Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How could you possibly prefer old generic MMO combat to Wildstar combat? It makes no sense. One is engaging and fun and the other is generic MMO combat.
You can make engaging combat in any style. Hell, I would say GW2 takes the Wildstar dynamic and manages to make ti unfun and tedious. WoW is 'old style' and it is very dynamic and engaging with lots of room for skill.

That said, wildstar has well designed combat systems, I think even if you like it less, it's easy to appreciate that it's 'right' in what it does (unlike, again, GW2 for instance).


<Gold Donor>
You can make engaging combat in any style. Hell, I would say GW2 takes the Wildstar dynamic and manages to make ti unfun and tedious. WoW is 'old style' and it is very dynamic and engaging with lots of room for skill.

That said, wildstar has well designed combat systems, I think even if you like it less, it's easy to appreciate that it's 'right' in what it does (unlike, again, GW2 for instance).
I tend to agree. I am all for a change from the stand there and hit 20 hot keys design but GW2 just didn't deliver imo. Wildstar is a lot more palpable for me.


Trakanon Raider
I too would like to know. My group has a faction preference for Dominion but isn't married to it. Just want to roll with a crew. The sooner I can tell them the faction the better. If you look at the poll it is fairly split.
Honestly I was guild shopping last night, because there doesn't seem to be any real plan here. Not that I wouldn't like playing with people from the board for sure, but if all it ends up being is a chat room... probably not what I'm looking for. If I'm going to play, I want to know someone (not me) is handling all the shit that needs to get managed to run a guild. I want asshats kicked out, I want to know that when I group with guildies that it's not going to be worse than a pickup group, I want the option to raid. I haven't seen anything in the last 30 or so pages on this that leads me to believe any of that is on the table.

Am I wrong?


Honestly I was guild shopping last night, because there doesn't seem to be any real plan here. Not that I wouldn't like playing with people from the board for sure, but if all it ends up being is a chat room... probably not what I'm looking for. If I'm going to play, I want to know someone (not me) is handling all the shit that needs to get managed to run a guild. I want asshats kicked out, I want to know that when I group with guildies that it's not going to be worse than a pickup group, I want the option to raid. I haven't seen anything in the last 30 or so pages on this that leads me to believe any of that is on the table.

Am I wrong?
You are wrong.

As Voldeth seems to be MIA today (I know his work is hectic pre-launch) I'll fill in the questions popping up for him. The list created and posted earlier (also now in OP) is the basis for what will be a raiding guild. 15 or so of those people are not from these forums (myself included,) but have been playing/raiding MMOs together at a high level for a long period of time, under Voldeth's leadership. The core of us, and hopefully many people from these forums, will be going very hard at launch time to level as quickly as possible, and get to end game. This is to be a Dominion - PvE raiding guild for the long term. Although the PvE is not a choice to the core of us, we decided to go with it to help appeal to the masses here at rerolled. Also in part because world PvP is mostly garbage and real PvP will be mainly instanced anyhow (many of us PvP).

Come launch time, mumble information will be provided, server information will be finalized (upon release of server names), and for the long term this will be a high end raiding guild with leadership that has ran raiding guilds since EQ, with a roster that will surely look vastly different then the google document at the moment. Of course anyone is welcome to join us for launch and indefinitely (if you're not an "asshat" as Onoes would put it) as a place to call home and play with friends in any variety you choose.

Edit: The spreadsheet for those who may have missed it.

Sin Filled Afterlife - Google Sheets

TL;DR - Voldeth is running the guild, this is nothing new to him, come join us for launch and beyond!


EQOA Refugee
It really depends what faction and play style you're going for. We haven't had a volunteer for the exile/PVE side. Voldeth volunteered to run the dominion/PVE side. If no one steps up I run it I guess. We really need the server lists though. Ideally we could all be on the same server despite having different factions. That would make warplots and arenas fun.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Maybe I missed it, but what is the intended schedule of this guild? I find that's more a factor in what I'm planning to do than anything.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe I missed it, but what is the intended schedule of this guild? I find that's more a factor in what I'm planning to do than anything.
Ok, thanks for all that added info Taxt, just that goes a long way. I'm already on the spreadsheet, and in the same boat as the core of you it would seem, Dominion PvP would be ideal, but I don't "really" care. Looking at the pole, with 54 wanting Dominion over the 45 who want Exile (currently), and the 61 for PvE over the 38 for PvP, it also seems that Dominion and PvE are the voter favorites as well, so that makes sense.

Now, as to what TheYanger said, I'm in agreement. I'm in Arizona. I'm 34. I have a job. I have kids. I have friends and hobbies. I can definitely dedicate time for raiding, but if you guys are imagining raid times starting at 4pm my time, I'll never be able to make that. Five days a week? I can probably make 3. Stuff like that. It makes me nervous committing to something that might end up just not working at all for my schedule. It would be nice to know some of these things. Maybe if he could go back and update the initial post with "Here's how the guild is planning on handling all of this stuff. Raid days something like this at around these times, subject to change. Here's who's in charge, these people are class leads, this guys in charge of that (assuming any of that stuff exists). Here's how we do loot, here's how we do whatever else." I mean, basically, look at any other guild recruitment post and type one of those up. As I said, I was guild shopping, and I probably ruled 9 in 10 out just based on how little effort the recruitment post showed. Running a guild is a pain in the ass, and a lot of work, if the recruitment post is "Join us for fun, everyone welcome, we raid and pvp!", I can assume an equal amount of time will be spend organising all of us idiots into productive activities.

I've also been doing this stuff since EQ, I've run guilds and been at the lowest levels of them, in great guilds and terrible ones. I'm a very laid back fun loving guy, (heck, I'd love to be on an RP pvp server, some of the nicest MMO people on those RP servers) and I don't think I've ever been in a guild where I didn't get along with everyone, typically staying in touch years after, but I'm at a point where I do value my free time. I don't want to waste it, I don't want to fail repeatedly because we had to be nice and bring someones terrible wife who is wiping us over and over again. I don't want to spend weeks on progression and have the loot handed out by loot council to someones alt, who is totally "going" to be his main once he gets geared, because he's on the officers core of Real-Life friends. I don't want to be the only guy on time for raids, summoning people and finding out they don't any consumables because all that takes time and gold.

Basically, I just want to feel like SOMEONE is running things, someone with their shit together, and I'll follow blindly into fire... err space fire? I guess it would be space fire.


Trakanon Raider
I apologize for the lack of information on the subject . Looking back, I probably should have given Flipmode a whole bunch more information to go with when he edited the OP but here goes:

A decent chunk of us on Rerolled played FF:ARR together. We were the 4th group worldwide to beat turn 4 (read: we were pretty good at the game). When it was obvious that the majority of the content in ARR had been exhausted we started talking about the only other upcoming game that seemed to have some hard PVE content in it: Wildstar. Based on this, I've kept in contact with everyone through PMs and we pretty much agreed that we'd make a guild for Wildstar and attempt to tackle the 40 man raids (I'm looking at you Cinge, Sutekh, & Syia for example!).

Obviously when you're hoping to have a group capable of 40 man raiding the biggest hurdle is finding 39 other people that aren't total idiots. I've run a fairly successful guild in Aion & Rift and managed to get a decent sized number of players from outside Rerolled that were interested in playing but even with the Rerolled group we were still below the 60ish person roster it'll take for a solid 40 man raid group. When I saw that no one was planning on making a more official Rerolled guild, I figured I'd step up and invite the people here looking for a group to play with, which makes sense since we already had a fairly good chunk of posters from here interested.

In terms of having a standard recruitment page, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Rather then copy & paste as that would make an even bigger wall of text, I invite you to read the standard guild pitch found at:http://www.sinfilledafterlife.com/fo....php?f=4&t=268&http://www.sinfilledafterlife.com/fo....php?f=4&t=197I think you'll find it up to par. N.B.: Any Rerolled poster can skip passed the application part since we won't be requiring that until post launch.

In terms of an official raid schedule, that's a tough one to say at this time. It's going to depend on how many players are interested in raiding. I figured we'd determine that based on some voting when everyone is set up & starting to gear up towards raiding. It's a safe bet it'll be at least 3 nights a week with a maximum of 5.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah ARR I jumped ship when we ended up with like 10 warriors in ISIS and didn't feel like rerolling jobs, I've got like half a dozen people that are in reasonably good wow guilds that would probably join on whatever server, I just don't really want to do anything more than 3 MAYBE 4 nights a week. I cut myself off from the 5 night bullshit in wow during Dragon Soul and it has had noticeable impacts on my life in positive ways. But, I still hate playing with trashcan garbage players :/ So if we can get something decent going I can probably bring several. They seem interested, on mumble right now. Mostly a question of days (I know people don't wanna go that hard. frankly, if I wanted to go 5 nights I'd go join Voodoo or somewhere and get world firsts all that bullshit).

I would say, should try very hard to see what servers other guilds are declaring on within the last day or two when they announce the servers - Being on a live server vs a dead one is going to make SUCH a difference in recruitment and economy.


I've got like half a dozen people that are in reasonably good wow guilds that would probably join on whatever server, I just don't really want to do anything more than 3 MAYBE 4 nights a week.
Hey that's me!

I'm in the same boat as Yanger, where 4 nights a week would be my maximum. The longevity of the guild interests me greatly, I hate having to pack up and find a new place to play / new friends when guilds break up and what not


2 Minutes Hate
So what is the final verdict on classes with the last patch a few days before headstart? Kind of curious how they have come along since I last played 5 months ago.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I want to play this, but I really don't want to shell out $45-$60 for this.


2 Minutes Hate
The only class I haven't played in this game is a Warrior. Anyone play one? If I get drunk/bored enough I might end up playing this this weekend because I'm slowing down on Archeage until release.

I guess the only race for Warrior/Dom is the Mechari.


<Silver Donator>
Drakken too, that's what I made on my Warrior. Maybe humans also, not sure.

Classes haven't changed much since a while ago, I mean they made many small changes and some mechanical changes and rebalancing areas into other areas(like stalkers from burst into sustained DPS) but overall it's still the same fairly boring classes. Pretty sure I won't bother with the game at this point, the shit I dislike outweights the shit I like plus the whole finding the right guild and shit, meh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The only class I haven't played in this game is a Warrior. Anyone play one? If I get drunk/bored enough I might end up playing this this weekend because I'm slowing down on Archeage until release.

I guess the only race for Warrior/Dom is the Mechari.
I found the Warrior fun but inferior to the Stalker in fun factor. I also found the damage of the stalker to be superior. I only played to level 20 though so things might change later on.


The only class I haven't played in this game is a Warrior. Anyone play one? If I get drunk/bored enough I might end up playing this this weekend because I'm slowing down on Archeage until release.

I guess the only race for Warrior/Dom is the Mechari.
I mean, is this game worth looking at? In the CBT it was pretty ass.