Windows 8


FPS noob
yeah basically any time the metro screens come up you are fucked

be careful of this weeks win8.1 updates, I got a whole batch of them today morning and my PC was in a bit of hell after. Optical out disappeared for a while (3-4 reboots later and its back... yay...) and my PC bluescreened in the middle of one update-after-update.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It bothers me a little every time I have to use the metro interface to remove and re-pair my bluetooth mouse when it stops working for no reason. I can accept that metro exists and that some people prefer it, but there should be a way to disable it 100%. Being forced to use it for certain tasks feels really sloppy, at best.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
It bothers me a little every time I have to use the metro interface to remove and re-pair my bluetooth mouse when it stops working for no reason. I can accept that metro exists and that some people prefer it, but there should be a way to disable it 100%.Being forced to use it for certain tasks feels really sloppy, at best.
This is exactly the reason I stopped using Skype.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Metro Skype is realdogshit. Luckily you can still download the toerable desktop version.

2014 and Windows 8 is still shit.


Death and Taxes
Translation: With a 15 second install it is a better OS than 7 and idiots who bash it more than likely have a preformed opinion based off of articles and will never be able to separate that from the actual reality that it is a better OS.

Metro (for the most part) blows. Everyone knows that. So you have to install a quick third-party program to make 8 awesome. Boofuckingwho. Is it stupid of Microsoft to realize that? Yes. Are you just as stupid if you think 8 is a shitty OS because of that? Yup.


Well if they just took out that 15 seconds (which I presume is googling "old start menu" then downloading a small file) then reviewers then people could stop whinging at Redmond for stoically ignoring the feedback they've been getting since day 1.


The Big Mod
windows 8 takes a shit all over windows 7, it's comical that there are people have convinced themselves otherwise.


Death and Taxes
It's better but I wouldn't say it takes a shit all over it. 7 took a shit all over Vista. 8 is good and introduced a lot of things that were needed in the natural progression of the way technology moving but it didn't do it in a mind blowing way. Hopefully 9 does though.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
"The Ford Pinto is an amazing car. Just take out the exploding gas tank"


Death and Taxes
Do you bitch about a computer if you don't have Chrome installed over IE? Or 7zip over the standard zip program? Or it not working without installing drivers? How is installing Classic Start/similar any different? How can you possibly bitch this much about such a simple fix?

You seem dumb.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Personally I'll take not having the ribbon in explorer over a graph for file copying and a buggy ass start menu replacement.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
ITT: Keg is back, and this is more important than bitching about Windows 8.


Tranny Chaser
Do you bitch about a computer if you don't have Chrome installed over IE? Or 7zip over the standard zip program? Or it not working without installing drivers? How is installing Classic Start/similar any different? How can you possibly bitch this much about such a simple fix?

You seem dumb.
I think the logical answer is, that Windows 8 metro tries to bridge the gap to handheld tabs and in doing so fuck over desk top user. It does not add netto functionality - it is a dysfunction, not a feature. It should not be a default installation selection. Having to use 3rd party programs to fix this is appalling. This does in no way compare to a driver - a piece of software allowing windows to communicate with hardware.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
It doesn't "fuck over" anybody. Don't like it? Don't use it. This works 99% of the time for me, and the other 1%, a reasonable person should be able to forgive along with the rest of the annoyances Windows brings to the table.


Tranny Chaser
It doesn't "fuck over" anybody. Don't like it? Don't use it. This works 99% of the time for me, and the other 1%, a reasonable person should be able to forgive along with the rest of the annoyances Windows brings to the table.
That's a matter of perspective. I suppose you're great at driving with a stick too? (Like every European). Tell you what. Let's 'meet Windows 8'. My favorite would be "Do more at once: Chat while gaming, shop while watching, or work while listening. Depending on your screen size, you can now see up to four apps on your screen at once and move with ease through all the ways you use your PC."

I can't recall having laughed more hysterical at an add for windows. Up to four apps on my screen? Hallelujah! Now fuck off, metro - you complete abomination.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
European? What? I'm Canadian.

Yes, Metro is shit. So were Vista's metadata issues. So was Windows ME. So were 15 character NetBIOS name limitations. So were 8.3 file names. Hell, so were 8 character unix user names back at the dawn of time. My point is, shake your head and move on, it works wonders and you can focus on things that matter.

You know, like chatting while gaming, or shopping while watching. Whatever works for you.