Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


Molten Core Raider
What's even funnier is the part where they're not even contending for world firsts but struggling mightily to contend with server firsts on a low pop PVE server.
Yeah, I don't get the chest thumping. They are a good guild, but compared to the elite guilds in Wildstar they are positively average. Big fish, little pond syndrome.


Well, add this one to the long list of MMOs I've purchased and then never subscribed to. It's alright, but not worth subscription.


Log Wizard
I love watching raids and seeing the silver sploiters/carries wipe raids over and over.

This game just needs to have a loading screen that says "You're not good enough for end-game PVE. Sorry." People feel so entitled because they raided in previous games. It's enjoyable and infuriating.

Real men fight Mordechai Redmoon straight up.


Trakanon Raider
It's not even close to a difficult fight to do straight up. I'd like a nightmare mode that guarantees a purple from the loot drop. You can make his conal attack rotate and add a secondary set of lasers that go the opposite directions and keep going during large laser phase. Also make it so CC break doesn't get you out of the pools. THAT would be a hard mode.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I love watching raids and seeing the silver sploiters/carries wipe raids over and over.

This game just needs to have a loading screen that says "You're not good enough for end-game PVE. Sorry." People feel so entitled because they raided in previous games. It's enjoyable and infuriating.
Honestly, that cant be stated enough. I wouldnt put Wildstar as anymore difficult than any other raiding MMO - but the player has to do well at the mechanics of each particular game. Some of the guys in the guild that I played with were absolutely horrible when I raided with them in WoW - Yet a couple of them did much better than I did in this game. I didnt give this game a good enough chance, but then again, the frustration of me sucking at this game wasnt making the game enjoyable to me either.


I love watching raids and seeing the silver sploiters/carries wipe raids over and over.

This game just needs to have a loading screen that says "You're not good enough for end-game PVE. Sorry." People feel so entitled because they raided in previous games. It's enjoyable and infuriating.
You know what's going to be even more enjoyable? The reaction from people like you when Carbine caves and nerfs everything to casual after their publisher starts asking pointed questions along the lines of "Where's my money, bitch?".

Prime time and all servers bar three are at low population after a month? That's afuckedgame.


Log Wizard
You know what's going to be even more enjoyable? The reaction from people like you when Carbine caves and nerfs everything to casual after their publisher starts asking pointed questions along the lines of "Where's my money, bitch?".

Prime time and all servers bar three are at low population after a month? That's afuckedgame.
Their servers capacity are higher than most. Their "low pop" are equivalent to at least medium pop on most games.

Full medium pop on a weekend during prime time TWO MONTHS into a game? That's better than any MMO has done in probably 6 years.


Molten Core Raider
I agree with WS doing poorly. They released with box cost + subscription which is increasingly becoming an outdated payment model. Xfire obviously doesn't show the entire picture, but it can't be a good sign that Guildwars 2 has 10x the playerbase.

Only Carbine knows the actual facts and what they need for profitability, but I suspect the "we want to cater to the hardcore playerbase" is going to be a tough sell to the shareholders. How savvy of a businessman must you be to know where the money is in the MMO genre?


Log Wizard
I also think there tends to be a surge of people very content drop. So we've got 1-2 weeks before the population increases. A lot of the botting (not all) has been reduced to help people who bitched about that, but there's still a shit ton of problems that irk people. Arena trading/tanking sucks. Balance isn't as bad as everyone thinks, but some classes have wayyyy lower skill caps for pvp. PVE attunement is fine, they just need to refine some RNG in some dungeons as well as tone down mob density/placement. Fucking hopping walls to get silver in SSM feels wrong. But that's getting fixed.

There's a bunch of other economic pseudo-exploits everyone's doing now, but luckily it will just tank the market making a lot of shit needed by people VERY affordable. Then there's other stuff that basically equates to printing money.

Still this game has held my interest a month longer than any game since RIFT. Still stuff to do, still loot to get, still fun to be had. They just need to add more PVP content and tweak shit and I'll have even more content to enjoy.


Fought a 5 stalker tank team in RBG last night. It went exactly how you'd expect it to.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
The raiding has me pretty interested. Even several of the mini-bosses are more compelling fights than most of the shit I did in modern WoW (late WotLK to MoP). I'm not entirely sure why... perhaps I just enjoy dodging red shit constantly. Also probably the model where they tons of mini-bosses mixed in with the regular bosses, so there's always something dropping loot around the next corner. We (SFA) are working on the Prototypes boss currently, and it's probably the least interesting of any of them for me so far (I really don't like council type fights), but it's still more entertaining than WoW.


Wow this game died quick. Rack another one up on the MMO dart board.
it's bland, formulaic, soulless and uninspiring. Things that might be ok for a quick $60 cash grab for a single player game with 8 hours of content. Really lame for an MMORPG that should provide players many years of escapism and immersion. People will play it, but there's no accounting for taste.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
it's bland, formulaic, soulless and uninspiring. Things that might be ok for a quick $60 cash grab for a single player game with 8 hours of content. Really lame for an MMORPG that should provide players many years of escapism and immersion. People will play it, but there's no accounting for taste.
taking into account when EQ was made it's about 100x the game Wildstar will ever be. If EQ's creators had access to everything modern designers do, EQ would have been the greatest thing ever put on a PC. Nothing has matched it since.
some of you need step out of your state of denial and seek help for your stockholm syndrome. Game is bland, a WoW clone #938, and sane people are quitting in droves. Enjoy your delusions.
Just a few, trying a little too hard.


Wow this game died quick. Rack another one up on the MMO dart board.
Don't worry - Warlords of Draenor will be out late Autumn/early Winter so everyone can get back to playing WoW again, like theyalwaysdo.


A Man Chooses....
The raiding has me pretty interested. Even several of the mini-bosses are more compelling fights than most of the shit I did in modern WoW (late WotLK to MoP). I'm not entirely sure why... perhaps I just enjoy dodging red shit constantly. Also probably the model where they tons of mini-bosses mixed in with the regular bosses, so there's always something dropping loot around the next corner. We (SFA) are working on the Prototypes boss currently, and it's probably the least interesting of any of them for me so far (I really don't like council type fights), but it's still more entertaining than WoW.
The raiding and dungeons are a ton of fun. The developers, primarily class leads and systems engineers, are incompetent unfortunately. They also work at a glacial pace and have piss poor quality control. Whoever compiles their patches is a mongoloid. It's a shame because the gameplay is really good. I'm playing out the string but this shit is doomed, the dev team is just too weak.


Log Wizard
The raiding and dungeons are a ton of fun. The developers, primarily class leads and systems engineers, are incompetent unfortunately. They also work at a glacial pace and have piss poor quality control. Whoever compiles their patches is a mongoloid. It's a shame because the gameplay is really good. I'm playing out the string but this shit is doomed, the dev team is just too weak.
Half right. Fixes come every 3-4 weeks. Do you even remember WoW?


Tranny Chaser
I cancelled my sub. I enjoyed the hell out of the game but hit a brick wall but after a few weeks of going no where I just couldn't bring myself to login anymore just to sit around and hope that I could get a group capable of clearing even one dungeon.

Game works well if you have a dedicated group of people, if you don't then you are SOL and it really isn't worth the time or effort, especially with Daily Quests that mostly involve just waiting for a zone mob to spawn or for an event to fail and get mercy credit.