Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What's funny is I see these people all the time. They dislike a game but still buy it , then get in the game and bitch constantly about the same things they disliked before they bought it, then quit 1-2 weeks in and come to the forums to bitch more :p Not saying draegan will do it, but I have seen it time and time again.

It's such a weird behavior. I almost think most gamers can't handle not playing something that another large chunk of players are playing and despite their own feelings on the matter they go and buy it anyway.
I'm guilty of that. I did that with ESO. I tend to focus on the stuff I don't like in game and post about it. I end up buying the games anyway because I love me some fresh MMO.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll admit the Engineer raid sets do look pretty good, and actually fit into the theme of the game (as I see it), the Warrior sets are just fucking awful. All the other sets would be much improved if they removed the overdone shoulder armor graphic. I don't recall looking for this option, but is it possible to hide pieces of gear? Not seeing some of those helms / shoulders would go a loooooooong way in making that armor look nice (not that I'll ever have those sets, but still).

Edit: Patch up, includes a nice video before getting to login screen.


A Man Chooses....
Speaking of oversized pauldrons, literally the first set of shoulders I got in this game consisted of one uncovered shoulder with a gigantic fucking monster truck tire on the other one. I just looked at it and sighed.


2 Minutes Hate
Some shenanigans happening here. Went to download the patcher and get the game going and I hate to hack my hosts file to pop in the Wildstar patcher. Some silly shit going on.


Got bored, made basic numerical tally sheet to go with the first-page spreadsheet so people can see where we/Dominion are for those who aren't labelled as 'X or Y' under class.

Try not to break anything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Medic is currently low dps (2nd lowest apparently), most people don't roll to heal with it, so they will drop out and reroll to the fotm class, which now happens to be the engineer. It's also almost melee range and not a godly soloer to be honest. Healing with one is kinda fun (large telegraphs), but can become hard if you want range.
Engineer now is the best soloer, a good tank and the best dps. Not a bad choice apparently.
Spellslingers just got changed in more than one way, making their healing less ridicolous and their dps more annoying due to changes to their innate, which is already shitty to be honest, not sure if people will like it. It was the first class I tried and I'm not interested in it.
Stalker is good, tank-wise they got a threat nerf (or fix) so they have to actually work for it, instead of taking it for granted, which is true for all tanks by the way.
Warrior was so boring I couldn't get one to level 10, I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.
Esper is a WIP class, some stuff needs to be changed badly, but it's fun enough.

That's my very deep insight on the classes. If you are undecided, pick engineer, it's a lot of fun and slightly better than the rest for the time being.


2 Minutes Hate
The thing with Engineer is that it's the most unique class in the game with Medic being the 2nd. The rest of the classes are standard Warrior/Thief/Mage. That's probably because they were the last two classes to be designed and introduced to the game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really don't get the hate for this game. Yes it's kind of meh, but it's more interesting to me than anything in the last three years. Why the scorn for this when so much else was blatantly trash(TESO, SWTOR, etc)? The humor in this is good, the combat is fun, and the art style is at least new. I'll get my $48 worth.
I wouldnt take a few vocal people's opinions as the masses (including mine). I personally dont like it but im in the minority, the other 98% of my guildies love it and plan on making WS their home for a while. There is a lot of other really good guilds like Voodoo, DnT, Nihilium, SO, and a bunch others who havent raided anything serious since Rift coming into the mix as well to compete for dem world firsts.


Musty Nester
Yeah, even though I won't be playing it myself and will gleefully shit on the parts of it that deserve to be shitted on... It's not a terrible game. It's really not. There's fun to be had. It's worth the price of the box.

I just wouldn't go into it expecting all that much long-term. They've probably worked up some content they're holding back on so that they've got a little bit of breathing room after release. Having seen these guys in "crunchtime" and their process I am just not optimistic about their ability to maintain the game. And I am less confident in NCSofts dedication to supporting them.

But if you're used to 1 patch a year from Blizzard, I guess maybe it will seem like they work some blindingly fast miracles.

Their 5mans are great. Their housing is great.

Edit: If I hadn't played Rift, I would probably play this.