Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Honestly, the game's one fault is terrible terrible class design/customization. And combat. The rest is good stuff for an MMO.
I personally hate the graphics, but I'm not a fan of stylized 'toon' stuff. The classes aren't that bad. It's aimed at the current WOW player, but the problem will be how many of those people want a game like this?

I think they have a solid game, and I'm curious how their Plex like system will flesh out.


FPS noob
I wish wildstar had released some anime-style 30 minute movies or something to fill in the backstory. I realize now that the reason I don't want to play is that I get barraged with names of people/places as I quest that mean nothing to me, and after a while I just stop caring and start skipping it all. TESO was similar for me, I don't really know shit about TES lore and the only thing I remember from Skyrim is that Vikings have dragons and vampires.

i do really enjoy immersion in game, I love when I play wow and I know all the NPC names and follow the stories because I know everything about the universe. Same with SWTOR, while the endgame was meh I liked leveling and walking around on Alderaan or meeting up with a Hutt for the first time.

Wildstar though is just a giant "aaaa stop telling me so much shit MY IMMERSION". Dunno honestly what they could do to fix it, while I hate the idea of buying players I can sort of see why using an existing IP is so much more powerful than creating one from scratch. I'd love to play in an Assassins Creed MMO, Game of Thrones, or Harry Potter. On the other hand, Defiance the TV show really sucked and the "MMO" (fps really) was pretty bad too.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Good points. I gave fuck all about the characters in Wildstar. A free web comic or something to use as promotional material to tell the backstory and get you interested in the ip would have went a long way.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone here have decent experience with the dungeons and can describe how well those play?


Trakanon Raider
you mean something like that?Comics | Wildstar
also there are lots of journals/datacubes in game to tickle your lore needs
Pretty much this. They've done a lot in terms of trying to get you to care about the world and understand the characters. They have countless videos up on their site introducing you to the more notorious characters and you get contacted by them all throughout the game. Of course you're not going to care about them like you would Warcraft characters at the time WoW launched. Warcraft 3 had come out not too long ago and it was an excellent title that introduced you to those characters. Wildstar and any new IP doesn't have that advantage, that doesn't mean they haven't done a good job at providing people with access to the characters/lore of the world.


Musty Nester
Wildstar is aimed at people who want to continue playing a game similar to WoW who aren't troubled by its lack of innovation. If you're looking for a game that's doing things differently - you're in entirely the wrong place. This is a game where the difficulty is in the raiding game, where you obtain +gooder items off bosses, and where your characters will progressively get bigger shoulder pads to highlight that they are internet dragon slaying bad-asses. If you're sick of that type of game, if you spend hours on message boards trying to come up with ways to advance to genre, or if don't enjoy slightly juvenile humor mixed in with 'the fun stuff is at the end game' then you will hate this game. If not, you'll probably enjoy Wildstar (but I'd recommend trying it first!)
Their raids are terrible man. Objectively bad.
It's basically eq1 raiding + telegraph "afk checks". It's a direct result of the shallowness of their class system, but that just explains it rather than excusing it.

The kind of raids they need require a lot more time investment than what they're willing/able to put into it. 40 mans, sure. Some people thought that Avatar of War was cool... and that's fine. Hell, I thought it was cool a couple of times 15 years ago. What they really need are multi-group coordinated entire zone events. Not cheapstyle like Rift (although even those were better). More like 20-40 man instance dungeons. Like people expected warplots were going to be. Like they themselves teased in earlier trailers. Like the bare existence of Paths would have you anticipate. Like you can actually find aborted props for in the zones themselves.

Ultimately its going to be the not-at-all-assed raids that kill them. The disparity between how good the 5mans are and how bad the 20-40mans are is going to shock people into not caring anymore, I expect.


Vyemm Raider
I personally hate the graphics, but I'm not a fan of stylized 'toon' stuff. The classes aren't that bad. It's aimed at the current WOW player, but the problem will be how many of those people want a game like this?

I think they have a solid game, and I'm curious how their Plex like system will flesh out.
As a current wow player this seems more like making an alt in an alternate world thats not as interesting as the main one.

Everything is less interesting, i cant quite sum up why but it just seems meh in comparison.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Just received an E-mail from GMG for a 25% off voucher for Wildstar. You might want to check your e-mail or try to sign up with them if you haven't already to get the voucher. They are linked to your account.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just received an E-mail from GMG for a 25% off voucher for Wildstar. You might want to check your e-mail or try to sign up with them if you haven't already to get the voucher. They are linked to your account.
Bah already paid for the full version.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Got the same coupon. Tempted to pick it up just to mess around with for a month or two. Probably won't touch the beta weekend stuff since, from what I have seen, it might make me less inclined to play release.


FPS noob
yeah sorta tempted too since i find the game decent enough but definitely not something i'd play more than a month or two. but june is not a great time, summer shit starting and then driveclub comes out a week later (free for PS+) and then the last of us/PS4 june 20th, makes it hard to see how i'd play Wildstar more than a few hours. so may as well wait for them to get their shit together and do the typical "we fucked up and redid everything" 1.2 patch six months down the road.

plus E3 is that week too so will be tons of shit to be distracted about not to mention the new x-men movie, how to train your dragon 2, plus orange is the new black and falling skies

kinda sad i'm way more excited to see flying dragons in a 2 hour movie than an MMO a hundred people worked on for like 5 years


As a current wow player this seems more like making an alt in an alternate world thats not as interesting as the main one.

Everything is less interesting, i cant quite sum up why but it just seems meh in comparison.
Makes sense, especially if you're still digging WOW.

Wildstar is fresh and SOO is long in the tooth content wise. WOW still has a ton of content though, and alts in WOW remain a great way to spend time. Wildstar plays different enough with the housing and combat, and I think the Credd system might appeal to some and does add more of a player economy, but the game is really a WOW clone.

Someone posted the game has a lot of mediocre pieces with a few really good ones. I think that's accurate and might be why a lot of people might pass on it. WOW and SWTOR offer a lot more right now, but the appeal is Wildstar is new and hotness. WOWs combat, design, LFR, etc are all top notch and the game really is smart in its systems. Wildstar plays like a new MMO in a lot of ways.


There really isn't a valid comparison between those two choices. I played TESO up to Veteran rank 6 and I've been bored to tears for quite some time now. I've easily spent 10x the time in Wildstar betas and I'm still looking forward to logging in come launch.

Here are some of the valid complaints I've seen about the game:

The classes in Wildstar lack depth: this is rectified somewhat at level 50 when you have all your AMP points and you can unlock the tier 8 abilities. It's still inexcusable that they couldn't have come up with more interesting skills throughout the leveling process as a significant number of people will not make it that far. It's not like they don't know how to do it (See: Stalkers).

The combat is boring: This really seems to be up to the eye of the beholder - some people really like the combat and others find it dull. Personally, with the exception of TERA, I've always found MMO combat to be rather lackluster. I certainly haven't found anything difficult in Wildstar outside of group/raid encounters but that's no different then every single MMO out there and I'm okay with that.

Wildstar is aimed at people who want to continue playing a game similar to WoW who aren't troubled by its lack of innovation. If you're looking for a game that's doing things differently - you're in entirely the wrong place. This is a game where the difficulty is in the raiding game, where you obtain +gooder items off bosses, and where your characters will progressively get bigger shoulder pads to highlight that they are internet dragon slaying bad-asses. If you're sick of that type of game, if you spend hours on message boards trying to come up with ways to advance to genre, or if don't enjoy slightly juvenile humor mixed in with 'the fun stuff is at the end game' then you will hate this game. If not, you'll probably enjoy Wildstar (but I'd recommend trying it first!)
The combat/class system is a step back from recent games. Telegraphs are a mess, no invulnerability frame on dodge roll, dodge roll distance is too short, big aoe telegraphs are king (medic), sprint/daze are lame mechanics, and bad breakout game-play. I could go on for days about combat design before even describing the mess that class design is. Warplots and Battlegrounds were telegraph nightmares. In general, you could say Wildstar has a wide breadth of features, but none of them are polished enough to be great.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The combat/class system is a step back from recent games. Telegraphs are a mess, no invulnerability frame on dodge roll, dodge roll distance is too short, big aoe telegraphs are king (medic), sprint/daze are lame mechanics, and bad breakout game-play. I could go on for days about combat design before even describing the mess that class design is. Warplots and Battlegrounds were telegraph nightmares. In general, you could say Wildstar has a wide breadth of features, but none of them are polished enough to be great.
Did you just bring up no invulnerability on dodge as a bad thing? Breakout gameplay is actually changed in the coming patch for certain mechanics, and how is it 'bad' in the first place? Your post is basically nothing at all in terms of content, just "I don't like it".


Trakanon Raider
The combat/class system is a step back from recent games. Telegraphs are a mess, no invulnerability frame on dodge roll, dodge roll distance is too short, big aoe telegraphs are king (medic), sprint/daze are lame mechanics, and bad breakout game-play. I could go on for days about combat design before even describing the mess that class design is. Warplots and Battlegrounds were telegraph nightmares. In general, you could say Wildstar has a wide breadth of features, but none of them are polished enough to be great.
It's got it's issues but it'll still be more fun than playing a melee in ARR. I'm counting on you to no life launch with us !


Vyemm Raider
The only other game I've played that I can compare the combat to in Wildstar is Guild Wars 2 and I feel like dodging an enemies incoming attacks is much more responsive in Wildstar and it's easier to tell when it's plainly my fault for not dodging a telegraph. So I'm not sure what Syia means by them being a mess and I certainly don't agree with how he feels in the rest of his post neither.
Did you just bring up no invulnerability on dodge as a bad thing?
Dodging is just pointless, you can walk out of telegraphs, or sprint, and mobs don't give a fuck they can just stick in melee range wailing on you while you roll around like a jackass. Maybe they intended it to be a useless but neat "feature" like double jumping but either way it has little to do with combat enjoyment and effectiveness.

One thing that bothers me about rolling is just how lazy of design it is giving every class the same roll instead of unique mechanics, such a wasted opportunity.


<Silver Donator>
Dodging is faster than walking, but yeah it's basically a "dash" more than a "dodge" in the sense that it only offers fast short distance movement, as opposed to something you use to dodge/evade stuff. In fact it's called Dash I think ingame. Not having invuln frames puts an emphasis on positionning to avoid telegraphs in a similar way as moving vs timing your dodge perfectly to avoid shit entirely while keeping an advantageous position. It is a bit of a weird choice, but I guess it does stay consistent with the fact you can't avoid white damage at all either other than breaking range limitations(similar to wow more than tera/gw2).