of shit but nonetheless when you opened the box what you got was the grade A premium cow manure with $400 million in the best food art design behind it. If I took the box and buried it in my garden I would get the most beautiful, mouth watering, 1080p juicy full bloom tomatoes that you have ever seen in your life but if you bit into one it was have as much sustenance as 1's and 0's it came from and taste like licking the inside of your own asshole.

I bought it and played it at release. I feel it is unfair to compare anything to FFXIV based on my totally subjective experience.
I thought FF14 2.0 from last summer was 'ok'? I'm sure everyone talking about FF14 at this time talks about that incarnation of the game.

The part I'm most interested in (the raiding game) should last ~3 months for Genetic Archives alone (for your average raiding guild) because of its difficulty from what I've been hearing. And the 40 man raid zone is supposed to be even more challenging. Depending on if/when the difficulty gets nerfed because of the whining by casuals, the raid game might hold my attention indefinitely.
That's what they said in the TOR meetings before release, see how that went down in the real world. I'd be surprised if people arent asking for more content including raids at the 4-8 weeks mark.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah threads everywhere are like 'game is nothing special quit at level 2' just like here. Game is fantastic, but the newbie experience is awful and it doesn't encourage you to play it 'correctly' for the first dozen levels minimum. Group content is a fucking blast though and even questing gets challenging if you don't do it well later on.
teso had the good sense to kill the newbie islands. lets hope Wildstar does as well.


Does this seem like a really poor amount of group content when it's likely the one decent part of the game. 4 dungeons and some adventure instances? I'm assuming the 4 dungeons get recycled at 50 for hardmodes? Are the adventures replayable enough to fill the gaps? Hopefully there are some world bosses or something that is missing from this list.

Level 15 Adventure (Exile): The Hycrest Insurrection
Level 15 Adventure (Dominion): Riot in the Void
Level 20 Dungeon: Stormtalon's Lair
Level 20 Dungeon: Ruins of Kel Vorath
Level 25 Adventure: War of the Wilds
Level 30 Adventure: The Siege of Tempest Refuge
Level 35 Dungeon: Skullcano
Level 40 Adventure: Crimelords of Whitevale
Level 45 Adventure: The Malgrave Trail
Level 50 Dungeon: Sanctuary of the Swordmaiden
Level 50 Raid (20): Genetic Archives
Level 50 Raid (40): Datascape


FF14 was a good game even at launch, despite a few bugs.

It got allot correct, but on the other hand it had a mechanic that was almost game breaking that made people play around it.
Even with that people would still play the game, and learn to adapt around the terrible server lag.

That is not what killed FF14 tho. What killed it was the abysmal endgame. The raiding was shit, and outside of the raiding there was one Dungeon you could do constantly to get gear that was then nerfed for speed runners.

If you look in the original FF14 thread I was the first to poopsock through that game, and then came in and said the game was crap. Everyone in the board argued it wasn't, and I said This game has no future.
I could tell instantly btw they designed Coils that this was a game they would never fix, and would continually be a game that was no longer worth my time.

It had a lot of potential, but the designers ruined it.

You can't say the only thing that FF14 had going for it was the graphics, because that is 100% not true.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is Teso instanced? I as a bit surprised in Wildstar when I starting exploring, and didn't hit any zonelines/invisible walls. I was WAY out past the map. I don't know how long its been since I played an MMO with an actual persistent world, not chopped into instances.

Also, Wildstar is a WoW clone. why even defend it? (not sure I would call TESO, anything but one either though. save the Gw2 pvp clone)

housing is interesting (I did get to that just before I had to call it a night on sunday), war plots interesting.
Action play, all ground target. 8-10? skill loadouts. +out of combat side bars.

secondary classes in explorer/etc is a neat idea. not sure it plays out perfectly. Probably should let players take all of them. the completionist wants them all. ha.


FPS noob
i don't know what i want in a new MMO but wildstar doesn't fit the itch

if you just play 4-5 hours a week, as probably 50-75% of mmo'ers do, any MMO is perfectly fine. i recently installed ff14 on my ps4 (played for 2 months on pc at launch, had basically a free month for ps3/ps4) and i fuck around for 30 minutes every few days on my vita while taking a shit, its cool "tech wise" but pretty bland and unforgettable.

I think i'll remember the contents of my shits more than what I did in any of these generic treadmill themepark MMOs, like sunday was Game of Tacos night and man the bowl was dark and full of terrors


Timing is ideal for this game too. Siege of Ogrimmar was September, and we won't be seeing the expansion until at least November it looks like (given the dates of Bilzzcon). That gives Wildstar a lot of breathing room. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw WoD beta invites going out on or around May 31 - June 2 though.


Vyemm Raider
That's what they said in the TOR meetings before release, see how that went down in the real world. I'd be surprised if people arent asking for more content including raids at the 4-8 weeks mark.
Who is they? The ~3 months thing is what I'm getting straight from a hardcore raiders mouth, not from the Wildstar devs. "People think that they're going to clear the 40 man in the first month, dude, you are out of your FUCKING MIND. I don't even think people are going to get out of the 20 man in the first 3 months. Probably not that long, but no one is going to clear the 40 man in 4 months...it's going to be a long time."http://youtu.be/ZuKOmQVLrHo?t=6m10s


Ssraeszha Raider
i don't know what i want in a new MMO but wildstar doesn't fit the itch

if you just play 4-5 hours a week, as probably 50-75% of mmo'ers do, any MMO is perfectly fine. i recently installed ff14 on my ps4 (played for 2 months on pc at launch, had basically a free month for ps3/ps4) and i fuck around for 30 minutes every few days on my vita while taking a shit, its cool "tech wise" but pretty bland and unforgettable.

I think i'll remember the contents of my shits more than what I did in any of these generic treadmill themepark MMOs, like sunday was Game of Tacos night and man the bowl was dark and full of terrors
Who takes 30 minute shits?


Who is they? The ~3 months thing is what I'm getting straight from a hardcore raiders mouth, not from the Wildstar devs. "People think that they're going to clear the 40 man in the first month, dude, you are out of your FUCKING MIND. I don't even think people are going to get out of the 20 man in the first 3 months. Probably not that long, but no one is going to clear the 40 man in 4 months...it's going to be a long time."http://youtu.be/ZuKOmQVLrHo?t=6m10s
You grossly underestimate the raiding population. Unless a game puts in artificial cockblocks poopsockers will destroy your content.

Even with cockblocks, the playerbase will always find a way to exploit, and destroy your content. How can we still be saying this in 2014?


Takes what, like 2 weeks of resets to even get in the 20 man raid and then another week of resets to get in the 40 man and that assumes you are spending your whole lot of elder gems on those? Since some guilds have all the raids on farm I give it a month before it's all beaten.


Vyemm Raider
I'm wondering if you tards are even reading my posts. Again, this is not what I'm saying or is it what the devs of Wildstar saying. This stuff is coming straight from a no lifing, hardcore raiders mouth whose guild has been testing the raid content in the beta for months. None of this stuff is my opinion because I haven't done any of the raiding in the game yet.


Yeah, but from the first sentence before you quote this online warrior you seemed to be in agreement with the guy. Since you know nothing of the endgame, then how can you possibly trust someone when you can not verify it yourself?

Like I said, without putting up a wall (i.e. cockblock) poopsockers will destroy your content very quickly. Could give a shit what some dipshit beta tester has to say about it.


<Gold Donor>
Its either artificial cockblocks, very hard tuned shit that you will throw yourself at over and over again, until you are sick of it. It sounds like its cockblocks with timers and shit.