Witcher 3


Witcher 1 is really hard to enjoy

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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Bit the bullet and ordered a controller in hopes of being able to get through this game (and a couple others that feel like shit on m+kbd).
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
i think witcher 1 was a game that ONLY works in the time that it was released. even then i never played more than about 10 hours of it. the CONCEPT of the game is still pretty great, obviously, but the game mechanics are... not fun.

when it was released, the gameplay was intact but the story was messy because the english localization was terrible. conversations were extremely hard to follow because responses didn't make much sense. but then CDPR released the remastered version that fixed all the dialogue as well as a few quality of life things. they told gaming stores to stop selling the original version and gave the remastered version away free to anyone who already bought it. this is before digital downloads were a thing so people brought in their physical copy and traded it straight up.

so the game itself wasn't really anything to write home about, but the way CDPR handled it is what made them a household name


Potato del Grande
Witcher 1 is so rough, made by 9 people with the old bioware aurora engine. I just reinstalled it though with like 25 mods, so we'll see how that goes.

(god the first mage fight is incredibly annoying)

I wish they'd remaster the first 2 games with the W3 engine.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Witcher 1 combat was amazing, so much fun watching Geralt spin his sword around in a perfectly choreographed routine for 5 minutes just to get 1 shot when a wyvern randomly sneezed on you
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At the time, the extent of what we had for good single player 3D RPG's was just Elder Scrolls and Bioware stuff. Then this unknown eastern European company comes out of nowhere and produces a pretty damn decent RPG that not only introduced us to a completely new setting, but was also mature and didn't treat the player like an imbecile. So, the faults that it had were tolerable (moreso with the enhanced edition) Now, the game is actually painful to look at. We've come a long way.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The most important part was it had collectable cards with titties
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I finally completed both the Main Quest and Blood & Wine. I'm pretty sure I got the "good" ending in the Main Quest, which was satisfying.

On to New Game+ now, which is way better than the first time around, since I feel like a seasoned Witcher and not some newb this time in White Orchard.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Crazy fucking question.. When you start rocking like 20+ potions in your inventory, is there a way to differentiate between them besides hovering over every single one or memorizing the subtle differences in images lol? Drives me crazy to spend two minutes just trying to find a specific potion.


Got something right about marriage
Potions generally aren't worth using outside of utility potions like Cat which give you night vision. If you're on PC you can mod but on PS4/XBox you just gotta rely on memory. The inventory in this game is piss poor and there are a TON of consumables and crafting items.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Romance spoiler:

I got the romance ending where you meet up with both Triss and Yennefer. I was laughing my ass off at Geralt thinking he would get both.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Potions generally aren't worth using outside of utility potions like Cat which give you night vision. If you're on PC you can mod but on PS4/XBox you just gotta rely on memory. The inventory in this game is piss poor and there are a TON of consumables and crafting items.

Wut? I'm finding potions, particularly those decoctions, pretty OP, especially when combined with points in skills that reduce toxicity. Troll decoction, the potion that slows counterstrikes, and the adrenaline point regen potion all combined let's me cut through swarms of mobs.
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