Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Registered Hutt
I'm pretty sure Rift is in the black. If you don't spend a kajillion when you remix the model it's a good platform. Allegedly SWToR is in the black too, but until they release an xpac I'm dubious of that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm pretty sure Rift is in the black. If you don't spend a kajillion when you remix the model it's a good platform. Allegedly SWToR is in the black too, but until they release an xpac I'm dubious of that.
how about you keep your faggot rift talk in a rift thread.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure Rift is in the black. If you don't spend a kajillion when you remix the model it's a good platform. Allegedly SWToR is in the black too, but until they release an xpac I'm dubious of that.
Didn't SWToR just release an expansion?


A nice asshole.
Froon was such a jerk guys, can't believe he is Lokens cousins and we all know he was the hardest boss of any 5 man dungeon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can run and gun and dodge just like gw2 in Wildstar.
Not quite, in GW2 you have an autoattack and no skill requires that you standstill. WildStar has no autoatk, which means you'll be spamming your basic attack while moving, you'll appreciate GW2s autoatk after playing this. WildStar also has attacks that require standing still, and multi-part attacks that require you to spam that attacks key just to get to fire fully. Example, the default attack for Esper requires that you press its hotkey 4 times to get to fully fire (dumb, you can be moving though), or a Spellslingers default attack, it takes almost 2sec for it to fire after pressing its hotkey (it has to charge up, but you can move), or another SS attack which doesn't allow you move due to you having to charge it up manually. IF WS had copied GW2s combat fully, it would be a much more fluid experience in combat.


Trakanon Raider
Got a chance to play the game at E3. The only place to see it was on a couple Alienware laptops at their booth. In the land of "how to present your upcoming AAA MMO poorly" this probably ranked near the top, which is probably part of the reason it received a few more negative comments than it deserved from Massively etc.

The art (if you like the style) and game itself was incredibly polished and pretty much felt like a late beta. Quests worked, world was populated, enemies attacked in different ways, animations looked good. Overall, if you like themepark style MMOs, this look to be a worthy contender to the WoW style of play...with one "caution".

Currently the controls are mixed bag and give a fairly poor impression overall (this is just my opinion)

The moving, dodging and jumping feels great for an action game (Tera, Neverwinter).

The attacks, targeting and the rest feel good for a WoW style game.

The mix of the two feels pretty poor. You are using the "1" key to spam your basic attack (no autoattack) while attempting to use the other keys to move quickly, like in a shooter and keep the camera centered. The game seems like it could benefit greatly by using camera/combat control similar to something like Tera where things are being fired off with mouse clicks.

I'm not sure who the team member was that was there, but I got some "I haven't played Tera etc." kind of things when talking to her. that was a little bit alarming as you pretty much should have a good handle on everything that has come out in the west if you are looking to be competitive. However, she could've been unrelated to design.

All in all it was great, if they can get the controls in order it could be amazing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

Giving beta invites for asskissing


Trakanon Raider
I'm not sure who the team member was that was there, but I got some "I haven't played Tera etc." kind of things when talking to her. that was a little bit alarming as you pretty much should have a good handle on everything that has come out in the west if you are looking to be competitive. However, she could've been unrelated to design.
Pretty sure you just talked to a pair of tits in a Carbine T-Shirt. There's no way a developer has not seen the gameplay from TERA or GW2.

Having basic attacks (read: auto attacks that chain) that aren't on the mouse buttons sounds pretty retarded.


Trakanon Raider
Nah, she wasn't a show girl, she was a member of the dev team, a bunch of other team members passed through the area and had a chat with her about game related stuff. I can't speak for GW2, but she definitely hadn't played Tera.


<Silver Donator>
Nah, she wasn't a show girl, she was a member of the dev team, a bunch of other team members passed through the area and had a chat with her about game related stuff. I can't speak for GW2, but she definitely hadn't played Tera.
I could see not having played Tera, it wasn't THAT big, but it's a pretty big flaw imo, yes it's a korean grinder, yes it has naked ladies and lolis everywhere, but fuck if the combat isn't the best I've played in a mmo. Whatever though I don't feel this is trying to compete with Tera in terms of gameplay, looks more like GW2 to me. Don't think you'll see a game rivaling Tera's combat until they port Blade and Soul or some shit, in 3years when the game has gone dead in korea(if it isn't already no idea). Hell you find good combat even in shitty F2P korean games, stuff like Dragon Nest or Vindictus have awesome combat.


Trakanon Raider
Time to get "WILDSTAR" tattooed on my cock and send in a picture! Well, I'll do the best with what I've got at least.... think they will let me in beta if I can only fit "WIL" on there?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Am I the only one who think's GW2s combat was pretty much awful?

It wasn't on tor's lack of responsiveness but if I put Wow and tera as top tier, GW2 felt like I was running in cement and casting with extremely high latency. On top of that the lack of spell variation was incredibly dull and probably killed the game for me. I hope Wildstar is nothing like GW2.

I think a large reason for Wow's success that goes unnoticed is just how good and responsive the engine actually is. Its one of those things thats taken for granted, but in terms of cripsness and fluidity its simply a joy to play. Most games in the last few years Ive been excited to play have had a large moment after I've logged in and went "Oh." realising that the engine/controls/whatever are just total trash in comparison and its very hard to readjust.


I think a large reason for Wow's success that goes unnoticed is just how good and responsive the engine actually is. Its one of those things thats taken for granted, but in terms of cripsness and fluidity its simply a joy to play. Most games in the last few years Ive been excited to play have had a large moment after I've logged in and went "Oh." realising that the engine/controls/whatever are just total trash in comparison and its very hard to readjust.
I'm becoming a mild fanboy of Wildstar, but I have to agree with you. The controls' responsiveness and fluidity of movement/combat will very likely be the determining factor in me either staying for a long time or getting bored after a couple months.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Am I the only one who think's GW2s combat was pretty much awful?

It wasn't on tor's lack of responsiveness but if I put Wow and tera as top tier, GW2 felt like I was running in cement and casting with extremely high latency. On top of that the lack of spell variation was incredibly dull and probably killed the game for me. I hope Wildstar is nothing like GW2.

I think a large reason for Wow's success that goes unnoticed is just how good and responsive the engine actually is. Its one of those things thats taken for granted, but in terms of cripsness and fluidity its simply a joy to play. Most games in the last few years Ive been excited to play have had a large moment after I've logged in and went "Oh." realising that the engine/controls/whatever are just total trash in comparison and its very hard to readjust.
Odd. I played GW2 for a month or two after release and didn't notice skill lag much at all. Started playing again a couple months ago, and combat is really smooth. Compared to WoW it has just as smooth combat animations (if a bit spastic / odd looking at times), while compared to Tera it has super fast combat movement. Two things about Tera combat I didn't like were the animation locks and the extreme slowness of movement while in combat, GW2 is much better with those two aspects (but I still like Tera's combat overall).

I agree with you about how much a games control setup effects my enjoyment of the game, for example I like DCUO, but its controls eventually ruin my enjoyment (using mouse/keyboard, never tried gamepad due to wanting better camera movement).


Am I the only one who think's GW2s combat was pretty much awful?

It wasn't on tor's lack of responsiveness but if I put Wow and tera as top tier, GW2 felt like I was running in cement and casting with extremely high latency. On top of that the lack of spell variation was incredibly dull and probably killed the game for me. I hope Wildstar is nothing like GW2.

I think a large reason for Wow's success that goes unnoticed is just how good and responsive the engine actually is. Its one of those things thats taken for granted, but in terms of cripsness and fluidity its simply a joy to play. Most games in the last few years Ive been excited to play have had a large moment after I've logged in and went "Oh." realising that the engine/controls/whatever are just total trash in comparison and its very hard to readjust.
No I thought everything about GW2 combat was dreadful. The movement, the ability use, everything seemed floaty and unresponsive. Everything felt like I was playing at 200 ping. Things like the jumping puzzles really brought it out for me. The Christmas one especially. Nothing was hard about it but the delay/lack of responsiveness in GW2 made it so foreign and hard to adjust to what was really the simplest platforming. In the end I felt like I was timing the game, with no relation to my characters relative position, if that makes sense, to the point where I could do it blind as well as I could do it looking at my character (the first half anyway). It's not something I like to think about but if I recall TOR had much better movement than GW2, though it did have that ability delay

I fear Wildstar will have identical movement/combat as GW2


2 Minutes Hate
GW2 had inertia and that hits people differently. I thoguht GW2 combat was crisp. I still think TERA had the best combat/control scheme so far, GW2 is in second place. I'm not sure how much I could play your traditional 5 hotbar, tab target combat system again.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. I never touched Tera but WoW And GW2 are 1a and 1b for combat fluidity and why I still play them. They are different, but felt great. I just think GW2 erred way on the side of too little skill differentiation.

Rift was much better than ToR but still stiff. I guess I'd rank TSW 2 and rift 3. God. toR is still a combat disaster. Combat needs to be nailed straight off or you might as well quit. That was a huge reasons I couldn't keep on ToR despite being a near masturbatory Star Wars fan.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
You are using the "1" key to spam your basic attack (no autoattack) while attempting to use the other keys to move quickly, like in a shooter and keep the camera centered. The game seems like it could benefit greatly by using camera/combat control similar to something like Tera where things are being fired off with mouse clicks.
Sounds fucking horrible. Having to play DDR with your fingers(which, for some reason, is the only way developers feel like they can add "fun" or "difficult" gameplay), while spamming auto-attacks? Ugh..